
Free 49

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Hae Jin: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Sung Yoon: Thank you.

Tae Jin: Chapter 49 begins.


Where was he? Was he really gone? Wasn't he coming back?

Se Jong didn't meant for this to happen. Why did he say those things? Why did he push him away? He only wanted him to stop treating him like a kid.

He only wanted him to see him more than a kid.

He only wanted his love.

Yet, he wasn't willing.

Se Jong knew, he felt the same way as he did.

So, why was he pushing him away?

Was it because.........

*Sigh, Se Jong sighed sadly as he turned to face the right side of the bed.

He couldn't sleep. He was so worried.

Was he..... coming back?

"Se Jong, stop tossing and turning, I can't sleep" Hyun Seo said from the tent he was sleeping.

Se Jong has been tossing and turning on the bed, focusing the old bed to make disturbing nosies which bothered him.

A lot.

"If you can't sleep go eat something. I know that's the reason why you can't sleep. You're hungry." He said as he opened the tent, looking at Se Jong who didn't even bother to look at his direction.

"That's not it Hyun Seo, there's something far more important than that"

Something far more important? What was more important than filling your stomach and having a good night sleeping?

"Then, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing" Great! Now he didn't want to share.

"If you won't tell me about it then go to sleep! We have school tomorrow "

"Fine" Se Jong replied and he closed up the tent once again, lying down to get some sleep.

To him, it looks like everyone was hiding something.

Especially Tae Jin and Se Jong. 

Just what were they hiding? And, why didn't they want them to find out?

Why didn't they want to share?

He was their friend right?


Morning â›…(Around 6)

Everyone was dressed up for school except Tae Jin who has decided not to go.

Shin Hye and Hyun Seo were having their breakfast at the dining (Toasted bread with eggs and juice) while Se Jong, Hae Jin and Tae Jin were in the living room.

Se Jong and Tae Jin didn't feel like eating and that's why they skipped breakfast.

And Hae Jin, well, I'm sure you guys know why.

Anyway, so,

Hae Jin and Tae Jin shared the same couch while Se Jong occupied the single couch.

"Tae Jin, are you sure you're not going with us?" Shin Hye asked, chewing on a piece of bread.

"No, I'm not feeling well so I'll skip school today" Tae Jin answered.

"You only started three weeks ago and you're already taking a day off? What do you school is? A part-time job?"

"Shut up Hyun Seo, your friend isn't feeling well?" Shin Hye snapped at him, annoyed.

Rolling his eyes, Hyun Seo said, "And the girlfriend always support "

Shin Hye rolled her eyes, deciding to ignore him, she asked, "Tae Jin, should I stay?" Sounding worried.

"No!" He nervously said, "I can take care of myself. Anyway, I don't want your parents to complain. I don't want to disappoint them either. They've done a lot for me"

Hae Jin looked at Tae Jin who was smiling at Shin Hye (Who also smiled back)

Gosh, this was so annoying! Why did he feel annoyed? Irritated?

And, what did Shin Hye's parents do for him? It seems Tae Jin felt indebted to them.

Why was that?


The nuisances has left the house. Hae Jin couldn't be more happy cause every time Tae Jin's friends were around, he couldn't come close or talk to him because they might get suspicious.

Tae Jin would be called a weirdo, crazy and they might ask too many questions.

He didn't want that. He didn't want to put Tae Jin in a tight position.......

And before Hae Jin could complete his thoughts, Tae Jin spoke,

"Okay, let's start"

Coming out of his thoughts, Hae Jin looked at him with a questioning look.

"Start what?"

"You do remember the reason why I skipped school today right?"

Right, he forgot. Tae Jin will try to give him freedom today.

Hae Jin had something to say about that.

It will not work. Hae Jin strongly believe this and that's why he has decided not to hope too much.

He might get disappointed.

For 18years, trapped in this house, all of a sudden,Tae Jin believe he can give him his freedom.

He had no idea why Tae Jin sounded so confident, he only hope he won't be more disappointed when it doesn't work.

"Fine" he said, deciding to go on with Tae Jin's plan.

"Hyung" Hae Jin looked up at him,


"Believe it will work" that was going to be hard.

Not when he has tried before and knew the results.

Not when he has given up and stopped wishing, hoping one day he'll be free.


Then again, it won't hurt to believe in Tae Jin right?

"Let's go" Tae Jin said and they both got up, heading for the entrance door.

Here goes nothing.

A few steps away from the door, Hae Jin stopped in his tracks while Tae Jin went ahead to open the door.

With the door opened, he stood outside, an assuring smile on his face as he said,

"Please come"

"It will not work" Hae Jin said, getting back to the negative side.

"I'm giving you the permission to do so" It will work. His hyung just had to walk.

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed, breathing in and out to calm down his heart which was racing due to nervenessless.

Scared (Of this not working) and hesitant, Hae Jin went ahead.

Reaching the door, he stopped in his tracks again.

"Take a step and you're out. Your freedom is just a step away" Tae Jin said with a smile.

Seeing that smile, Hae Jin couldn't think of anything negative.

He believed Tae Jin. His dead body or should I say, soul. 

Yes, his soul, his whole being believed Tae Jin and he had no second thought about this not working.

Without realizing, Hae Jin took a step and he was out of the house, standing in the porch.

He felt so......alive. So relief.

So free.

Hae Jin then closed his eyes, feeling more of the wind blowing.

Feeling more of his freedom.

"See, you're out" Tae Jin said with a smile as he stood beside him.

Yes, he was out.

And this time, nothing stopped him.

There was no barrier or force to stop him.

That force didn't push him back. It didn't remind him that, he was trapped in this house. That he couldn't leave.

He was free.

"I'm...... I'm out of the house" Hae Jin exclaimed excitedly.

He was out, free. For 18years, trapped in this house, he was finally free.

He was free!

"Told you it will work" Because he was here. Hae Jin's special one was here.

The good ghost who told him this wasn't wrong. For a ghost who was trapped somewhere and had no memories of their past life, only their special one can set them free.

Another proof, to show he was Hae Jin's special one.

But it seems his hung stil hasn't figure it out.

When was he going to realize?

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