

“What do you mean you are not coming? You promised that you would help me out!” Ada was begging Peace, Who was trying to write down something.

“Don’t be stupid! I helped you out already!! What else do you want?” Peace asked.

“But Isaac wants to meet you in person, only then he will take the decision,”

She made an ugly expression.

“I have a board meeting tomorrow! I can’t just leave it and join you!” Peace replied.

“If you don’t come! he will never do as we want,” Ada was holding onto Peace’s leg.

“This is why I told you not to get into this messy matter,” She huffed in anger.

“Okay! Give me his phone number, I will talk to him.” Peace gave Ada her phone so she could add his contact to her phone.

“You are the best,” Ada took her phone and sat on the couch beside her.

Within a few moments, she came back and handed over the phone to Peace.

“Here!. She stood right beside her, not budging.

“I took the phone, now you can leave,” Peace gestured to her to leave so she could work with peace.

“Aren't you going to give him a call?” Ada asked.

Peace placed the phone on the desk beside her laptop and looked away.

“Let me dial the number for you,”

“You aren’t going to let me work, are you?” Peace spoke in a tired tone.

“Please!!” Ada replied.

“Okay! Get out and I will call him,” Peace gave her a condition.

Ada’s expression formed into a sad one and she muttered. “ Can’t I just stay? I promise I won’t speak!” 

“I will count to three, if I see you—“ Peace was still talking when Ada ran out of her room and stopped beside her door. “Okay! I will get out but please deal with the issue for me,” And then she swung the door. Peace stared at the closed door with a deep gaze.

“Sigh! Why of all people?” Peace dejectedly shook her head and looked down at the contact name. “Issac 2”

She pressed the call button and took the phone to her ear and waited for the person on the other odds to pick up the call.

“Who is this?” A chilly voice spoke from the other side. Peace rubbed her arm as she felt a sudden gust of cold wind against her arms, which made her look around, towards the window that was open.

“It’s me, the person you owe a thousand dollars to,” she got up from the chair and walked over to the window.

“Hah! You couldn’t resist after all.” Isaac was currently sitting in his bed flipping the pages of the file that she had presented them.

“Get to the point, why do you want to meet me?” She asked.

“Hm—that’s a great question,” he had seriousness filled in as he read through the lines. “It seems like you did a good job in such a short time. I see potential,” he spoke still with a formal tone.

“I said get to the point,” Peace replied plainly.

“Miss— I didn’t get your name, but that’s fine we can talk about that later but right now I have an offer to make—“ he was going to utter something great but Peace’s eyes suddenly knitted as she had seen something displeasing to her eyes.

“Work for me,”

“Isaac! No!” Peace shouted at Isaac as he was about to bite Alex for the second time. The phone slipped out of her hand and she stormed out of the room into the garden, while Isaac sat petrified on the other side of the phone. He had suddenly paused when he heard his name being called out loud in such a voice. His expressions went blank and he breathed heavily as he rubbed his chest with discomfort.

“Wh-why did you call my name like that?” He shuttered but there was no response from the other side.

“Hello!” Nobody spoke, Isaac pulled away from the phone from his ear and stared at the screen. 

“Isaac! Don’t! Why are you hurting him again?” She was breathless when she reached the garden.

“Finally! You saw him in action,” Alex breathed out while Isaac looked at Peace with innocent eyes.

“Why did you do that?” She asked.


‘He started it,’

Isaac replied.

“Sigh! Can you both for once not fight with each other? It’s tiring,” Peace sat on the grass and hung her head low. Isaac looked at her with worry and crawled into her lap. Alex too felt like they had fought enough so he too walked up to Peace.

“What is it? Why are you so tired?” He asked while approaching her.

“You should know it more than anyone!! I am stuck between my work and the work I have been dragged into because of you,” she replied, Her eyes suddenly widened and she muttered. “Oh no! I hung up on Isaac because of this!! Agh!!” Peace pulled out her hair when she reaLized that she had left the other Issac hanging.


‘You look mad,’

“Yes, I am mad Isaac! I am really mad! And if I see anyone causing any kind of ruckus again, I will make sure to punish you all very harshly,” Peace got up and walked back to her room, where she saw her phone resting on the floor facing the floor.

She picked it up and stared at the screen for a few seconds before calling back.

This time it took a while for him to pick up, and the first thing Peace did was to apologize.

“I am sorry, Mr. Mendoza! Something came up so I had to deal with it instantly,” she spoke, trying hard to fix her breathless voice.

“So I was saying—I would like to offer you a job and—“

“I will pass,” Peace rejected him instantly.

“Huh? You didn’t even hear me out,” Isaac was left baffled at the instant response.

“I already have a job and I would most definitely like to keep it, so please don’t play some silly games with Charlotte and sign that damn file!” Peace was slowly losing her cool.

“Hah! What if I continue playing them?” He asked in a mocking tone.

“I don’t think you can do that! You are already on the losing side because the decision is in your mother’s hand and she has already chosen Charlotte, so I suggest we stop wasting everyone’s time and do what will benefit both sides.”

“...” Isaac didn’t respond as he felt an odd kind of feeling inside of him, he sensed that the person on the other side of the phone wasn’t someone simple, because the way she spoke wasn’t that of an idle taker, she knew what she was doing. Isaac felt a sudden hostile emotion surging up from his heart.

“Who? Who are you?” He asked,

“I know you very well! Too well—that’s all you have to know. If you have nothing else to say then, Goodbye,” Peace took away the phone from her ear.

“Sigh! Why is this so draining?” Peace’s voice broke, as she breathed out.

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