

As I unlocked my door I couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering Adrian. But he didn’t want to tell me anything so I knew I should let it go. I walk inside and dump my handbag on the kitchen bench, I open the fridge and notice I need to go food shopping. I internally groan, I hate food shopping. I walk into my room and quickly get undressed and change into casual clothing. Ripped skinny jeans my black lace-up combat boots, a long-sleeved shirt and an oversized black hoodie.

I walk back towards the front door, grab my handbag and leave again. Leaving the warmth of the building is not what I had planned, but a girl gotta eat. I walk a few blocks to the local supermarket and grab a basket. As I start getting what I need I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I try not to make it obvious that I’m looking around but when I do turn I don't see anyone.

In fact, I’m the only one in the aisle. Weird, I continued grabbing some veggies and my favourite sour watermelon lollies. My mouth is instantly salivating. I grab some pasta and sauce and a few other items and head to the checkout. As I’m standing in line I again get the feeling someone is watching me. I look around until I see a man who is standing outside with a hood covering his face but I can just make out his mouth. His lips are moving but there is no one around.

He then stands up straighter and the light from outside hits his face just at the right angle, I let out a gasp his eyes. They are all glazed over and he keeps muttering something with these black-like spider-looking veins covering his neck. The lady at the checkout calls for me and I start to unload my stuff. I look up only to find the man standing outside gone.

I pay the woman and grab my bags to leave, I just want to go home and have a nice hot shower and relax, I think to myself. Today has been weird, to say the least, First the dream then Mr sexy shocking me twice when he touched me, then Adrian being weird on the drive home and now feeling like someone was watching me and seeing that guy stand outside muttering to himself. I’m freaked out and tired, and I swear I feel a headache coming on. I didn’t think I got that much stuff at the supermarket but the heaviness of the bags says otherwise, My arms are aching and the bags feel like they are about to snap but lucky I can see my apartment building up ahead.

I basically try to power walk the rest of the way while the bags are cutting off my circulation. I punch in the code to my building and sigh with relief, now to make it upstairs. By the time I make it to my door, the headache is well and truly starting, I unlock my door and rush into the kitchen, dump the bags down and throw my handbag onto the bench. I end up tipping the whole thing out looking for my medication, only to realise it isn’t here. I race around my apartment turning everything upside down, FUCK I say out loud. I grab my phone off the bench and send a text to Adrian, maybe I left it in his car when I dropped my bag. I send the message and wait, normally he is pretty quick to reply. I have to keep myself busy otherwise it will get worse, so I start by putting everything back inside my handbag and then moving on to the groceries.

I am done with putting everything away in less than half an hour, I am starting to get worried. I haven’t heard back from Adrian. I have called him twice and sent another three messages and still nothing. My eyes are starting to feel funny and my body feels slightly hot, I start taking deep breaths to calm down. Panicking isn’t going to help me. I make my way into my bedroom and strip off my clothes, I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. While I am waiting for it to heat up I look at myself in the mirror, My dark black onyx hair is straight and hanging just above my breasts. My pale white skin is slightly flushed but what is standing out more are my eyes.

My bright sapphire eyes are currently more blue at the moment. almost like they are glowing. This isn’t happening, I tell myself, I shake my head and turn towards the shower. The spray of the shower is welcoming, and the hot water beating down on my skin is helping me to relax slightly. I decide to put my head under the water and the instant the water makes contact with my scalp it’s like a massive relief, the tension is suddenly gone and I feel like I can breathe. I make quick work of washing myself and getting out, the need to find my medication makes me feel antsy. I shut the water off and step out, I grab my fluffy towel and wrap it around me then I grab another smaller towel for my hair.

I feel the headache slowly returning, the pounding behind my eyes is back which means the hot water was short-lived. I remind myself I need to keep busy, keeping busy always helps for a little while. I focus on getting dressed, opening my underwear drawer, pulling out a bra and panties and putting them on. Then moving to my wardrobe got my black tights out and singlet and another oversized hoodie, found my socks and put them on. That was excruciatingly slow and felt like my head was going to rip in two every time I had to bend down. I need to find my phone.


As I walk out of my bedroom I have to hold the wall to steady myself, The pounding is back in full force and I would have to say this is the worst it’s been in a long time. The light from the barely there sun that’s setting is too much for me, my eyes it’s always my eyes that hurt the most. They feel hot and the pressure is blinding, like something is trying to push forth from them. I stumbled to the kitchen with my eyes half opened, I fumbled around in search of my phone.

I need Adrian to call me ASAP. But when I see there is no reply or call from him i feel my eyes start to water and feel the tears run down my face. I’m not one to cry much, I cried so much when I found my childhood home destroyed and the blood of my family splattered everywhere that I didn't think I had any more tears left to cry. But it seems I do, The pain doubles behind my eyes and I feel myself try to walk back to my room. I need to lay down and I need to be in darkness. I don’t even remember if I made it to my bed or not before I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.

Someone is chasing me, I have yet to turn around and get a good look but I feel them right behind me. I have a feeling that I shouldn't be here, but I don't even know where it is. The mark that appeared on my arm at 16 is burning, and I feel like it's pulling me towards someone whom I don't know. I’m huffing huffing and puffing and watching the lights of the street rush past me, My legs are on fire, and the burn of my muscles is starting to hurt but I know deep down that I cannot stop moving. This feels like some kind of test or something like someone is testing me to see how well I handle pressure, what I want to know is why? I feel the panic start to rise up in my chest and between running for my life and trying to keep calm well it's becoming difficult, no Calm down Bree this is just a dream I tell myself.

A dream I’m dreaming and any minute I’m going to wake up, that seems to be short-lived when I feel something hot blast right past my face, holy shit that felt very fucking real, what the fuck was that? I reluctantly peer over my shoulder and instantly regret it, there are at least 8 people screaming and chasing after me. Where the fuck am I? And what do these people want? As I’m running I pass a sign that says Welcome to the city of Houndgrave known as the home of hell hounds. WHAT THE FUCK i scream out loud, HELL HOUNDS?

I am so out of breath right now, I am not the most athletic type but I have a decent enough body, flat toned stomach, a nice bum and a decent set of boobs. So you would think a little cardio would be fine, but nope it isn’t. I feel something sharp slice through my foot and again the panic I feel when I look down only to see I’m not not wearing shoes! Where the hell are my shoes? My mind is racing, this really isn’t a dream. I have to push the panic aside and make a choice in what direction I need to take. I take a sharp turn down a side street thinking I have lost them, only to find it’s a dead end.

Oh great Bree, seriously I dead fucking end. I’m practically screaming at myself inside my head.

I need to think of a plan quickly but this pounding inside my head is becoming worse and worse, I double over clutching my head with my free hand while I hold myself steady with the other on the wall, trying to put pressure on my temples when I hear them. I look up through slightly blurred vision, I must be seeing things I rub my eyes and look again and what stands before me is no longer man. I just watched these men go from normal-looking humans to full-grown Beats, they are growling and snarling while advancing towards me.

I feel my heart rate spike and now that I am truly cornered down this alley I have a feeling I am about to die, I don’t want to die. I let out an agonizing scream from the pain inside my head, and my eyes feel like they are on fire like literal fire right now. Letting go of the wall I hold my head in my hands and put pressure on my skull, but everything I am doing isn’t working. I feel saliva drip onto my head and feel the fan of a hot stinking breath rush past my face but I pay no attention as I feel like my head is going to break in half, The scream that rips through me has the ground visibly shaking and as I pry my eyes open I can feel the hottest most blinding bright light practically burn through me.

My vision is white i cannot make out anything, The only thing I can hear though is the brutalizing screams of pain and then the stench of coppery iron fills my nose and I know it's blood. I have no idea what is happening around me right now but I can’t take much more of this. My eyes feel like they are bleeding from their sockets and I can feel warm liquid falling down my face.

I try to shut my eyes to stop whatever is happening, but the pain behind my eyelids becomes too much. I grit my teeth and try and fight through but that’s short lived and before I know it I feel a sharp prick in the side of my neck The pain finally stops and I can just make out hush whispers they sound familiar the voices and one very distinctly sinful voice telling me I did well. I manage to mumble a few words which probably sound like gibberish before darkness consumes me once again.

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