
Chapter 15

Nerezza's Point of View

The house was empty when I walked in. His scent was faint. Almost non-existent. It was clear he hadn’t been here in a while. Fresh pain clouded my heart at the sight. Our couches stood pristine. The kitchen was empty. No sounds came from the rest of the house. As if no one had lived here in months. A ghost town filled with tons of memories that I had no urge to remember.

Everything inside of me screamed to run. To getaway. Leave this life behind and never look back. Priamos was gone and clearly not coming back. Had left me in that hospital when he had promised to come back for me. Conan had vanished into thin air. Taken by malicious people for some unknown reason. More pain ripped at my heart and I clutched my chest. Felt the edges of my soul fracture and break.

My baby had been taken. Stolen away from me as if he was nothing more than an object. There was a hole in my stomach where he had been only a few d

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