
6. Friday Market (1)

“There’s so many mistakes in this paper.” Professor Gustav dropped the papers in his hand lightly onto the table as if they weren’t worth to look at. “Doctor Phillips, I don’t understand why you wasting my time by handing me these awful papers.”

Lila was in Professor Gustav’s office, wanting to discuss about the potential of her research idea. She was shocked, her hard work was being misunderstood and treated poorly. “But—”

“You know the rules, right?” It was a rhetorical question, Lila knew that, so she kept quiet and let the professor continued. “If you still want my recommendation, then everything must be genuine. Sample extraction isn’t genuine. Don’t make me tell you why.”

Please, don’t! Lila shook her head unconsciously. “You’re right, Professor. It won’t happen again.” Lila’s hand tidied the papers on the table. “What about the primary idea? Do you still think it’s awful if I have a real blood sample?”

“Basically, your idea is good. Although, I think you need a new perspective about genuineness.” Then he typed something on his laptop. “I’ve sent a recommendation of you to be a junior professor, you’ll be teaching grad student. I’m sure you don’t want to be my lab assistant forever, do you?”

“But professor, I want to do a research, not teaching.” Lila objected.

“I told you, you need a new perspective. Besides, this lab is always open for you.” Professor Gustav ended.

As soon as Lila closed the office door from the outside, an email that notified about her status changing from senior assistant to junior professor came on her phone. The email stated that the recommendation had been approved, her status transfer was being processed and would effective immediately.

I’m doomed. What’s gotten into that goosey mind?

True that Lila wanted a recommendation, but not this kind of recommendation. She wanted a recommendation to be an independent researcher, and her boss knew it.

Why all of the sudden he did this? Didn’t he still need Lila for his own research?

Leaving the University research building, the sun almost set. Lila walked aimlessly. In her mind, she tried to arrange a plan to undo the transfer. If she had the blood sample, she could easily reclaim her status back.

Ahh, blood sample. Another homework she needed to solve.

Two days had passed. Andrew didn’t call Lila, or even told her that he was okay. Yeah, Lila knew he wasn’t obligated to do that, but she really hoped he would call her. She wanted his fresh blood, because extracting it from her tee-shirt made the research plan that she carefully prepared thrown away like a piece of trash.

She recalled the last words he said to her before he fainted two nights previously. He told her not to cry again, it meant he knew she had been cried that was why he approached her. She was so touched with the thought. Plus, he got hurt because he saved her from those thugs.

At least, I need to express my gratitude. Lila decided to look for him in the cemetery tomorrow.

Animating sound of people’s voice and loud music interrupted her trail of thoughts. Her feet led her to an alley full with people and stalls in the middle of Friday market.

The phone in her hand buzzed once. It was a text from her ex, Tony. Although her common sense ordered not to open the text, she tapped it open out of habit.

Hey, feeling calm? Can we talk please? Tony texted.

There were many things going on in Lila’s mind that made his betrayal temporary forgotten. With a single text from him, it floated again. Sighing, she replied his text. I don’t think we have anything else to be talked to, since it was crystal clear.

Tony’s reply came within seconds. Please don’t say that. Give me a chance to explain.

Lila stared at her phone. What kind of explanation?

Another text from Tony came. I admit, I failed to resist Carla’s seduction, and I promise you it’s over now. Won’t happen again.

Reading his text made Lila lifted one brow instantly. What if the other way around that happened? What if you saw me cheated on you, will you forgive me?

Yes! Tony’s reply came without hesitation.

What a cliché. She didn’t text back, then shoved her phone into her bag. To her, the relationship was over. It was easy to forget the hurt because she had a strong desire in her heart that needed to be realized and it had nothing to do with him.

Looking around, she bought two new tee-shirts, couldn’t buy more since her money was running low. Then she entered the first café on the left side of the alley.

All the tables were occupied, Lila shifted her gaze to the less crowded bar area. Her eyes turned wide seeing particular person behind the bar counter. Instantly feeling happy. She walked straight to the bar and claimed the empty chair.

“Andrew…” Lila let out a brilliant smile.

Andrew held his gaze at Lila, but he didn’t really see her. Earlier meeting in the palace filled his mind. His great-uncle carefully mentioned about his failure of controlling the news about the crown prince that circling the media which honestly, he just knew about it this morning reported by his assistant, Max.

Even though his great-uncle said it casually, Andrew knew he was disappointed in him since he owned the largest media network in the country.

Andrew’s cousin, Henry, was in the meeting too. Also, the palace’s head advisor. The four of them continued to discuss the possibility of someone trying to harm the monarch.

Blinking, Andrew could see his reflection in Lila’s eyes. Then murmured. “It’s you.”

“Not you, it’s—”

“Lila. I know.” Andrew smirked. “What do you want?”

Really? Can you be not so cold? “I want to thank you for saving me.”

Andrew frowned in an amused way. “Drink, I mean what do you want to drink?”

“Oh… I want mojito, please.”

Andrew prepared the drink while Lila watched. Then he placed it in front of her. “Here you go.”

Lila sipped the drink. Her mouth and nose puckered while her eyes closed instantly.

“I don’t want to pay for this sour drink.” Lila pushed the glass forward.

“It’s free.” Andrew stated, the word ‘pay’ reminded him of his debt. “How much my hospital bill costed you?”

At the same time Lila also said. “Can you donate a little of your blood for science?”

“What?” Andrew snapped as she gave him a grin.

Perhaps, thought Andrew, something in his manner that made her frustrated. Her glasses rested on the back of her hand as she massaged the bridge of her nose. Which somehow the way she did it and bit her lower lip after she fixed her glasses back, in Andrew’s eyes, looked so damn sexy.

How did it feel like if he bit that lip? Andrew wondered inside.

“Err… I know it sounds creepy,” Lila paused nervously because Andrew said nothing while his intent gaze felt like he was seeing through to her soul. “but I’m a scientist, and I want to build a research based on the type of blood like yours.”

Andrew’s eyes fixed on Lila’s lower lip. He didn’t listen to what she said. When she was no longer bit her lip, his eyes slowly shifted to her eyes where she gave him a curious look.

“What did you say?” Andrew’s voice became a little husky.

“I think you have wonderful blood type. My research and a drop of your blood, we can save many lives. What do you think?”

Frowning, Andrew didn’t like anyone outside his circle knew about his blood type. Besides, he never considered his blood type as a wonderful, instead it was his biggest flaw.

Lila became tense while waited for Andrew’s respond. From the beginning he was so quiet. Unconsciously, she bit her lower lip to ease her mind.

Damn, damn, damn. Andrew cursed inside. She needed to stop being that erotic or he could lose his self-control. Unbeknownst to him, the longer he didn’t respond to her, the more tense she became.

That’s enough! He decided as he looked away and left the bar.

Lila’s heart sank when Andrew left without any hint of respond. There was only one conclusion in her mind, he detested the idea.

Disappointed showed in Lila’s face. She sipped her drink. The sour liquid couldn’t overpower her sour feeling.


A hand yanked her from her seat. The event was fast. She didn’t even realize the glass in her hand was off of her grip until she saw it shattered on the floor.

She felt that she would fell and bleed herself when she heard her ex-boyfriend, Tony’s voice.

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