
Little Info

  After I finish this story, I will be working on another one that I started in 2012. Due to some unforseen things, I never got to finish that story. It is about a war between vampires and aliens, leaving the humans to decide which side to choose. Let me know what you think. Would you be interested in reading something like that? There are going to be a lot of elements in it that I don't really want to get into too much detail about. I will be also completely rewritting the whole of what I have already written in regards to that story. It's about 30 or 40 chapters that I am going to be rewritting. I still have not figured out if I am going to do it in a series form or just one large book. What do you think? Do you prefer a series or one novel. If it is a series, it will probably be broken into four or five books.

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