
HP 17



“There’s no way we are sitting that party out, A”, I say bouncing on the bed.

“I already said I wasn’t going to go Emb, so drop it”, She says turning to her laptop.

I met A on my first day at NYU, I still remember that day, clear as if it was yesterday.

A lot of people thought being rich didn’t have its disadvantages but yeah it did, loneliness was one of them, before her I had no one, just dad who tried his best to make out time for me but as always, a business man was a business man, I wouldn’t ever say that to him though, he was the best dad and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

But when I came in here I was really scared, I mean I didn’t want to have a lonely university experience, so when I spilled coffee all over A and she slapped me not caring about my status or nothing, I stuck to her like glue.

Nope I don’t enjoy pain, but I admired the way she corrected me.

That day I had just gotten the coffee when

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