(Winona)The law office feels oppressive, the kind of place that absorbs every ounce of emotion and holds it hostage.Lisa sits beside me, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her skirt. She’s trying to look composed, but the redness around her eyes gives her away. She hasn’t stopped crying since Lance’s death.I glance at the empty chair where Jayden should be. I tried to convince him to come, but he flat-out refused. Too much history. Too much pain. I can’t force him, and honestly, I don’t have the energy to try. I wasted enough of my life trying to change Jayden’s mind on things.I’m free of Judy and I’m going to make the most of that. This much I do know. But first, I need to get Lisa through this tragedy and broken heart.The lawyer clears his throat. “Thank you for coming. We are here for the reading of Lance Edward Collins’ last will and testament. Copies of the document will be provided after this session.”Lisa shifts in her seat, her breathing shallow. I reach over and squ
(Winona)The house is more charming than I expected—stonework covered in ivy, a wraparound porch, and large windows that bathe the interior in natural light.It feels warm and lived-in, unlike the two more modern places we’ve seen. The kids are darting through the unkempt yard, Bobby and Sarah racing each other toward a large and fairly new shed, while Abby lags behind, looking at a large pond.“Not too close to the edge, sweetie.” I call out and she smiles and nods back at me.Henry clings to my leg, his little legs unsteady on the uneven ground. I scoop him up and put him in his pusher Jayden has unfolded.Jayden wanders a few steps away, hands on his hips, surveying the property with a critical eye. “The house is more move-in ready than the others,” he admits. “But it needs a lot of work.”“I agree. But it just has a good feeling,” I say. “And the pond’s a bonus, but it’ll need fencing off somehow. Henry’s too curious for his own good.”Jayden nods, but I can tell his mind is elsew
(Jayden)Mother’s polished mahogany coffin sits at the front, surrounded by white lilies and roses, a stark contrast to the tumultuous life she lived and the wreckages she caused. It’s just Gus and me. No friends, no extended family. Just the two of us and that was what she wanted. Of course she did, just us two solely focused on her. Gus sits beside me in shackles, the officers are keeping their distance for now and covering all exits. He’s leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his face drawn and pale. He looks like a man carrying the world’s regrets on his shoulders. He should be.I stand up and go forward to place a single rose on top of the coffin. This is it, she’s really gone. My emotions are tangled—anger, relief, guilt, and some small, stubborn ache that won’t let go. I feel free, and that in itself feels wrong. I go sit next to Gus again.But she made my adult life Hell and Winona is right, a big part of me won’t miss any part of that. I will miss most what I didn
(Winona)Cass’s face fills my phone screen, her hair messy and there are definite dark circles under her eyes.“God, you look wrecked,” I tease gently as I check out the kitchen of the home I’m about to close on. Anne has the kids for the afternoon, so I’m going to show-off this place to Cass. Cass groans. “Tell me about it. I just got done with prep for the estate’s first formal dinner since Jayden left. I’m in charge of a canape, Winona. A canape!” I raise an eyebrow. “That’s a really big deal. You should be proud of yourself.” “Oh I am. I’m so excited. These chefs are relentless but I’m learning so much. I love it here, even if Viktor’s constant hovering is killing my vibe a little.” “Hovering?” I ask, confused. “He’s not here physically—he’s too busy running Nexus Global—but the calls, the emails, the random texts asking if I’ve checked the locks or need anything… it’s constant. Can you tell Jayden to call him off please?” I lean forward, frowning. “Cass, I don’t think Jayde
(Cass)“Winona!” I scream into the phone again, but there’s only silence. The screen is dark, it’s silent. She isn’t answering. “Goddammit, Winona!” I shout, “answer me! Be okay. Answer me…”I don’t want to end the call, she could be… But I have to. I need to call Jayden.My breath is ragged gasps as I stumble to the kitchen counter, gripping the edge for support. My shaking fingers scroll to Jayden’s number. “Pick up, pick up!” My voice cracks as I pace in a tight circle, clutching the phone to my ear. It rings, and then—voicemail. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I scream, slamming the phone onto the counter so hard it bounces off and hits the floor. Fuck! It’s totaled now.My chest tightens, panic squeezing my throat. How can I call him, how can I contact Jayden? I grab my jacket and bolt out the door, running as fast as my legs will carry me to the estate. Viktor. He has a another number, one that always gets answered.My lungs are bursting as I run full tilt for the estate, but
(Jayden)I burst through the front door, taking the stairs two at a time to the second floor. I pray I’m in time. I stop at the bottom of the attic stairs.Then I see her.Winona lies crumpled halfway down the attic stairs, her body twisted awkwardly. Her head jammed up against the wall, her hand rests on a spindle. Blood pools beneath her head on the stair, dark and horrifying, and for a second, I’m frozen.My mind blanks out, every thought swept away by raw panic.But then I snap back. She needs me. She needs me to be fully present, not panicking.I force myself forward, the first aid kit from the car clutched in my shaking hands. Every instinct screams at me to scoop her up, to hold her, but I stop myself. If she’s hurt her neck or spine… I could make it worse. My knees hit the stair below her, and I reach for her wrist with trembling fingers.A faint pulse. Relief crashes over me so hard I almost collapse, but it’s short-lived. She’s alive, but for how long?I tear open the first
(Jayden)Winona lies motionless in the Brennan Wing’s family suite medical bedroom, surrounded by machines that hum and beep softly in the background. This room was designed to keep families together during the most terrifying moments of their lives.This wing is my initiative, but I never thought I’d need it personally so much. I’m bending the guidelines a little having Winona here now but I know her best chance is having the ones she loves the most around her.Right now, I’d give anything for a sign—any sign—that she’ll wake up. I don’t have that yet but what I am going to do is create a positive environment around Winona. I called Barnaby and he reminded me of many coping mechanisms I’d learned from his sessions.I’m going to only speak of the future and what’s happening now. I’m not mentioning the past. Winona deserves to hear and believe the wonderful future ahead of us. No matter what has happened or what may happen.Dr. Harris and Dr. Reeves stand at the foot of the bed, revie
(Cass) I pace the estate office, Viktor’s phone pressed tightly to my ear. Viktor leans against the desk, his arms crossed, the picture of calm professionalism. Good. I want to ignore the way he held me earlier, like I actually mattered to him.He’s trained to say the right things to defuse situations. That’s all it was.Jayden picks up, his voice tense but steady. “Cass. She’s okay. I mean, she’s in an induced coma for a few days but she’s okay.” “Thank God!” I say, my voice cracking. I can’t stop the tremble in my hands. “Are you with her still?” “Yes,” he says, and I let out a shaky breath. “The head wound is under control, the coma is to wait for the swelling and her blood pressure to go down. But she is going to get through this.”“What about the baby?” “No,” he cuts me off sharply. “Just positive talk. She’s strong. They both are.” His voice softens, and I realize how much he’s struggling to hold it together. It’s so unlike him to sound vulnerable. “I’m coming home…”“Wai
(Winona)The call is done. Vault is set for the launch. I should feel good. It’s all about to happen for me. The biggest night of my life so far. And Jayden won’t be there to share it with me. I know he must have a good reason, but it still makes me a little sad. A major milestone missed. But we’ll have others.I go to step back into the room and stop. Jayden and Astrid are still talking, their voices low, steady. Sofia isn’t there. Astrid is smiling and laughing. I’ve never seen that before. She’s into him, I know she is. But I also know she won’t overstep. Won’t do anything that would throw Nexus Global out of whack.Is that the only reason why, though? I watch them relaxed and enjoying a conversation. It feels ages since Jayden and I have been so relaxed in each other’s company. But we do have the stresses of the family dynamic.The kids are undoubtedly our main priority. Are we just trying too hard for the rest?He and Astrid are joking about something.It’s not romantic. No
(Jayden)Winona’s phone buzzes against the table. She glances at the screen, mutters something, and pushes up from her seat. “Vault,” she says looking at me, already heading out to the terrace. I nod at Winona and give her a smile.“Jayden, the media shoot will go a long way to help turn public perception. Sorry we had to blow up your family time…” Sofia says with a smile. “But can I just say, those kids are adorable, and you guys really seem to have your shit sorted as a family.”“At least we have that perception down solid.” I grin at her. “Trust me, it feels the exact opposite sometimes. I appreciate you saying that, Sofia. We’ve worked hard to keep it real for the kids.”“And sacrificed a lot,” Astrid states.“There’s been a lot of changes, for sure. All worth it.”“Maybe we should do a segment on the kids. I know you adopted Bobby and Sarah… and Winona adopted Henry?”“Are you trying to get me killed? There’s no way Winona will ever go for an exposé on our kids, and neither wou
(Winona)The kids are out cold, completely wrecked from a full day of running, climbing, eating junk food, and making a mess of the suite. River and Kit have been off-duty since we got back from our day until we fly out tomorrow night.My muscles are really feeling sore right now. I make mental note to get more strength training sessions in. Maybe I better get out of the gym and do more outdoor activities. I loved the rock-climbing wall.I place the green salad on the table next to the warmed flatbreads. Jayden and I are hosting Astrid and Sofia for a late dinner. A bit of a debrief on the media situation and a friendly catch up outside of work. I’m looking forward to it but also a little nervous about being in close proximity to Astrid.She is very straightforward, and she doesn’t flinch at stating things how they are. Something I always appreciated about her even though at first it was a little jarring. So far, so good though. Jayden places the char-grilled meats and vegetable pl
(Jayden)Henry is in his highchair, making a complete mess of himself with mustard and ketchup. Bobby and Sarah are locked in a dramatic debate over whether onions belong on hot dogs, while Abby is curled up between us singing the song on the movie. Winona leans over to me, her body warm against mine.I tighten my arm around her. “We’re okay? Yes?” She hesitates. “Yes, we’re just fine. Sorry I get in my head so much with feelings.” “Sorry I don’t get in mine enough with your feelings.”She smiles back at me and I’m glad we just get each other these days. “But what about sleep? Are you getting enough?” I’m really asking if Winona is still having the nightmares about the baby crying…“Mostly.”“So you still having them, huh?”“It’s been better with Vault to focus on. Staying busy.”“If you need to get to the point of exhaustion before you can sleep soundly, that isn’t good long term.”She leans over and kisses me. “I’m okay. I promise. It’s getting better. Let’s not ruin the fun ni
(Jayden)Henry shrieks in delight as the bucket tips over, drenching him in a torrent of water that would terrify most kids his age. His little hands slap the wet surface, his laugh infectious as Sarah and Abby cheer him on. “I told you he’d love it,” Bobby calls from the climbing ropes, shaking his head as he swings across to the next section. “He’s used to the hose at home.”“I’m not sure you and your little brother are safe together.” I laugh and Bobby climbs higher. This is a fantastic kids park, it has everything and not just for kids. Winona and I have given them a run for their money today.Kit chuckles beside me. “Gotta admit, the kid’s fearless.” “No argument there,” I say, keeping a watchful eye on Henry as he wobbles through the shallow splash area, River close behind. It’s been a perfect day—the kind we don’t get nearly enough of. No meetings, no deadlines, no PR disasters. Just us. The family. All playing and having loads of fun. The film crew is here, but they’ve don
(Winona)Sofia’s voice cues the next topic. “You’ve both had demanding careers. How do you make sure the kids come first?” I shift, pushing my sunglasses up onto my head. “We make it work by making sure that when we are together, we are fully present. No distractions.” Jayden smirks. “Well, most of the time. There’s always the occasional emergency.” “Business emergencies are one thing. But the kids know they’re our priority. They always come first,” I say.Bobby speaks up. “We have a family video call every night, before bed. We never miss it. No matter where we are.” I nod. “That’s right. And this is our first family trip but not our last. The kids have chores. Bobby gets out in the garden and he’s great at landscape design. We just find ways to drown out the negative white noise with positive family energy.”The day finally comes to an end and cameras capture it all. The smiles, the laughter, the easy dynamic we’ve spent years building. I’m proud of us. Sofia was right. This was
(Winona)The sun blazes down, the sky a perfect, uninterrupted blue as we step onto the deck of the yacht. Dubai’s skyline looms behind us, glass towers gleaming in the heat, the water an impossible shade of turquoise. The cameras are already set up, discreet but ever-present. A carefully curated glimpse into the life of a family that—on paper—has it all. Jayden shakes hands with the producer, exchanging pleasantries, while I shift Henry on my hip, forcing a smile. I see Sofia Fernandez, Nexus Global’s Head of Public Relations. I’m a little relieved to see a familiar face and someone I bonded with in Brussels. Then behind her I see Astrid Koenig. I stiffen slightly at the blank expression but that’s just Astrid. Sofia comes straight in with a huge smile and hug for me.As I hug her back, I see Astrid approach Jayden. She’s not a hugger but she does touch his hand and eyeball him while giving a definite nod. He smiles back like he’s not trying to smile. I can tell she likes him.A w
(Winona)Dubai is breathtaking. The resort is pure indulgence—pristine beaches, towering glass buildings, the smell of salt and luxury in the air. The kids are all fed and crashed in bed and Jayden has arranged a late dinner for us.Dinner is set on the resort rooftop, candles flickering against the warm night breeze, the city stretching out beneath us in a blanket of gold lights.Jayden reaches for my hand across the table. “It’s nice, isn’t it? Us, here. Without work hanging over our heads. Our family all together. I’ve missed the kids so much.”I smile, but it’s not quite real. I’m trying to forget earlier. “The kids?”“And you as well, that goes without saying.”“Does it?”He studies me. “You okay?”“Not really. But I will be. It’s been hectic and I so looked forward to being here,” I say, “ without the media.”“I can guarantee you there’s no media or cameras clicking tonight. I made sure we had absolute privacy.” “We may as well get to the first of the herd of elephants in the r
(Winona)The airport is a swirling mass of bodies, luggage, and barely controlled chaos. Some flights have been cancelled because of the weather, and I just hope ours is not one of them.I refused the private jet as I want the kids to see how the majority of people travel. We’re still business class but even that lounge is backed up right now.Sarah is not one for big crowds, so she’s on edge. I’m trying to stay calm to show her it’s okay and we can cope with this.“When will we get there?” she asks for the tenth time. Bobby groans loudly beside me. “Sarah, we’re not even on the plane yet. Stop asking dumb questions.” “Don’t be mean,” I chide, shifting Henry higher on my hip. He’s already getting restless, his little hands grabbing at my necklace. I just hope he doesn’t need another diaper change anytime soon.River chuckles, adjusting her backpack. “Gonna be a long flight, I think.” Kit smirks. “Oh yeah. Definitely. But it’s just energy in here. The kids pick up on it.” Sarah pou