
Chapter 12- Password-Protected

Royce Miller's POV

While I am busy signing the documents piled on my table, I saw Charles through the glass door, coming into the office. I pressed the button tapped at the edge of my table to open the door, for him to get inside.

"Welcome back on your first day of duty my dear cousin!", Charles approached me and I stood up to give him a light hug.

"How's your first day Reid, I guess it's difficult for you since you've been comatose for one month", he said, showing a brittle smile.

"No, I'm fine Charles. Though there are a lot of documents to look into, but it's okay. I can manage", I responded in a casual tone. As much as I could, I don't want Charles to find out that I am a little bit uneasy of the situation.

"Oh, by the way, what happened to your elbow, did you scratch it?", I asked curiously.

"Uhm. Ah, yes. my allergy attacks so I scratched it, out of itching", Charles answered without looking at me, instead his eyes were roving to and fro around the corner as if he was searching
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