
Bad news

Alice took Adam away from the room, Adam refused because he was not satisfied with beating Alice's manager. However, Alice still pulled Adam's hand so that he couldn't help but obey what Alice said. Now that the two of them were outside the restaurant, Alice shot Adam an angry look.

"We've met before, but that doesn't mean you can meddle in all kinds of my business!" Cried Alice with an emotional expression on her face.

Adam laughed. “So you accepted an invitation from a stupid guy like him? Your self-esteem is really low."

"It's up to you to call me like what, which is clearly gone from my life! I don't want to know someone like you!" she replied.

"Why are you staying in a place like this? even you can be more humiliated than before," said Adam.

“Whether they belittle me or even kill me is none of your business! Most importantly I can work and also eat without begging anyone! But you came and ruined everything, you even beat up my manager earlier. Do you want to take responsibility if I actually get fired?!” said Alice did not accept.

“Get out of here, I can solve my own problems. Don't be a hero to people who clearly don't need your services!” continued Alice then went back into the restaurant.

Seeing Alice's reaction, Adam was silent for a moment, he felt humiliated by Alice. An Adam Anderson never to be humbled, he will be angry and will make calculations on people who make the slightest problem to him. However, unlike now, Alice was a different woman in his eyes and this was also due to a mistake she had deliberately made. Because because of his actions earlier he deliberately tripped Alice's feet, then ended up getting angry and bad words from customers. However, deep inside Adam, he was satisfied because he managed to beat up the perverted manager with his own hands.

While Alice continued to walk past several customer seats, until where someone stopped her. He stopped and turned to see who was holding his hand suddenly, it turned out that a man was sitting next to a blonde woman he knew very well, Sera Holmes, and the man next to him was none other than someone who once held the status of his ex-fiancéAlone.

In one's own person"How are you, Alice?" asked Philip Warren, who was still holding Alice's wrist.

Alice was surprised for the umpteenth time, because this time at the same time she met two people she hated and avoided the most.

"Fine," Alice replied nonchalantly. She tried to get Philip's hand out of hers but couldn't. Philip's strength was quite strong, and it made Alice uncomfortable at all.

"You're so arrogant, we asked nicely but you're just being pretentious!" said Sera who had been silent.

"I don't want to greet you guys, because I'm at work right now, so please don't disturb me!" said Alice while looking at them one by one.

"And please let go of my hand!" continued Alice with a serious expression.

“Who do you think you are, huh?! just being a maid is acting pretentious in front of us! Without us coming this restaurant won't sell! You are just an errand boy, you should serve us well!” Sera replied. Of course, in a mocking tone. It's deliberately turned up so that the diners can hear it.

Alice sighed, her hand was no longer blocked by Philip. He straightened his clothes a little, actually he was emotional. But his emotions must not explode here, he must remain patient. He couldn't do more or he would lose his job. Even though Sera's words really hurt her heart. Does he not think before he speaks?

"You see, Honey? With her ugly face and only working as a restaurant waitress she's already acting haughty!” pouted Sera with a mocking look.

"You're right, Sora. I'm sorry I greeted him earlier. well, don't worry about it anymore. And one thing, Alice, don't blame us if we give this restaurant a low rating because one of the waiters is not good at serving customers," said Philip.

The shameless couple continued their activities. Sera, who deliberately wanted to annoy her stepsister, deliberately made out with Philip in front of Alice. While Alice just stood frozen like a fool, hearing Philip's words just now made Alice a little scared, what if Philip really did what he said just now? He was afraid it would happen. Moreover, the problems that today have not been resolved, want to add more problems. Of course it will make Alice threatened to be fired.

Alice didn't expect to meet Philip and Sera at the restaurant where she worked. The reason why he and Philip became exes is because apart from having an affair with his own half-brother, Phillip has also only used himself as a tool so that he can have a high position because Alice's father owns the company where Philip works.

Between sad and happy Alice can be separated from Philip, sad because she and Philip have been together for a long time. But happy because he did not marry the wrong person. Even if it's his feelings that have to be sacrificed. There was still a lingering feeling in Alice's heart for Philip. However, with logic Alice did not want to be stupid anymore.

Currently Alice no longer cares about it all, she wants to focus on working to support her own life. So now it's just a matter of figuring out how to prevent Alice from being fired from her job after the trouble that happened to her today.

Alice has not managed to talk to her manager regarding the problem of Adam's sudden attack, because her manager had to be rushed to the hospital due to the beating that Adam gave regarding the serious injuries he suffered. Alice felt guilty about that, but for now she still couldn't come to see the manager's condition. Because he didn't want the situation to get out of hand.

Now Alice is on her way home, she takes a taxi. it felt like his head was going to explode right now, somehow if he really got fired. Suddenly he heard his cellphone vibrate, it turned out that there was a call from his father's house trusted servant. Out of curiosity, he picked up the phone.

"Hello, what's wrong, Auntie?" asked Alice after holding the cell phone to the side of her ear.

"Miss Alice can go home now?" a voice sounded a little trembling replied.

"Right now I'm on my way home, Aunty," replied Alice.

"Hurry home, Miss."

Hearing something that seemed strange to her, Alice flinched.

“What's wrong, Aunt Mary? Auntie isn't hiding anything from me right? Tell Auntie,” Alice replied. The feeling was getting worse, like something was strange. Because the voice of the trusted maid who used to take care of her father looked different.

"I am deeply saddened, Miss Alice. I am really sorry to have to tell you.”

“Why, Aunt, what's wrong? Tell me immediately!”

"The great master died."

Alice stiffened on the spot, there was no answer that Alice could say at this time, she quickly turned off her cell phone unilaterally.

Alice was silent, digesting what happened, did she hear right? Aunt Mary, the maid of honor, said her father had died. Is what he said real? His father didn't die. His father was at home and he was sick. how could he die, Alice laughed and convinced herself that what she heard was just a hoax.

“Alice, calm down. Dad is fine at home. I have to get home soon and meet daddy.” Alice convinced herself with those words.

even though her tears were still falling, even her heart was beating faster than usual. The message from the person who told him to be patient, this is just a dream. Alice was sure of it, her father was still alive and he was at home now.

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