
Chapter 16. Piggy rides

Alexei and I join Anatoli, Tarja and the rest of his packmates for lunch. Borya and Pavel also have found their mates, Natalia from Poland is Borya’s mate and Pavel is mated to Megara.

“Hey girl! How are you and Pavel for a mate!?” I pull her in for a hug and look her up and down a bit. She blushes and he nudges her encouragingly. “Yeah, we found each other this morning at breakfast.” She melts into his side, next to him she is even tinier. He plants a kiss on her head.

“How ‘bout you guys? I mean your not mates, right?” Megara asks, you can see the gears in her mind working, trying to wrap her head around what it is between Alexei and I. “Nah, we’re just friends. What’s for lunch?” I wave her question away quickly before she can ask much more about what happened between him and I. I mean I had a good time and I’m down for a second time, but I don’t want everyone to know.

After l

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