
5 The Elves

We were surrounded by men and women of all different ages all carrying spears, axes, swords and bow and arrows all pointing straight at us. 

Asher spoke loudly and clearly.

“ We are here to speak to your Lord Keltris. I bring Keira Kennedy, she is the one the prophecy speaks of. We have come for the transfer and the guidance of your people and I ask that you let us through.”  

The group started mumbling and whispering between themselves. A loud booming voice then echoed through the tree’s. 

“I am Prince Folen Keltris , I will escort you to my father Lord Folas Keltris .”

“Let them through”.

The elves instantly went silent and split straight down the middle instantly. 

A tall elf with long blond hair down to his waist, sharp blue eyes that were so bright that you could see them clearly from a distance. A sword hung in its hilt from his waist, a long forest green robe dropped from his shoulders and flowed all the way down until it was grazing the top of the ground. There were three guards on either side of him wearing long sleeved red leather tops and tight black pants that clung to their skin, these must be the uniform of the guards. One elf on the far right had a jagged scar from the corner of his left eye to the tip of his bright red lips. Dark black hair tied up in a small ponytail at the back of his head. His knowing eyes scanning everything in front of him, you could tell he was listening for anything that he could not see.

Asher nudged me forwards towards the Prince. I slowly moved forward, as soon as we got close enough two of the guards, one from each side moved in front of the Prince not letting us get any closer.

Another guard then came up to us and asked us to raise our arms so they could check to make sure there was nothing on us that could potentially harm their Prince or King. They must have known what Asher was as two guards followed him wherever he moved to.

“Prince Folen Keltris please take us to your father, we need to start as soon as possible”.

“Just call me Prince Folen, follow me”.

Prince Folen turned around and started towards a huge building, one that big I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. It was an old grey building, that had long towers down the sides that went into a spiraled point towards the top. It had long vines wrapped around the bottom of the building making it fit more into the forest surroundings. 

We went through a huge wooden door and down a long corridor that had one or two windows but sconce lights shone brightly in between them as only moonlight shone through the windows. The walls were a deep blue colour with flecks of red through, giving it a hint of purple here and there.

“My father is just through these doors, make sure that you bow when you enter and make sure that you are polite.” said Prince Folen 

Me and Asher nodded at the instructions. Prince Folen knocked on the door and it opened inwards. We stepped through into a huge round room and I gasped at the beauty. A large glass chandelier hung from the centre lighting up the entire room. An elf sat on a silver throne that was engraved with vines and leafs with colours of green and red flashed through. I have never seen a more beautiful chair or throne before. 

The elf was an older version of Prince Folen you could definitely tell he was the prince's father. There was a younger version of Prince Folen that sat near the Lord Folas; this must be either the Lord’s son or nephew as there was definitely a family resemblance. 

“ Father this is Asher and Keira, she is the one that the prophecy speaks of, they have finally got here.” Spoke Prince Folen

Lord Folas stood up. Me and Asher bowed 

“It is an honour to meet you Lord Folas.” Asher politely spoke 

“The honour is mine if what my son tells me is true.”

I could feel my cheeks get warm as red ran up them. I didn’t know what to say back to him about that so I just stuck to something that my mum always told me to say if I went to someone else’s house. 

“Thank you for allowing me into your home, it is beautiful.” I stuttered 

He smiled back at me and said “You're more than welcome my dear.”

The younger version of Prince Folen scoffed at that. I didn’t know why.

“You will have to excuse my son Prince Arizer, he has clearly forgotten to bring his manners as well as his ability to speak.”  Lord Folas scolded his son.

“It is quite alright everyone is allowed to feel how they feel in a situation like this, it is not the easiest of things to wrap your head around.” Asher replied

“Excuse me but what is he having difficulty wrapping his head around? He knew about all these creatures and he knew about the prophecy, yet I didn’t but I have managed to meet everyone new and not scoff at them.” I argued

Asher glared at me like a teacher at school.

I don’t see why I should have to use my manner towards him if he is going to scoff at me. He is the one that is meant to be a prince, well then he can damn well act like one.

Prince Arizer stood up from his chair, I didn’t realise how tall he was while he was sitting down and he looked a lot more broad than his older brother. 

“If you would excuse me father, I don’t want to be in this room right now as I might say something that might offend and embarrass and I would not want to do that to you.” Prince Arizer asked

“No you may not, you will do your duty and stay as a Prince to the elves and now future King.”

I wonder what he meant by he is the future king now?

Asher looked at me trying to decipher what I was thinking, he must have liked what I showed on my face as his shoulders relaxed.

He sat back in his chair while he gave me a look where if looks could kill I would be dead and my body would be in pieces, it was a look so fierce that I swear I could feel the hatred like a flame heating my skin up. 

“What is your problem? I have not done a damn thing to you, yet you think you have the right to look and talk to me like this.”

Lord Folas laughed and said “I like her.”

Just as Prince Arizer stood up so fast the chair flew backwards across the room slamming into the wall behind him. 

“ Arizer stop this now.”

“ No father, she wants to know why I already hate her and have the right to look and talk to her like I want to, well here it is, little girl. You coming here has put a death sentence on my brother.” 

“ Is that a good enough reason for you?”

“What does he mean by that Asher?”

“ What he is saying can’t be true, why would it be? none of this is making any sense”. 

That's when what Asher told me earlier  clicked in my head, he said the powers would be sacrificed to me not given.

I stood shaking how could I accept them if someone had to die to give them to me?

I ran from the room, back out into the forest hoping that being back outside in the beautiful surroundings that I would be able to calm down enough to actually get a breath back.

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