

Sliding, cutting an incision by her abdomen. Gently slicing through the layers one sister placed her hand supporting the baby’s head as the other gently cut the umbilical cord.

The mothers stress and condition gave the baby a smaller chance, but all they needed was that small chance of hope.

Placing the bundle on a make shift bed designed by shirts they then expertly searched for a pulse or anything hindering the unnaturally still baby. Using two fingers Phoebe compressed as the other searched for a pulse with a finger.

Switching turns the other delivered the two breaths and compression, when they found a pulse. Cassidy immediately spanked the baby’s buttocks to open up the babies lungs.

Thankfully in a matter of seconds the baby wails rang through the cave and sighs of relief filled the awe struck cave with grateful cheers for life.

Once the water elementalist gently cleaned the baby, cleaning her gorgeous face ensuring to avoid the sensitive areas while also ensuring infection
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