
Spa Day

The spa was wonderful and everyone was very gracious. I was quickly surprised at the start as the first person I was directed to be a personal designer. She was cheerful and helpful and more than willing to help. “I have picked out five dresses that would be suitable for this evening’s festivities. The first thing is to have you try them on so I can make any adjustments so it fits you perfectly by this evening.” I guess Blake did have everything planned out. It wasn’t something I was used to and it took a lot of encouragement in my head to allow someone else to start making choices for me. I realized I needed to start enjoying this treatment rather than dreading it so I put on my best positive attitude and took a look. “I’m guessing by looking at you that you are a size 6?” The designer asked quizzically.

“Yes, how did you know that?”

“Oh honey, it is what I do!” As she eagerly clapped her hands for herself, proud of her guessing I couldn’t blame her as
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