
CH5: Brother... Why did you kiss my lips?

"I will be taking my leave then my king, if there is nothing else," he said obediently.

"Mmh," the king nodded. "Be wise. The werewolf kingdom needs a strong ruler, not someone controlled by emotions of humans."

Deagan bowed and left. For now, he was not very sure of what to do. That was why he did not retaliate anything he was told.


When the door was opened, Sunna jumped from the bed and hugged her brother.

"Careful Sunna," Deagan said worriedly when she jumped like that.

But the girl did not care. She wrapped her hands around him. "I thought you were lying to me."

"I am here," Deagan said and hugged her back. " Two hours are not over yet, right?"

"Mmh," the girl said. " So my prince still loves me. Will you go back home with me?"

Deagan froze at the question. It was only Sunna who did not know that that was impossible for him for now.

"What?" Sunna asked, looking at his face. "You do not want to?"

"Sunna dear, you are now grown. You have to know how to survive without me," he said to her.

"What? You said that I will always be your little sister.." she said almost crying. "You cannot go back on your words."

Deagan sighed again. So she was always taking all those to heart? "Come on, brother will make you a wonderful dinner!"

He said and began walking with her towards the kitchen.

But just as they reached the living room, Deagan stopped. And he looked at the woman in his living room.

"My Prince," the woman called happily when she saw him. She did not even care that there was someone beside him.

She rushed over and hugged him. "Where have you been? I missed you."

Sunna froze! Did another girl call him that? And she even hugged him. And Deagan did not push her away like he always did in the past?

"What do you want here now?" Deagan asked her calmly. But he tried so much not to look at Sunna. He knew things were getting out of hand.

"I came to see you, can't I?" She asked. And Sunna could feel the closeness between them.

"You should have informed me first," Deagan said. He did not even know if what he was saying was right.

"Huh? But I have not been informing you all these other times," Tecla said with a pout.

And that was all Sunna could take. So when he was here, he had other female friends.

She felt bad,but she did not know why. Maybe because she was the only person who was supposed to be spoiled by him?

She flung her hand from his and wanted to get away. But Deagan reacted in time and held her back.

"Oh, I had not seen you," Tecla said as she shifted her eyes to Sunna. "You must be Sunna?"

Sunna looked at her in confusion. So she knew her? "You know me?" She asked in confusion. Did her brother say something about her to that woman?

"Everyone here knows about you, is it right my prince?" Tecla said. " You are lucky he protected you from those werewolves. You would be dead now..."

"You..." Deagan tried to stop her from speaking.

"Oh, who are you? Why are you calling him that?" Sunna asked. That name was supposed to be used by only her.

"I am the future queen of the werewolves. And he is my king. We shall get married..." Tecla began speaking.

And Sunna froze.

However, the man beside her spoke up. "Sunna is my sweetheart," he said and held her face, kissing her lips.

The two women were all shocked. Did Deagan just kiss her lips?

And it was not just a brief kiss, he kissed her passionately!

Tecla opened her eyes wide in shock. So what the king said was true? That Deagan loved this woman?

She covered her mouth as tears fell from her eyes and ran out. She felt heartbroken!

It was only after she was gone that Deagan stopped kissing Sunna. And she almost fell to the ground.

But Deagan pulled her into his hands. She was breathing so loudly.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. It was his first time kissing her, though he had always longer to do it. And he felt like he wanted to continue kissing her. He just had to force himself to hold back.

But Sunna was so confused. She looked at Deagan. "Brother...why did you kiss my lips?" She asked.

She knew that only couples did that. She had always know that it was not right for any other people to kiss on the lips.

"Are you feeling disgusted?" Deagan asked her,looking at her carefully.

Sunna was silent for some seconds. Did she feel disgusted? No! She did not.

She shook her head at him. "It is just that you are my brother. We cannot kiss on the lips."

Deagan nodded in satisfaction. She was not disgusted. His little princess did not feel disgusted that he kissed her lips. There was hope.

"I wanted her to leave," he said. And that reminded the girl about the other woman.

She pushed Deagan away. "You cheated on me," she said as she felt like crying.

"How?" Deagan asked. He knew that that was how she was going to react to that.

"She comes to see you. And you let her be," Sunna said as she began crying. "You cheated! Is there why you do not want to come back with me?"

She was getting so mad. That girl was beautiful, and she had big hips and chest.

It was unlike her who was very thin. Was she what that he brother preferred?


"Do not say anything! You abandoned us so that you could be with her! You do not love me anymore... That is why you do not want me to be your little princess anymore!"

Deagan sighed. Wasn't she overreacting?

He put her on the arm of the sofa and wiped away her tears. "I have never cheated. You will always be my little princess."

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