
Chapter 6

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes were red from the recent tears I’d shed. I didn’t know how I had managed to make it home safely, but I was relieved to find myself home unharmed. However, my emotions were tangled in a web of conflicting feelings.

I was scared. It wasn’t the fear of Ryker’s presence alone; it was the fear of my own vulnerability when I was around him. I wasn’t sure how I might react to his actions, his words, or even to his mere proximity that left me on the edge.

And then there was the kiss. That stolen, forced kiss that had ignited a storm of conflicting emotions in my heart. Despite my apprehensions and the walls I had strongly built to guard my heart, I couldn’t deny the truth that...that I had liked the kiss.

The way his lips had pressed against mine, the electricity that rocked my core, and the depth of longing in his eyes when he stared at me had all stirred something unexpected within me.

“No, Harper. Don’t be naive,” I admonished myself. “This might be just another one of his schemes.”

I let out a sigh through my nose. He still hadn’t changed. The truth hurt that even after two years, he still wanted to torment me.

The sudden chime of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly unlocked the screen and saw Emily’s message.

“Harp. I need you.”

Her message left me with a sinking feeling in my chest as I grabbed my bag and dialed her number. On the very first ring, she picked up.

“Em, where are you?” I asked, my voice laced with concern.

I could hear her sniffling. “Harper. I’m here. Please, you know where to find me.”

She abruptly cut the call, leaving me with concern that gnawed at my heart. Without wasting another moment, I snatched my keys from the table and hurriedly headed out the door. It was unmistakably clear that something was seriously wrong for Emily to be at Cafe Terraces in such a state.

Cafe Terraces had always been our go-to place in times of despair, a sanctuary where we found solace in each other’s company. The fact that she had sought refuge there now filled me with worries. My mind raced as I drove to the cafe. She rarely made me worry.

It didn’t take me long to spot her, huddled in the furthest corner of the cafe. Her head was buried in between her arms, and she was crying. My heart sank at the sight.

“Em,” I called out softly. “What happened?

Emily slowly lifted her tear-stained eyes to meet mine. Mascara had smeared around her eyes, and her once vibrant eyes were now puffed and red from crying. The sight of her in such distress tugged at my heartstrings.

“Emily,” I said gently, kneeling beside her chair and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Tell me what happened.”

“Harper...” her voice trembled with pain. Tears welled up in my own eyes just from hearing the pain in her voice. “I’m so sorry I ditched you tonight. I didn’t go there. I just couldn’t.”

I squeezed her shoulder gently.“It’s okay, Em. You don’t have to apologize. But please, tell me what’s wrong. I don’t think ditching me can hurt you like this. Ditching me will hurt me, not you.”

I dragged a chair closer to her so I could sit beside her. Fortunately, the cafe was now nearly empty, and the few remaining customers were far enough away that they wouldn’t overhear our conversation. This gave us some much-needed privacy as I waited for her to open up and share what had been troubling her so deeply.

“Mason...” she said in between sobs, her words coming out in gasps.

“What about him? He was at the reunion.”

“He...he...” her tears started to flow uncontrollably. “He’s got a child, Harp.” She sobbed.

“What the fork...” I muttered, grabbing her to my chest as I ran my hand behind her back shushing her. Shock filled me. Mason? With a child?

“Come on, Em,” I whispered softly. “Hush now. Take your time. Tell me how did you find out about this?” I knew that getting her to talk about it might help her process the shocking news.

She took a shuddering sigh but was still sniffling. “I saw Alice. Remember her from English Lit?”

I nodded, recalling Alice from our English Literature class. She had been the woman Mason had hooked up with shortly after breaking up with Emily.

“I was on... on my way to the reunion but stopped to buy coffee for takeout when I bumped into her, Harp,” she said, her tears flowing once more. “She... she was holding this little boy around three years old... he was so cute. He got Mason’s eyes.”

The pain in her voice was real, and my heart ached for her.

“I checked her fingers and she had a ring. She’s married...” she sobbed.

Alice was married, presumably to Mason, which added more pain and I could see how deeply it was affecting her.

“Em, I’m so sorry,” I whispered, my own tears welling up as I held her close. All I could offer was my presence and support in a time like this.

It became so clear to me just how deep her love for Mason had been and still was. The fact that she had not moved on from their relationship, despite the heartbreak and the passage of time, was proof of how strong her feelings were for him.

In fact, she loved him so much that she gave him herself early in their relationship. But I thought she had moved on. She kept telling me that she didn’t care about him anymore.

Her attempts to convince herself and me that she had moved on from Mason might have been a defense mechanism, to shield herself from the pain and vulnerability associated with her lingering feelings for him.

I let go of a sigh. Sometimes, people put up a facade to protect themselves from the emotional turmoil caused by past relationships, but deep down, those emotions can still have a profound impact.

I drove her home, leaving my car behind. I intended to take a taxi after putting her to bed. I wanted to ensure that she was safe and comfortable, especially after the emotional stress she had experienced. This was just a small sacrifice.

“I won’t go anywhere if you’d like me to stay, Em,” I told her, gently tucking her into bed. Her tear-streaked face and her pout made her look like a vulnerable child at that moment. She even refused to change into comfortable clothes. She was still in her black dress.

“No, Harp. You need to rest, too. Thank you...I’ll be okay now. Just give me a day, and this will be over.” She said softly.

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Alright, Em. But promise me you’ll call if you need anything, okay?”

She managed a weak smile. “I promise.”

I kissed her forehead and left her room, quietly closing the door behind me. I understood she needed moments to collect herself. She was not shutting me down, she just needed her space and I respected that. It pained me to see her in such pain, and I wished there was more I could do to help her heal.

I glanced back at her apartment building before heaving a sigh. I turned away and made my way to the waiting taxi, but before I could, a hand grabbed my arm. My heart raced as a scream bubbled up in my throat, but before it could escape, a strong hand clamped over my mouth.

I struggled in panic, my eyes widening as I turned to see who had grabbed me.

“Shh, it’s me,” a familiar voice whispered as the hand over my mouth slowly released its grip.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I recognized the face that had haunted my thoughts all evening.


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