
Chapter 4


The man narrowed down his head as he waited for his turn. For me to round up whatever I was serving and notice his presence.

His prayer seems to have been heard as I leaned over the wooden surface, green eyes boring into his.

"What'll ya have?", I asked with a smile. If the man standing before me even listened to my question I can't say. He was far too interested in allowing his gaze fall through my breasts. Eventhough I was covered with three layers of clothing, he obviously found the sight of me titillating.

I snapped my fingers twice in the air, trying to call back any left-over attention in him. "Excuse me. I asked you a question", I blurted out.

The sudden movement seems to have made an effect on him. He brought his hands to his chest, crossing his legs arrogantly for me to see.

The man has to think again if he thinks I'm here to play games. I ignored him and grabbed a towel as I started wiping the top of the bar.

His eyes never leaving mine as I continued slapping the terrycloth over the surface. "So I'll ask again. What'll you have?."

He didn't say a word, just stood like a lock of wood, gazing at me.

I found his silent gesture even more annoying. The jerk was playing a hardball, the one I have zero interest in partaking on. I dropped the towel as I turned to saunter inside. His actions were quick as he grasped my wrist, the force merely pulled me closer to him, except with the obstruction of the large shelf.

I yanked away my arm and glared at him. I won't and can't take shit from any man again, that innocent girl had died a year ago. I thought inwardly.

He pulled back with a smile. "Sorry miss. My name is Lorenzo. I'll take Tequila. Straight up," he said and dropped his € euros on the shelf.

I gave him another look, my eyes flitting further down as I grabbed a shot glass from the shelf behind me. I exaggerated the pour from a Hotgut before slamming it on the shelf with a loud thud.

He took the drink, instead of going to grab a sit like the others, he dropped his two arms on the shelf and cupped his face.

He must be really drunk. I shook my head and left him to attend to the next customer but abruptly stopped at his word.

"Please miss, can I have a word with you?," he asked in a polite way. I was quite surprised at his sudden change of his demeanor.

I ignored him and walked to the next lady. She told me her order as I quickly attended to her.

She took the drink and sauntered away.

Lorenzo shifted his body. "Please miss. If you're too busy, there's no harm in waiting," he said and waited to hear my response.

I kept silent and crossed my hand behind my back before tightening the wrap holding Miguel behind my back. I can't spare any godforsaken chance of him slipping pass his baby carrier and falling from my back.

Lorenzo blinked twice as it seems to dawn on him that the baby on my back might actually be my child and not for whomever I was working for.

I glanced at the table as he pointed to the chair at the extreme of the bar. I saw two men drinking and staring at us like an arranged ask-out. He said he'll patiently wait for me till I'm done then we can have a nice chart. But if he thinks his cute face, playboy attitude and kinky smiles will have any effect except from the disgust I felt, he better have another thinking.

I watched as he sauntered his way through the tables and sat down on his. I refused to look as I took to concentrating on the business at hand.





"What's with the face?" Lincoln asked. "He got turned down by a pretty chick. Man that's one big shit of an embarrassment", Rohan stated as he gulped his Scotch. I choose to ignore them as I grabbed my Tequila and took a sip with a wry smile.

I wasn't actually a man of many words. I believe actions speaks louder than voice. My mind was running on different levels on how to achieve my goals without putting much of an effort. I'll give the girl some credit for feigning I never existed. For breaking my lucky charm.

"Man don't tell me you've developed a thing for her. I mean, she's a single mother from my perspective." Rohan pressed harder.

When I couldn't take their shitty behaviours anymore, I spoke. "Guys. What am I?." I asked with my head raised high.

They giggled. "You're Lorenzo Cordero of course. The man all heads bow onto. The casanova... and our bestfriend." They chorused and shoved out their fists in the air for a bump.

I laughed and knuckled them at a go. "So, that means... I can't fall for any lady. Remember our rules since our freshman year?", I asked in an offhanded manner.

They nodded. "Never fall for any lady in as much as they look beautiful, cause they're trouble and are only meant for fucking." They chorused with a smile.

"That means she's not an exception. She's beautiful I'd say but I only want to use her as a means to achieve my goals", I said and clicked glasses with them.

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