

THE FOLLOWING WEEK passed in a blur. The family was occupied. Some strange Italians had been found scouting a company owned by the Salvatore family, so Marcus had been sent to deal with the issue.

The Giovannis, who were a big mafia family in Italy had found out that Marcus Salvatore was behind the death of one of the sons, for that, Marcus had been protected heavily wherever he went for the past 2 weeks.

It was overwhelming for him, but he knew that it was necessary.

He had been at one of their offices in the commercial district of town, going over the numbers and amount of money in and going out of the company. He wanted to be sure they were not being ripped off by any employee. That was an offense punishable by death.

He sighed as he looked at the papers on the desk.

"I should not be doing this," he muttered to himself.

He was cranky. After the incident with Olivia, his wife has been giving him a tough time and silent treatment. And he ached for Olivia.

His phone rang, cutt
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