
Chapter 4

Chris' POV

Tonight, I was at a bar in the city center, enjoying my drink alone. I poured my bottle, which was half empty, into a round glass and gulped it down. I poured it again until the liquid in the bottle was gone entirely. It didn't matter if I was drunk.

The frenetic sound of the DJ's music was pounding so loudly that my ears were almost ringing. I cast my eyes around the bar, which tonight seemed to be very crowded with revelers.

I let out a long breath. I was suffering because of Nicole Martinez. The woman I thought I loved. I've done everything for her, and now I don't want to care about her anymore after I know what she's like.

My head was already very dizzy from all the drinking and the loud music. I felt very bored and intended to leave here.

I feel like I'm not drunk even though I've finished a bottle. My brain still seemed to be functioning very well. It was just that my head felt dizzy, and the effect of the music was very annoying. I got off the barstool and almost fell, and someone held me up.

"Christian! Chris, I'm so glad to see you here." The girl smiled happily at me. Her face lit up when she saw me like she had just hit the jackpot.

That's Adeline, Nicole's sister. How did we meet here? I didn't respond to her words and intended to leave this place. But Adeline followed me, and very sassily she slipped a hand on my arm.

"Christian, how about we have fun together?" she asks. Her voice still sounded very happy.

I winced at her invitation and pushed her body slightly to get my hand off her. "Don't touch me! If you want a drink, drink it yourself!" I said coldly.

"That's not fun. It's better if we drink together, isn't that more fun, Chris?" Adeline said again. Her face still looked bright, like she had no life burdens and problems.

Again, I ignored her words and returned to the bar's exit. I had to get out of here right now. However, Adeline stubbornly followed me out of the bar.

"You know, Chris. It's good that we're spending more time together." Adeline continued to babble behind me. "I'm glad you're not marrying Nicole because that woman is a total bitch. You know the talks between our families have been going on. We might be getting married soon."

What did she say? Me and her are getting married? Is she just making this up?

I kept walking until I reached the parking lot where my car was, and she was still rambling about marriage. Honestly, I'm a little sick of weddings.

"That's right, Chris. We will get married soon because that's what the two families have agreed on."

I stopped my steps and then looked sharply at the woman. "Will you shut up?!" I said with emphasis. She seemed to fall silent in surprise at my very emphatic words. I finally chose to get into the car. While the girl was still standing in her place, looking intently at me, who had just started the car engine.

Suddenly, my head felt very painful, and somehow, Nicole's images began to roam in my mind. It was so annoying. Why was she the one who appeared in my mind? I don't like her at all.

The following day, I still had a terrible headache. However, I still forced myself to go to the office. I went downstairs for breakfast, drinking only my black coffee. My mom was already at the dining table enjoying her breakfast.

"You didn't have breakfast, Chris?" she asked.

I took a small sip of my black coffee. "This will do," I said as I drained the vital liquid and placed the empty cup on the table. "I'm off."

Without waiting for Mom's reply, I passed from the dining table to the main door, where there was already a driver to take me to the office. I was still a bit drunk from last night and wasn't sure whether or not I could drive a car right now. The driver drove the vehicle at a moderate speed on the protocol road, which was quite busy this morning.

Arriving at the office, I began to busy myself with the work waiting for me. I stopped to think about what was giving me a headache, yes, about Nicole who was putting me in a bad mood. I hated her so much.

After lunchtime, I felt uncomfortable with my body. It looked like I would have a fever, so I left early to rest at home. Maybe it's the effect of last night I drank too much.

"Mr. Grant, are you leaving?" My secretary, Kelly Clarkson, asked when I had just left my room. And it looked like she was about to knock on the door.

"Yes, Ms. Clarkson, I'm not feeling well," I told her.

"Oh, you'd better get some rest, Mr. Grant. I'll reschedule your work for tomorrow."

"Thank you, Ms. Clarkson." She smiled sweetly at me, but I didn't reciprocate and chose to walk towards the elevator and get out of there.

By now, I was already on my way home, and my head was throbbing with pain.

Arriving home, I bumped into Mom in the living room. She seemed surprised to see me leaving early.

"Chris, are you home?" she asked. Mom's face seemed to be beaming at the moment. It looked like she'd gotten something good.

"Yes," I replied flatly.

"Chris, I have some good news for you. Do you want to hear it?"

I remembered what Adeline had said last night about the two families talking about marriage. Is that what Mom was going to say?

"Chris, did you hear me?" Mom asked with a narrowed gaze at me.

"Yes, mom. What's the good news?" I finally asked.

Mom smiled faintly at me before telling me the news she brought. I frowned, waiting for her words.

"You know, Chris. Nicole, that damn woman is dead." Mom's information made my heart instantly stop beating.

"What?" My voice sounded very weak. I hate Nicole, and it was just that it took me by surprise.

"Yes, Nicole, that woman is dead. Isn't that excellent news?" Mom's face looked very happy after saying the news was good. However, I was not. At the moment, my tongue feels numb, and I'm struggling to get my words out. It was as if all the words were stuck in my throat.

"Nicole is dead?" I muttered softly. Finally, only those two words managed to escape my lips. Nicole was the woman I once loved with all my soul.

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