

9 years later...

After being adopted by Rick and Catherine, Ericka's life changed for the better. The unfortunate couple couldn't convince a baby, so they made sure to treat Ericka as theirs by spoiling her with different gifts, jewelries, latest bags, clothes and so many you could think of. At the end, it just took a little cash out of the money they possessed so they didn't mind.

But what happened on a very unfortunate night turned Ericka's world upside down. Rick had downed too many shots after celebrating his sudden promotion with his friends.

Heavily drunken as expected, Rick's vision became quite blurry which made him unaware of the approaching vehicle.

After the announced death of Rick and two other innocent individuals in the the other car, all the expenses was placed on Catherine and soon after, they went bankrupt. During this period, her attitude towards Ericka had changed drastically.

She would either blame her for their current situation or spout insults at her.

"You useless &%$#!, if we hadn't spent so much money on you, we would have had enough cash to fend for ourselves!."

"Ungrateful girl!. You are such bad luck, no wonder your parents had abandoned you!."

"Useless piece of trash!. You were the one who snatched my husband away!."

This was now her lullaby for each day that passed.


Inside Ericka's room...

Catherine barged into the room with a wide grin on her face making Ericka's look turn confused. She took Ericka's hand and placed it in hers softly, something she had not done for a vey long while. Ericka's look turned more confused.

"Oh dear, what are you still doing in bed?. Quickly, get dressed, some people are on their way here to see you.."

Ericka got down from the bed before asking.


"Stop asking me silly questions and get dressed."

Catherine said with a slightly irritated tone before she immediately composed herself, putting on that fake smile she wore from the moment she entered the room.

"Just get dressed dear and don't waste too much time, we wouldn't like our visitors waiting."

Ericka nodded obediently before springing to the bathroom. After taking a refreshing bath, she put on a casual outfit.


Thirty minutes later...


Catherine sprang from the sofa with an anxious look. Her hand flying to her hair, trying to check if there was any messy area. Once she was assured that everything was okay, she took in a deep breath before opening the door with a smile.

Meanwhile, all the while, Ericka's gaze turned more complicated. Ever since Rick's death, Catherine was never pleased to see anyone, she didn't even allow her friends to come over, so why the change?.

"Mr Hart, Mrs Hart, welcome. Please have a seat."

Catherine gestured with an unusual wide smile and the two nodded before sitting.

Dianna and Frederick both looked around with a slightly disgusted look before looking at Catherine who was almost sweating due to anxiousness.

"So...this is where you live?." Dianna was the one who spoke, her eyes scanning the room covered with cheap facilities.

Catherine nodded. Making Dianna hum.

"So where is this girl my son talks about?, I want to see what's so special about her."

Catherine quickly signaled for Ericka to come over and Ericka did obediently. She gracefully walked towards the couples, her eyes glued to her feet.

"Here she is." Catherine said proudly, as if she was showcasing a product of hers.

Dianna looked at Ericka and her mouth almost dropped. Her snow like skin shone brightly like the sun. And that brown silky hair rested perfectly on her shoulders. In one two words, perfect daughter in law. Meanwhile, Frederick who also saw Ericka was shocked, her beauty was beyond describable.

He unconsciously licked his lips, scanning her from up to down. Why couldn't his wife possess such beauty?.

"What's your name?." Frederick asked with an unbothered face, but only him knew what was going on inside of him.

"Ericka." she answered, her eyes still glued to her feet.

"Ericka..such a beautiful name."

Ericka didn't know how to react to such a compliment so she just nodded.

"So...about.." Catherine chipped in.

"I agree." Dianna was the one who spoke.

"She is perfect to become my daughter in law. As they say, beauty is always found in rare places, so why would I let such an opportunity pass?, but..."

Catherine looked at her with anxious eyes.

"But what Mrs Hart?."

"But before the marriage is finalized, she will have to live with us for a month and during this period, we'll have to watch if she's perfect for my son. It's the tradition of the Hart family."

Catherine nodded immediately. All she cared about either way was the money she would get from this family. The sudden proposal from the Hart's son some days ago had taken her by surprise. The Hart were one of the most successful family in the whole of country A. It would be a blessing if she got her daughter married into this family.

And most of all, it would be highly beneficial for her.

"Since you've agreed, we'll be waiting for Ericka's arrival. Here, this is my address."

Dianna gave her a black card and Catherine quickly took it, as if she had just won a one million dollars lottery.

After they left, Catherine faced Ericka with her usual cold gaze.

"You'll go to this address tomorrow, so make sure you pack your things, got that?."

Ericka starred at Catherine with a blank look.

"You...sold me."

Catherine laughed slightly and shook her head before running her fingers across the card.

"I didn't sell you, you're just getting married. Are you that dumb you don't know the difference?."

Ericka looked at Catherine with unbelievable eyes.

"You just sold me!. The only reason you want me married into that family is because of the money, tell me if isn't true!."

Catherine looked a Ericka with cold eyes.

"Yes, I admit, it's because of the money!. And how dare you talk to me in such a tone?!. Just go to your room and pack your things. As i said, you're leaving tomorrow."

Ericka took a step back, tears streaming down her cheeks

"Why do you hate me so much?..."

Catherine didn't answer and just went to her room, throwing the card at Ericka on her way out.

Ericka slumped to the floor, her hands tightly gripping her shirt.

Why?. Why was this happening to her?.

All she had ever wanted was a peaceful life with a loving family. But instead, her parents had been taken away from her and now she was about to get married to someone she has never seen.

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