
Reasons 17

Author: Thanks for reading and for supporting. Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Sun: Or hate it.

Author: Chapter 17 begins now.

Sun: Thank you.

Author: Hold on, who are you?

Sun: Tae Jin's father.

Author: Oh, hi daddy.

Sun:................ You're not my child.

Author:............I have nothing to say.


*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed before saying, "Finally we can talk"

Outside the house on the stairs sat Chae Joon and Hae Jin.

Reasons why a soul gets stuck in this world after their body die................yes! That subject, Hae Jin never found out.

First Chae Joon agreed to tell him everything he knew. And the next thing he knew, Chae Joon was leaving him alone, telling him to get some rest and that they'll continue the conversation tomorrow.

He didn't know why Chae Joon didn't stay with him that night and he never asked.

(We all know why Chae Joon didn't stay with Hae Jin that night)

Heavens knew, it was really boring being alone.


The next day, they couldn't talk about it either because Chae Joon went out to visit his brother's grave and only came back late.

Maybe after talking about him, he missed him and that's why he decided to go see him the next day.

Thinking about Chae Joon, Hae Jin told him to rest and that they'll continue their conversation today., yes! Today, they finally have the time to talk about everything.

Shin Hye, Se Jong and Hyun Seo already left for school so it was just the two of them.

"So, what do you want to know?" Chae Joon asked.

What did he want to know?


"Reasons why a soul gets stuck in this world after their death. Start from the beginning"

"There are four reasons. The first reason is, the soul doesn't remember his past life or how they died"

"You remember how you died right?"

"Yes but I don't remember leaving my body. I woke up in the cemetery and I don't even know how I got there"

Okay, first question answered. Second question.

"Then, why did you stay there? Why didn't you leave?" Hae Jin asked.

"I did leave but I always came back because I had nowhere to go and my teacher wanted to cross over in the cemetery. His family's graves were there"

"Okay, but, you said you have nowhere to go. What about your mom and your step father?"

"My stepdad, he's dead. I don't know to see my mother either"

Oh, wow, Chae Joon.......his life wasn't that great huh?

"Meeting Sung Yoon, I never went out"


"Why?" Hae Jin asked.

"I never left because I was worried about Sung Yoon. She was new and all that.............also, I didn't want to leave because my brother's grave was there"

"Yours as well?"

"No, my grave isn't there. Just my brother's"

And he (Chae Joon) found that a little weird. Chae Joon knew if he wanted to, he can easily find out where his grave was.

But he didn't want to see that woman.

"How come you remember everything else but not when you left your body?" Hae Jin asked and he answered.

"I don't know"

He really didn't. And he was a little worried about that.

But then, he also knew, only that woman knew where his grave was. Where his body was.

Well, after all these years, surely, something has happened to his dead body.

Something........... unpleasant

"You know, I also don't remember leaving my body. I woke up in this house with no memories"

Well, he had an idea on why Hae Jin woke up here. But, he didn't know why he didn't have any memories of him leaving his body.

"The first reason, if you don't know how you died, don't have your past memories, do you still remember leaving your body?"

"I don't think so. If that happens, then you'll know how you died"


"Then, I fall under the first reason but remember how you died so how come you don't remember leaving your body?"

"I don't........"

"I know, you don't know. Please proceed" Hae Jin said and he smiled before continuing.

"Second reason, the soul had an unfinished business to settle before they died. They say you can only stay in this world if your unfinished business has something to do with a human. A love one"

"And yet, your business have to do with a ghost and you're still here" Hae Jin said.


"This.......this is seriously frustrating. I can't find an answer" Hae Jin yelled out, as he ran his hand through his light blue hair, frustrated.

"Me too" Chae Joon said, lost in thought.

"The third reason?" Hae Jin asked, gaining his attention.

"The third reason, the soul died when it wasn't their time"

"Right. Like Sung Yoon"

She said it.

The first time they met and she told him all these.


"But she'll be crossing over soon"

He (Hae Jin) wonder if Sung Hoon already knew about it.

"Do you cross over right away after you settle your business?"

"Yes but only if you're willing to. If you don't want to cross over after you settle your business, you'll stay but then, you'll turn into an evil ghost. That's if you haven't forgotten the last reward"

This last reward Chae Joon was talking about, he knew it. The benefits of being a hunter of evil ghosts.

If you, a hunter of evil ghosts, sends grade 3 evil ghosts to the other side, you'll be rewarded. And the rewards are in order.

You'll only get the last reward if you defeat a very dangerous evil ghost, also known as 'A grade 3' evil ghost.

Yes, Chae Joon told him all about evil ghosts and Sung Yoon was wrong. There was not two types of evil ghosts but three.

Evil ghosts, also known as 'Grade 1' evil ghosts.

Dangerous evil ghosts, also known as 'Grade 2' evil ghosts.

And lastly, Very Dangerous Evil ghosts, also known as 'Grade 3' evil ghosts.

Well, he can't talk about them now. Surely, you guys will find out later.

"The four reason is, you don't wish or want to cross over. Even though you know how you died, have all your memories"

"Died when your time was due"

"Yes, you can add that as well"

"Those who don't want to cross over"

Hold on......he (Hae Jin) was remembering something.

"They're evil ghosts and they want to remain in this world doing evil"

It just came to him. He remembered now, Sung Yoon said something about this, right?

"Not all of them. I told you before right?, Good ghosts who turn evil, they have a reason and their reasons are not always the same"

Right, Hae Jin thought and Chae Joon continued.

"Those who stayed in this world (After settling their business), those who don't want to cross over, it could be because they don't want to leave their love ones"

"But they still turn evil"

That....... was just sad, Hae Jin thought.

"I told you before, don't have the reward to stay in this world for as well as long as you want, you'll turn into an evil ghost, that's, if you do not want to cross over"

"Can you remain in this world because of........ the all the reasons?"

"No. Just one reason"

"Okay, I understand now. By the way, you said before that, I can get more energy if I become a hunter of evil ghosts right?"


"Truth be told, I can't use my powers for a very long time"

"And now you shouldn't use them at all"

Yep! Thanks a lot Chae Joon, way to poke his fresh wounds, Hae Jin thought, rolling his eyes.

"I want to be a hunter of evil ghosts. How do I do that?"

Well, that was pretty simple, Chae Joon thought before replying.

"You become a hunter of evil ghosts the moment you decide to"


What? That easy?

"Am a hunter of evil ghosts now?"

"Exactly, but you can only gain the benefits of being one when you defeat a hunter of evil ghosts"

"Yes, you told me"

"Why don't we go see Kim Boom and Kim Soo now? If you can defeat them, you'll gain the first reward, 'Strenght And Energy' then you can use your powers frequently"

"And I can have a full soul, a full energy" Hae Jin said. Kim Soo told him this.

"Exactly. You told me Kim Boom and Kim Soo are both grade 3 evil ghosts right?"

That's what she (Kim Soo) told him (Hae Jin)

"If you can defeat the two of them, you won't just gain the first reward but the second reward as well. There's two of them"

Then again, he wanted to defeat Kim Boom.

Punish him for taking half of Hae Jin's soul.

He had to pay for it.

"Listen, I think I'll leave Kim Boom to you" Hae Jin said, looking ahead at nothing as he continued, "He's..... strong, dangerous and unlike Kim Soo,.................he doesn't want to cross over. I don't want to fight him. I'm scared of him"

Well, that was good news. He wanted Kim Boom for himself.

But then.........

"How are we going to get them........." And before Chae Joon could complete his words, a familiar voice called out to Hae Jin.


That........that was Tae Jin's voice.

Hae Jin thought before slowly turning his head to the direction the voice came from.

Looking at the entrance gate to the house, Hae Jin saw Tae Jin.

The guy was sweating, panting. He was smiling, happy to see him.

Did he run all the way from his house to here?

Author: I don't think so dear Hae Jin.

"Hyung, I'm glad you're here" Tae Jin said as he tried to get his breathing to normal, a smile on his face.

Still surprised, Hae Jin got up, staring at Tae Jin.

Why was he here? Didn't he go to school?

Well, as you can see, he didn't.

Hold on......and........did he just call him hyung?

Since he came back, this was the first time Tae Jin called him hyung.

He......he was really happy.

Hae Jin thought as he smiled.

"I'll leave you two to talk" Chae Joon said as he got up, before heading for the house.

Before, he didn't want Tae Jin in Hae Jin's life.

He was selfish, thinking about himself and what he was going through.

He was stubborn and didn't even think that Hae Jin. What he was going through. What he was feeling.

This angered him! And he didn't want Tae Jin around Hae Jin. He believed he wasn't fit to be his (Hae Jin) special one.

But now, not anymore.

He realized Hae Jin needed Tae Jin.

He couldn't smile or laugh wholeheartedly when Tae Jin wasn't around. He couldn't stop talking about him.

He has given up. Tae Jin won and he better take care of Hae Jin this time.

Chae Joon gone, Tae Jin came close and only stopped when he was a few steps away from Hae Jin.

*Sigh, he really wanted to hug his hyung but he knew, he won't even get that close, Hae Jin will push him away.

But then, all he had to do was share the news.

The truth.

He was Hae Jin's special one.

But........will he accept him? What if Hae Jin didn't want him as his special one?

He already said he didn't need a special one.

And now, his fears were dropping in. Making him scared to tell Hae Jin that he was his special one.

"Tae Jin, Why?" Hae Jin asked and watched Tae Jin as he sighed, a sorry look coming on his handsome face.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I should have listened to you but I didn't. I hurt you. I'm sorry"

Well, he did look sorry and he (Hae Jin) didn't like it.

But then.......

"You really hurt me Tae Jin. I didn't leave you I swear. I didn't"

"I'll make it right" Tae Jin said, looking determined.

"Ah! How I want to hug you right now!" Hae Jin yelled out.

But he can't. Chae Joon told him, if he touch a human who wasn't his special one, that human will die.

He didn't want to harm Tae Jin.

Not him.

"If you really want to, you can" Tae Jin said.

"But I can't Tae Jin"

"But I want you to" Tae Jin replied, looking at him with those eyes.

Those beautiful light pink eyes that was begging him to do so.

Ahh!! What should he do?!!

He can't think straight when Tae Jin look at him with those eyes!!!

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