
Chapter Three

I stare at the phone Kio bought, realizing I picked it up without thinking before I stormed out of his property. I don’t want to use it nor do I want to touch it. In fact, I want to return it, but there’s no way I’d want to see that guy again!

Should I mail it, then?

On a second thought, he already gave it to me so it means it is legally my property now. I can just pretend I found it somewhere else. Besides, I can no longer salvage my phone, and I need one.

I stare at it for a whole minute more before finally picking it up, and getting the phone off the box. It is pretty, and really looks expensive. It’s even in my favorite color, which is pink. I can still remember how I can easily get the newest phone models before everything happened. I can’t believe that I’m smiling over this phone now. 

I really don’t want anything that has to do with that guy, but I can’t just return it.

I pouted before turning it on. I can’t help but feel excited as I am staring at its animation.

I set it up, and realized that my sim card has already been placed in the phone. Suspicious, I checked the contacts, and saw that Kio’s phone number is added there. My brows furrowed before I went on and deleted it.

I have no business with his phone number. I will never contact him.

“Hmm should I buy a new sim card, then?” I asked myself before mentally taking note to buy one later.

After finally setting up my phone, I stood, grabbed the food I took out for Vivi, and went out of the chicken shop. She likes chicken tenders. Remembering what I said to her last time, I can’t help but feel guilty. I didn’t mean it. Maybe I should really be more patient with her. Things haven’t been easy for her as well.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” 

I watched with wide eyes as my newly-bought chicken tenders are now on the ground after a guy bumped against me.

I quickly picked them up before looking up at the guy. He is a middle-aged man with a freshly-shaved face and thick brows. I was about to complain about him bumping into me when there is clearly a wide space for him to walk on, but stopped myself when I saw that he genuinely looked apologetic.

“I’m so sorry, I have been too preoccupied. Please, let me make it up to you!” he said. “I can buy another order of chicken tenders. I can double it if you want—“

“Uh, no thanks, never mind,” I cut him off. I don’t like receiving food from a random stranger. I guess I’d have to cook food once I get home. Vivi doesn’t like my cooking, though.

I sigh. What a waste of ten dollars. I only have a few hundred dollars left to survive the month, and I’d need to have my rent and my bills paid two weeks from now. I don’t really have the privilege to waste money, do I?

I was already about to walk away when the guy stopped me. “Please, I feel bad. Just let me at least treat you something. Or at least I can pay for it.” He took out his wallet, and handed a hundred dollars, which made my eyebrows furrow. It seems like a stretch.

Adamant, I shook my head. “Thanks, but don’t bother. I’ll get going now,” I tell him. I didn’t wait for him to reply, and started walking once again, still clutching the bag of chicken tenders in my arms.

I don’t like giving men the bad idea. What I learned for years of working in the industry is that men can easily mistake kindness for romantic interest. I’d rather be indifferent towards them than have them thinking I want to be in a relationship with them.

As I am waiting for the next bus to arrive, I can’t help but remember the guy who bumped into me earlier. My brows creased when I realized that he looked oddly familiar as if I have already seen him somewhere. I cannot pinpoint where exactly. I shrugged, and decided to let it go. Maybe I’m just imagining things.

When I arrived home, the apartment is empty, no sign of Vivi. I let out a sigh. Looks like I’d be alone for weeks again.

I made sure to lock the doors, and finally laid on my bed. I stared at my ceiling, Kio’s words repeating inside my head. The more I forced myself not to think about him, the more the memories come.

“So you want to keep living that way?! Being at risk of getting sexually molested by random guys?! Dancing for what, for money, for attention?! You’re no longer the Danielle that I knew before—“

He’s right. I’m no longer the Danielle he knew before, but what does he even know? He wasn’t there when I was roaming the streets, when I had nothing to eat, when I could barely take care of myself. And he will never understand. While he’s living an extravagant life, I’m here surviving.

Of course I don’t want to keep living this way! Who wants to? I have swallowed my pride numerous times just so Vivi and I can survive. Who even wants to be sexually molested? I’m doing what I can because I don’t have a choice. Easy for him to judge!

Still, I found myself crying over it. Stupid, stupid!

Exhausted, I fell asleep, and only woke up when  I hear a knocking on the door. There is even a girl shouting.

Thinking it might be Vivi, I stood and opened the door, only to see that it isn’t Vivi but Michaela. She is carrying a luggage with her. “Let me stay for the night, please? Hans and I fought. I can’t stand any more second in that condo—wait… what happened to your neck? Were you strangled?” She reached for my neck to examine it, but I was quick to dodge, and opened the door wider to make way for her.

“I-I was molested,” I told her. I shivered at the thought of that guy’s hands all over my body.

Michaela dropped her luggage, eyes wide. “What?! Did that happen during your gig?”

I shook my head. “No. I haven’t been taking gigs since the bachelor’s party…” I picked her luggage up. “But let’s just not talk about it.”

“Okay, I’m just glad you’re okay! Goodness…you should really accept my offer. I’m worried about you, girl.” 

She is talking about work outside town in one of Hans’s, her fiancé, businesses. It is a nice offer, but I’d need to move to a different apartment as it is six hours away. I can’t do that now. I moved here because it’s closer to Vivi’s university. Maybe when she graduates, I’ll accept the offer.

“When Vivi finishes college…”

Michaela rolled her eyes before settling on the sofa. “And when will that ever happen?” She has developed a dislike towards my sister, saying how Vivi keeps on disrespecting me. 

I bit the inside of my cheeks, and didn’t answer her question. “Anyway, you can stay in her room. I doubt she’d be back for weeks. We fought yesterday.”

“She just takes you for granted, you know. She’s a spoiled brat.”

If only Michaela knows how spoiled I was before!

Although I do agree that Vivi takes me for granted. She probably hates me, even. I don’t know why. Maybe she’s putting the blame on me. When daddy died a year after mommy died, she had no choice but to live with me. The transition must’ve been hard for her.

‘But it’s the same way for you! You transitioned just like she did,’  a part inside me said.

It took a lot of patience, but I tried so hard to understand her, even when it pains me seeing her treat me like a stranger. We used to be so close before! What I would give to go back in time, and enjoy those moments of peace.

Now, I just want her successful in life. She always comes first in my prayers. Even when she hates me now, she’s still my sister, my flesh and blood.

I took the spare key of Vivi’s room, but when I was about to open it, my brows furrowed when I realized that it wasn’t locked. Vivi always locks her door because she doesn’t like it when I enter her room.

I yanked it open, and saw her room disheveled. When I opened her cabinets, my suspicions are true. Her clothes and belongings are no longer here!

“Why? What happened?”

I can have her not going home for weeks, but her completely running away? I don’t think I can take it.

Her leaving is one of my worst nightmares. I was even glad that she has been tolerating me for the past years.

I don’t want her to end up like me! The streets are cruel, and I have been a witness myself. The world is unsafe for a woman like her. 

I don’t care if she no longer wants to see me, but I need to know where she is, no matter what it takes!

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