
Chapter 3

As the sun started to disappear upon the horizon, the 186 bus to Ecklemoore Village slowly came to a halt outside an old run down pub.  As Summer thanked the bus driver who quickly retorted a response, she stepped off and looked up at the pub.  The Whirlwind stood ablaze with light, outside her boyfriend and friends waited.  A slight chill grew steadily around her, strange she thought, it was a warm night, and there was no wind? 

“Hey stop dreaming!  Come on, the nights still young!”  Jake cried.  Hearing his voice Summer followed her friends inside.  It was a quiet pub, the locals huddled round the open fire their conversation muffed by the crackling of the logs.  As the four youngsters made their way to the bar, one turned to watch them. 

“Hi” said Jake, waving to grab the attention of the middle aged barman, “four double vodkas and cokes please”.

“Jake!  I don’t want vodka, much rather have a J20, that raspberry and blueberry juice one is just sooo lovely!”

“Oh live a bit Hattie, we are gonna get so smashed” said Jake smirking.

Summer rolled her eyes; his petulance was rather boring her.  As she turned to study the pictures and posters on the wall, the figure by the fire was still staring at her. She turned towards the bar, trying to ignore the feeling of eyes penetrating her back.

Mary circled round to Summer

"You heard the latest from here? The reason why Jake wants to come here so much?"

Summer looked at her perplexed

"No ... what?" Summer responded 

"Just some really weird shit happening in this place. I have no idea why we are in this backwater. Could of gone into the city but we are here. So weird"

Summer looked at Mary who staring directly at her. 

"What weird stuff?"

"Locals said about screams in the night, dark shadows in their houses... just the most randow weird shit" 

Mary laughed and looked at Jake. 

"He literally couldnt stop talking about how he wanted to bring you here..." Mary said quietly.

“God it’s so boring in here Jake, can’t we go anywhere else?” Hattie said whilst handing Summer her drink.  Summer seemed to watch as Jake threw one of his sulky tantrums, explaining that he had organised this night out and it was one of the last nights out they will have for a long time. 

Why such a long time? Odd thing to say? Summer thought

As she started to stare round the bar again, trying to ignore the drone of John’s voice, a figure had come closer, sitting at the bar, stirring a drink with a purple straw.  As Summer continued to stare at the figure it looked up suddenly, long grey hair cascaded down its cheeks.  Still she stared straining her eyes to see what this person looked like.  Suddenly as if speaking venomously to her, she lent forward and whispered “They all are in on it.... to get you here. He has never wanted someone as much as he wants you. You are such a prize. The things he wants to do to you...."

The pub fell silent, even Jake’s constant whining had ceased until only the short rasp of breathing could be heard from the figure.

The barman slowly shuffled towards it, “Now come on Susie love, I think you av had enough now, Derek will take you home, won’t you Dez?!”   A muffled yes responded from the group sitting round the fire.  The figure, now visibly a woman, turned to face her, and smiled.  Then walked out.  “Apologies for that guys”, said the barman, “poor old woman, she lost her son last week”.

“Oh my god we are so sorry, we didn’t realise she had just come back from a funeral”. Replied Mary.  The barman stared at her quizzically. 

“Funeral?  Why he is not dead, why we hope he is not dead, he just disappeared, one minute he was there, the next, poof, just gone.  Poor kid, coppers reckon that he had an accident then run off”.

“Accident?”  Mary asked without thinking.

“Yeah….apparently they found traces of blood in his bedroom, strange stuff…..especially as it started to climb up the wall and down the ceiling toward the window.  Buts that’s just gossip” the barman said walking round the other side of the bar.  The pub remained quiet apart from the soft sound of music from the jukebox.  Summer slipped into a daydream, imagining that poor boys disappearance, and for the first time remembering that menacing smile from that woman, that had given her a deadly chill through her body, as if someone had walked over her grave.

It had grown deathly dark by the time the group had left the pub.  The atmosphere had turned strange amongst the locals, as they stared into the fire whispering about the old ladies son that had vanished.  As they shuffled down the deserted street, the wind blew, raising an ethereal chill.  Jake and Hattie quickly took the lead directing the group towards the silent, black fields.

“Thank God we are out of there!  It was so weird, didn’t you think!?”  Hattie suddenly declared swivelling round on her heels to face Summer and Mary.  They nodded in response, as they carried on following.  As they passed the old wooden gate, the ground became a soft pillow for their feet, the atmosphere still had a strange sensation to it.

“Its well dark out here” Mary said breaking the silence

She stole a glance at Jake whose eyes were darting around searching

“So are we going back to yours now Jake, im bushed” Summer added.  Jake stopped abruptedly and cried “You are joking right!?  What’s wrong with you guys, I didn’t stash this vodka for nothing!”  As Jake finished his sentence, he had reached into a black thorn bush that cascaded a shadow from the moonlight.  Throwing his arm inside, he swished his arm back and forward until he withdrew holding a bottle of neat vodka.

“Nice” said Hattie

“I feel drunk now!  It always makes me tired!”  Mary slurred.

Mary was lying Summer thought. She hadnt really touched a drop of alcohol. 

“Come on guys its our last few weeks together, just a few more hours, at least until we av tarnished this off, then we will go back….promise”  Jake said smiling.

He sounded so persuasive. So desperate. Something was wrong. 

Slowly they nodded, as if signifying his success; he stood up straight, shoulders back and walked briskly down the field.  The journey through the long grass was tiresome enough for Summer, Hattie seemed to be the leading lady, cart wheeling across the field at a dangerous pace.   Jake handed her the bottle and nudged his head forward gesturing for her to take a gulp.  In reaction to the invading substance, she heaved and coughed as the liquid burned her throat.  In response Jake and the others laughed, throwing their heads back with delight.  Summer handed back the bottle while still trying to suppress her cough.

“There’s the mill!” an enthusiastic voice cried.

“That looks totally creepy” Mary whispered, visibly frightened.

Creepy was obviously not the greatest word to describe it, thought Summer.  The mill was gigantic, debris had fallen off in places, it seemed the whole structure would crumble and cave in at any movement.  Summer couldn’t help notice how isolated and lonely it was, standing on its own; no human existence ever seemed traceable.  It was a shock to see that time had stood still.  It was even more of a shock to hear a voice scream.  At first it didn’t register, but after a few seconds of staring at the others, Summer realized that the scream had not escaped from them, but from something else.  Even worse then that… didn’t quite sound….human.

“What was that!?”  Summer said, her voice sounding harsh and full of fear.  The group stopped in the swaying grass and listened, it was silent, and the youths stared at each other, their faces reflected by the moons light.

“I don’t think it was anything Sumy, probably an owl! Come on its freezing out here!”  Jake said eagerly.

They moved on slowly entering the mill.  The mill inside had become a hollow shell.  Following her friend, Summer walked forward and gazed upward.  Her eyes searched the ceilings.  Huge beams ran round the structure like a ribbon, and parts of the ceiling had unavoidably given way, flooding the rooms with light from the moon.  A heavy hand landed on her shoulder, she turned, heart thumping to face Jake.  

His face had become haunted. His eyes glazed as he looked at her apologetically. 

"I didnt know they would actually be here.... they just said you were in danger and for me to get you here" He pleaded

A wail erupted again, followed by a bellowing laugh 

Quickly he raised his finger up to his mouth in a silent gesture.  She frowned wondering why they had to be quiet. Whatever was in this mill, knew they were there. 

Jake pointed to a spot behind a pillar where Mary and Hattie knelt staring at something in the middle of the room.   Summer turned to Jake; confusion had spread across her face.  Again he raised his finger up to his mouth and pointed with his other arm to the place where her friends were kneeling.  Silently she crawled over and peaked around the pillar.  Three figures stood in the centre of the room, light from the gaps in the ceiling flooded the figures with a super natural light.  Two of the dark figures seemed to be arguing with the other, their limbs twitching erratically.  Summer watched in fascination, as the figures shifted in unison. Like frightened animals they huddled together, Summer’s eyes grew with apprehension.  The main creature was monstrous, its black scaled body dripped with what only could be described as oozing liquid. It glistened ethereally in the moons light.  Its lips were moving incoherently with an incantation that awakened only the damned.  His satanic words fused with the air electrifying it with an unearthly presence.  Its soulless piercing eyes glared at the kneeling figure menacingly.  His head was held high in vicious satisfaction.  The eerie silence hung heavily as they watched.  Nothing stirred apart from the kneeling figure that screeched like a vulture.  It curdled Summer’s blood at the sound.  Squinting her eyes to focus on the other figure it appeared to look like a griffin vulture.  Its black feathered back shook violently as if responding to a mild feeling of anticipation.   Just as the figures grew quiet, one drew from behind the other, a gold gleaming blade that seemed to twinkle in the light.  The creature standing like stone embedded the sharp steel dagger violently into the vultures shoulder ripping through flesh and muscle.  The creature’s eyes flickered from yellow to red as he spat in triumph sending pinpricks of flames and sulphurous smoke from his sharply jawed mouth.  The vulture cried in agony but vibrated with sheer ecstasy.   

The sounds pulled two more individuals from the shadows. 

They were both men. Striking in their appearence. One had light browish hair which was long and shaggy. Dark blue jeans and a checkered shirt attached itself to his muscular frame. The other was incredibly dark featured. Almost black eyes and hair, wearing a dark red suit. His skin was translucent. 

"Why i am not surprised that a dog is here" The red suited man vehemently said

A barking laugh escaped the other 

"Andrei, i can see that a couple of centuries has introduced you to some humour. Good for you. Once this girl joins us. You wont be on this earth much longer to improve your banter"

Andrei in response flashed, what only could be decribed as sharp teeth and his eyes flashed from a black charcoal to a redish maroon. 

"Fuck you Lucien" He growled 

Lucien's eyes flashed golden in response. Truimphant in his reply. 

"You and your pups have made a pretty mess in London. Always knew your dogs couldnt control yourselves around something so precious. Thank fuck it wasnt her ey?" Andrei retorted proudly

Lucien laughed. It was a beautiful sound but laced with hate

"Imagine what we could do to you and your dead carcasses Andrei... and you are not all as special as her"

A chill decended, that stopped the men dead.

Although Summer's friends were oblivious to the feeling that was wrapping around them... summer had felt this before. That feeling of death descending.  She felt it when her dad had left, times throughout her life and then now. 

The vultures suddenly spun round, thier broken black wings fired outwards and their mouths opened unaturally wide showing an expanse of sharp teeth. The screams knocked Mary backwards.

At this sight gasps of surprise and horror rippled through the mill.  Hattie cried out in terror, quickly in desperation she slapped her hands over her mouth.  But it was already too late. 

They knew i was there.

The two figures heads swivelled around on their shoulders showing florescent yellow eyes that pierced into their hearts and flooded them with fear.  The lone figure suddenly erupted in a high pitch cry.  The two, as if given a command to attack jumped forward their arms outstretched, their eyes flashing. 

“RUN!”  Screamed Jake

But already Hattie made for the exit, the two figures split; one bolted toward Hattie, its mouth stretched back showing sharp white teeth.  The other towards Mary who was now scrambling towards a hole deep set in the wall.  Summer who had slipped into the shadows, watched in horror as Hattie and Mary were chased out into the night.  The lone figure, which had first just stood and watched, now made its way slowly to Jake, who had been trying to follow Mary.  Its low grumbling laugh, made the hair stand on the back of her neck.  Seeing the figure slip out of sight Summer crawled carelessly scraping her nails on the floor as she tried to pull herself along.  As she reached the middle of the room, she could hear the cries of her friends, screeching as if in horrific pain. 

A rustling of footsteps appeared behind her. 

"Well... i mean this was not the way it was supposed to go, but you really should come with me" 

Summer turned onto her back, shaking to face Lucien. 

"You need to get up before Andrei finds us"

"Who and what the fuck are you? What is happening?" She cried 

Lucien's mouth twitched. They had no time for this. 

"Lets just say that you are supernatural's most wanted. You wanna get away from this shit hole!? Come with me now" His chest rippled as he held out his hand to her. 

She disregarded the gesture 

" Why are those things after me!? Why even are you!?" Summer continued 

Lucien grunted 

"We dont have time for this now. Look, your little friend screwed up. Got you here too early. Demons dont respond well to interuptions"

Suddenly finding some courage from the depths of her very being, she pushed Lucien's hand away and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. She scrambled through the fallen debris until she arrived back in the middle of the moonlit centre of the mill.

"Ow" escaped from the lips of Lucien who was evidently surprised about how strong she was

Her arms pulled her along the dusty floor until she came upon the glowing relic that laid on the floor. Her hands hovered above the hilt of the dagger that had been left behind accidently.  In a moment of madness she clasped her hand around the golden hilt.  A shiver ran through her body, strength coursed through her veins. Time stopped. Everything was silent. 

What was happening to her?

Clasping the hilt tightly she ran. 

As she stumbled out of the mill, everything seemed deathly quiet, her hand clutched tightly around the dagger.  As if on queue a cry rang out from over the field near the village road.  She took off running at a steady pace through the long grass that seemed to grab at her legs trying to slow her down.  Making it to the road she spotted Jake leaning over Hattie, Mary was at their side crying into her hands.  As Summer approached, Jake spun around:

“God what was that “?….I thought….I thought they had got you!”  He said, tears visibly running down his cheeks.  Summer’s eyes cast over Hattie’s face that had received a huge gash on the side of her cheek.

"Did you not hear me!!?? I said i thought they had taken you!" He cried panicking 

Summer's hand tightened around the hilt of the dagger. which she had placed just inside the top of her jeans. Her eyes laid upon Jake's face. She felt repulsed by him

"We need to move now before they come back" She said without any emotion 

Jake was searching her face for any type of recognition to what he had just said 

“We should go back to yours now, before they turn up”  Summer ordered.

She could tell everyone was in shock. No one knew what to make of it or how to react to how calm she was.

On arriving at John’s front door, he quickly jammed his hands into his pocket fumbling around for his keys.  At long last he pulled out a long silver key and shoved into the lock, twisting it manically the door swung open, and the group fell into the hall way.  As they entered the living room, catching their breath and thanking they had got away, Hattie, Mary and Jake finally turned to look at Summer, there expressions turning from relief to utter horror.  In response, Summer could only follow their gaze down towards her hand.  And finally she understood.  Because her hand, now full of blood with the pressure she had held on to it, lay the dagger, gleaming in the light, its engravings glowing, as if awakened by the blood that drenched it.

"What in the fuck is that!?" Mary exclaimed 

But Summer didnt hear her. All she was concerned about was spotting Lucien standing outside the house across the road waving at her.

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