
A friend.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I read that note again and again. Something in it made me stir. I did believed in love but never  thought or imagined myself in one. I don't know what came over me. I picked up my pen and started scribbling on that piece of paper.

"I do believe in soulmates, and also believe that you cannot find them overnight. I believe that compatibility between two individuals will never exist. You have to make a soul mate over the years through a companionship that passes through agreement, disagreement, adjustment and forgiving each other and finally accepting them as they are.

I believe we have to make our soulmates, not find them!!"

I smiled at my own words thinking that this might sound funny when you don't even know what actual love is. I smiled at my foolishness but not wanting to throw away that piece of paper I stuffed it inside that book and closed it.

It was already time for another class so I packed all my stuffs and left the library. The hall was empty everyone must have gone to their class. And suddenly it hit me. "Shit I Am late" I cursed under my breath and ran as fast as I could to my class. I opened the door trying to catch my breath when all eyes turned towards me. I became nervous and bit my lower lip. The teacher glanced at me Irritation written on her face because of my sudden disturbance in her class."You're late" she said annoyance dripping from her words like venom."Sorry ma'am I am new and lost my way here" I replied with my trembling voice. "Okay get seated but don't repeat it again" She warned me.

I looked over for a place I could sit but to my luck there was none. Everyone had already been seated and I was the only one left. The teacher found my discomfort and spoke up..."Aiden can you please share your seat" the teacher said. I looked over to see who it was and as soon as my eyes landed on him I was knocked out of breath. He was absolutely perfect his Short coal black hair fell gracefully over his forehead, his sharp jaw and full lips complimenting more to his handsomeness. His orbs as blue as ocean as if i would drown any seconds watching them. His tanned body with perfectly sculptured abs and his shirt clinging to his body as a second skin. He was the defination of a Greek god. 'Stop drooling over' my subconscious mind mocked me. I regained my poster waiting for him to react but he didn't, he remained unmoved by the teachers request as he didn't hear what the teacher had asked. "Aiden" the teacher called out again this time gaining his attention. He looked at me with his magnificent blue yet cold eyes and said "I am sorry teacher but I don't like to share". The teacher was going to say something which definitely wasn't good for him but before she could someone spoke up. "ma'am I have some space here I can share" the girl with a blond hair said. She had big glasses on which was trying to hide her beautiful face but failing it. Her beauty shined from her kindness but I knew that she wasn't much liked by others in the class because everyone was looking at her with hatred and disgust in their eyes. "Thank you miss Rose" the teacher spoke up breaking me from my inner thoughts. "Miss Amara.... You may" she spoke up again. "Thank you teacher" I replied and moved towards the blond girl who's name was Rose. I sat down beside her the teacher also went back to her original place and began her class again...

It was already an hour and the teacher was no where near to be done for the day. I was a little tired and hungry because I couldn't have much breakfast in the morning today it's usually like that but today I have been burning my calories up with all the anxiety I was having for this new day of high school. It was finally time for lunch and the bell rang indicating the class is over. The teacher left the class and others got out too. I was packing my stuffs when rose spoke up "Hi I am Rose" She introduced herself with a genuine smile on her face. "Hi I am Amara It's a pleasure meeting you" I replied back with the same smile. "Likewise." she said back putting her stuffs inside her bag and I did the same. She closed her bag and pulled it in her arms and looked at me. "Would you like to join me for lunch?" she asked. I can see how genuine and a good person she was but despite being in this expensive clothes i am wearing I didn't have any money for my food. I smile at her and said "I am so sorry actually I was in a hurry this morning so I forgot to get my purse but thank you for the offer. Friends?". Extending my hand I lied so simply that even a professional would have been shocked from my acting.

"Friends." She took my hand for a shake. "Hey why don't we celebrate this friendship" ...

"the food is on me" she added at the last. I didn't want to be a burden on anyone and rose?! She was my first ever friend how could I ask for more. But she was a stubborn head with her continues pleading I gave in "Okay fine." I said. She suddenly stopped talking, looked at me with amazement in her eyes "Really?! let's go than" She said excitement dripping from her words and pulled me towards the canteen.

The canteen was bustling with people chatting eating and running around for food. I looked around at the place taking the stucture and the amazing aroma of food in. "Do you like the place?" Rose suddenly said breaking my thoughts. "Yes this place is amazing" I said back with a satisfactory smile on my face. Rose suddenly left my hand and ran over to a table "Amara come fast Orelse the seat will be taken" she shouted already sitting in the chair. I laughed looking at her silly antics and walked towards her but suddenly "ouch" I collided with a hard wall which had tray in its hand. Wait what?!

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