
Chapter 2 - Mad at Cleo and the world

Chapter 2

Mad at Cleo and the world 


I have never been so angry with myself and at Cleo. It has been the longest three months of my life, and I have tried to be there for her physically and emotionally. I brought her flowers; food ,books and even read to her at some stage, but still she couldn't remember me. I showed her pictures to try and jog her memory; Gio also came through to tell her about cuddles , she was sweet to Gio, and honest but still she didn't remember a thing . I don't understand how someone can just forget to love you , I honestly don't. I tried kissing her and she rebuffed me. 

The rejection pulled the last straw for me and it was short. She triggered something in me that had been dead for a long time . She brought out a part of me that was beastly and unruly. It resulted in me smashing three vases of flowers against the hospital wall. The fear that set in her eyes when I snapped somehow fueled my rage . It took Brent and the men that were posted outside her room to get me out. I was so mad I fired them all. I was going to pay for everything with regards to Cleo's hospital bill but I decided not to. I was still not talking to my father and Gio was staying with them until that woman could get her memory back. Even in sickness she still manages to bring in the money. If I fire her I will be losing a lot. I am hurt. I have to find a way to keep things professional. Right now I could care less about Cleopatra. I don't want to feel anything. I'd rather be angry than show any emotion of weakness.

It was already Monday morning and I was well on my way to work. I had forgotten my phone inside my top desk drawer on Thursday, but I had access to my cloud and all I did was work all weekend. I needed to find a way to let go of Cleo and Make Brendan head of PR and communications. I had a meeting with the Communications department Paul was away and I was in charge so any decision I made was final. 

My mother was right about Cleopatra. If she didn't decide to leave me; none of this would have happened. I wouldn't be at war with my father and I'd be building a nursery for our new baby... who we lost. I was drunk and yes I might have messed up but why couldn't she wait for me to sober up? It turned out that Bryan wasn't a threat he was just following orders from Rachel who is now dead. I had also arranged for the twins to come back home with Cleo's mother . Cleo's attorney had gotten in contact with me on Friday morning to make it clear that I couldn't take the twins away from her. I don't think I will ever get over the day I attacked her. I also still cannot forget what happened in the hospital room . I don't know how to explain to her that my anger stems from my sensitivity. I lost it at her I snapped. I needed time to cool off. The last time I was that angry was when I found out about my father's involvement in my addiction indirectly. 

I entered the office and as always Blake had my cup of coffee ready including my breakfast. As soon as I was done; we both headed downstairs , when I had a feeling he was keeping something from me .

" Blake ."


"Come out with it ."

"with what sir?"

" You seem very happy for a Monday morning . Is it Maria?"

" No. it is someone we all love . She is back , and maybe you can stop being in a foul mood."

" Me?"

" Yes you . We miss the old you. Cleo is still good for you ."

"We aren't together anymore and I could care less about her. She birthed our kids and that's it."

" wow ... okay .I won't ask. "

" Don't ."

" Just remember why you loved her in the first place ; before you throw away your only shot at love and a normal life. She is special... You said it yourself the other day."

" What's the use if she cannot remember me ."

I took a deep breath and the elevator doors opened .Everyone was already in the conference room so I headed there with Blake as soon as we both took our seats at the table I looked up and instead of Brendan sitting at the far end of the table I saw her. She looked at me and I looked at her. For a moment I thought I saw recognition reflected on her face, but she cut her eyes at me and focused on her tablet. I was still angry.

" Good Morning everyone. As you know this weekly status meeting is held to track everyone's progress and pending changes . However before we begin I need to inform everyone about a monumental change . "

Blake whispered in my ear;

"Don't make a decision you are going to regret .We need her around and you know it."

I dismissed his request and continued.

" As of today effective immediately ; your new head of department is Brendan Simons. Anything regarding new clients and developments will be directed towards him and not Miss Kwena . "

The whole room went silent and Cleopatra shot me a look of betrayal and hurt. Brendan interjected.

" MR Massa we all know that Miss Kwena is well suited for the position. Even in her absence she has made us money."

I poured myself a glass of water and took a sip. Once I put my glass down I went into attack mode.

" I am sure you are all aware that Miss Kwena was involved in an accident that resulted in her memory being affected. I need all hands on deck and everyone at their best. She has been out of it for the past couple of months and..."

Blake also spoke up without any warning

" I agree with Brendan .We need her to stay in the position she is. Even before you were made CEO Cleo was running the show. She only lost a year of her life. Our biggest contributors trust her they don't want to work with anyone else. "

Everyone in the room started moaning in agreement.

" My decision is final unless she can prove she is fit."

The room went quiet and Cleo looked at me impassively. She looked at me with her dark brown eyes and all I could do was try, and I mean try and feel nothing. I couldn't the feelings I had when I first kissed her; held her , and made love to her were still there. I thought being angry at her would make her understand the agony my heart was in. She had changed her hair. She was sporting a short ponytail and she had straightened her hair. She was wearing a black pencil skirt , with knee high boots to match and a white v neck cable knit polo jersey. I am such a fool for doing what I did, the last time we spoke. I was angry but I can't be angry at a woman who's given me so much. I still love her deeply. She took a deep breath and spoke; 

" I have always been fit to be where in the position I am in. Just this morning I managed to get three new clients who are willing to put pen to tablet as soon as I get back to them. Caleb Thato; Aaron Brooks, and Bryan Canetti.

Blake smirked and Brendan talked;

" I haven't been able to get them to come on board for the last two months. It took Cleo a couple of hours. " 

I couldn't fathom the thought of Cleo talking to other men besides me. I was feeling jealous for no apparent reason. I say what I mean and mean what I say, my decision is final. Even though both men were right I wanted things to go my way.

"That's good Miss Kwena. However my decision still stands. Furthermore you will swap offices and you will hand in all cloud and computer passwords to MR Simons. Anyone who argues with my decision will be fired."

Cleo was at the far end of the room. She pushed her chair back ; took her tab and pen and started walking towards the door . 

"Miss Kwena where do you think you are going?"

She turned around and looked at me with her glasses on this time.

" MR Massa it has been a pleasure working for the company ; but I think my season with Massa has come to an end . If you'll excuse me I have to go. I will turn over everything I have concerning the company every client to Brendan. Excuse me."


"Then I will excuse myself .Have a productive day. I'm done."

Cleo walked out and slammed the door. The room was so quiet that I we could all hear the sound of he heels echo. She doesn't get to walk out during a meeting. My anger was about to boil over. I was practicing restraint . When I looked up everyone was looking at me impassively. They all needed their jobs ,I knew that when I said; I will give anyone who disputes my decision the boot , that it would instill fear. I took a deep breath and looked up.

" Blake reschedule this meeting for a later date."

"Yes MR Massa ."

" I'm going to sort out Cleopatra. Excuse me."

I loosened my tie and walked to Cleo's office. I knocked a few times and there was no answer; so I let myself in and sat behind her desk. I took a few deep breaths and I realized she wasn't in and I decided to wait. I needed to remedy the blow I dealt her. I saw the look in her eyes and she looked hurt . I'm doing a great job at hurting her but its tearing me apart. My father has always been her biggest fan , and my mother hasn't been so much of a fan. I know she would prefer it I was with Jane or Nikki , but they are no different to Cleo. Cleo's skin color and background was a deciding factor. When I fell for Cleo nothing mattered . I was in love with her as a person and he loved me before she knew I was the ex bosses son. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I yanked it out of my blazer pocket and saw, Aaron's name lit up on the screen.

" Hey cousin ?"

" Don't hey me what the hell is your problem?"

" Nothing what did I do ?"

"Why is Cleo leaving the company?"

" I demoted her to deputy because of her condition."

" She only lost a year of her life ; not her ability to negotiate, advise , and plan."

I turned around and looked outside. Cleo had a great view of the garden and the foyer. You could actually see the visitors as they walk in, including clients. 

" My decision is final."

" No it isn't. I'm on my way that to the company, with William."

I smiled when he mentioned William's name. That little boy just brightens up my day no matter what mood I am in.

"Good thing you're bringing my second favorite guy. I don't get to see enough of him. Cleo said you are willing to sign?"

" Yes she showed me that working with Caleb can actually get me more money and she didn't mind bringing Alexis on board if she wanted to work with her on some projects. She also somehow convinced Caleb Thato that; if we both work together, we can actually have an institution."

"I didn't think of that."

"Yes but she did and she outlined everything on Saturday afternoon with her new boyfriend. How the hell did you screw up dude?"

This was news to me... Who was this guy and why was he out with my girlfriend. I screwed up so badly. I turned around to open the bottom drawer and saw Cleo's bag. She didn't have her phone with her she because she had her tablet. I looked inside and besides her usual stuff including her keys were in her tote bag. In a moment of genius border lining crazy; I took her bag with me . I took the private elevator back to my office and left her department unnoticed. I took a deep breath and replied to Aaron;

" I lost at her when she rebuffed me. I don't know how you did it with Alexis. "

" I didn't get mad at her for not remembering . I gave her time. She is also crazy . What did you do in your fit of rage?"

" I called her; an ungrateful bitch, threw three vases of flowers against the wall , called off security, and left her with the hospital bill. I didn't expect her to be out this soon. I planned on going back to apologize but she had already left."

" Oh Angelo . Why didn't you show her your vulnerability? She isn't the type to use your weaknesses against you. I told her about my past and she said it was small fry. You are lucky or were lucky to have her ... and judging by the way Marc was holding her on Saturday afternoon , it looked like he was making sure we got the message that she is his."

" She isn't. Meet me in my office when you come through. The card I gave you will give you security clearance and access you don't need to speak to anyone."

" Got it see you in a bit ."

As soon as I hung up and sat down my phone rang again. I answered it without looking ."

" Massa."

" Boss ."

"Nico ?"

"What is your wife to be doing with Marco Jasper? "

"My ex ?"

"Yes didn't you two break up a long time ago after he lost his best friend?"

"Yes. "

"Should I keep an eye on him?"

"Please do."

When I hung up my emotions were all over the place. How did Cleo know my ex and why were they close? Unless I missed something in the background check I did ...

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