

The Ambaram

“Come on, monkeys, it isn’t that hard. Just grab the ropes and climb fast. Stop complaining like little girls.” Arnold yelled over the group of boys who were glaring at their now scratched and bruised palms. The rope was old but strong. It has smoothened over years; still, it hurt their rough flesh. Well, it wasn’t entirely the fault of the rope but the cruel teacher who has been biting their ears for the past two hours to climb again and again. Some of them were on the verge of passing out, whereas others resigned by falling on the ground with throbbing calves.


Arnold thought and snorted at their laidback attitude. With this progress, they won’t match even half of the level of the tribal warriors. They were too slow and delicate. Their expression was morphed with pain and struggle. Earlier, he was planning on taking them to hike but judging the harsh weather, they prepared an artificial atmosphere in the ground by using poles and thick branches of trees. Arnold
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