
Going To The Friendly Match

The team was ready to go for any competition already they had trained enough and they were invited to play at the nearby university to play friendly match Joy checked the list in the early morning she discovered that she is in short of one player she countered check through the list and his list she discovered that someone rewrote the list using different handwriting she was very shocked she checked in her bag again she discovered that there is no other list apart from the one she has she held her chin in shock.

"Who could have removed one of the player's lists and also accessed her bag without permission," She asked herself.

"Who has been removed from the list and why?" The question lingered in her mind.

She checked again who has been removed she realized it was her favorite player Angela she thought hard she rewrote the list again putting Angela to be the first on the list and uploaded it into the female and sent it to the accounts department Sally Ruth and Nelly knew that Angela is not going to play because she is not in the list they woke up early to prepare for the friendly match in the nearby university Angela woke up she thought of her injuries and she felt nothing Derrick jumped out of bed he didn't make love to her as usual because Angela was in pain.

"My dear, how are you feeling today?" Derrick asked.

Angela woke up and walked around she looked at Derrick in surprise.

"What do you mean you are feeling well after suffering from injuries from basketball all Court?" Derrick asked.

Angela smiled at Derrick.

"Babe_ as you see I feel no pain you nursed me very well I think you should be a doctor" Angela retorted.

She jumped to show Derrick that she is ready for the friendly match and ran sound the room Derrick was amazed.

"I think I have a problem with my team," Angela said.

'What problem" Derrick asked.

"We have three ladies in our team whenever I play against them I find myself with a lot of injuries," Angela said.

"Do they knock you down intentionally?" Derrick asked.

"I guess so especially Ruth she made sure she knock me even if we are playing as teammates Angela said.

"Next time you avoid them whenever you are playing change your position and it will be well with you" Derrick advised.

Ruth sally and Nelly came out of their hostels the y walked towards Angela's hostel they found that the door is closed they looked at each other.

"I guess the love birds are still romancing I hate Angela so much," Ruth said.

"We are going to teach her a lesson today we have already dealt with her," Sally said.

"She is not going to be in the team she is going to join us but she is not going to play," Nelly said.

Joy was done confirming everything is in order she picked up her bag and went out to the court she saw the three ladies at the door of Angela's hostel she was surprised she took cover not to be seen by the ladies laughed as they talk and walked to the basketball court joy followed them Angela and Derrick were done taking breakfast they walked out of the hostel joy looked at them at a distance.

"Angela my favorite player who was removed from the list," She said to herself.

"Who is this malicious person who wants her out of the team?" She asked herself.

Derrick hugged Angela goodbye and rushed to the football pitch Ruth sally and Nelly saw her being hugged by Derrick they felt bad joy realized that the three ladies are jealous at Angela, Angela rushed to the basketball court and joined her teammates waiting for the bus to arrive joy the school captain arrived with her bag walked towards the basketball court the buss appeared and they all boarded they drove to the Aberdeen university to play a friendly match, at Aberdeen university the players were already at the court worming up ready to face Oxford university Joy very determined that her team will win over Aberdeen university Oxford university drove past the city center to the Aberdeen university Angela and her team mates had much expectations Sally Nelly and Ruth sat together near the driver while other teammates were seated at the back of the bus they had much expectation Derrick in the football field waiting for the bus to come he felt lonely he thought of Angela he wished he was with him the football captain came and the football team assembled the bus approached and they boarded and took of to Aberdeen university they starts singing the song praising the Oxford university the basketball team arrived and the Aberdeen university cheered a they alighted from the bus Joy led them to the basketball court as they walked on a straight line led by the team's captain they stood in a semicircular manner as joy went in front to call the names of the players she removed the list to read Sally Nelly and Ruth thought that Angela was not in the university list.

"When you hear your name please move forward" Joy instructed.

She started calling their names Sally Nelly and Ruth got shocked Angela was the fast one to appear on the list they looked at each other in disappointment.

"You mean Angela is on the list?" Ruth asked.

Yes, she is going to play I don't know who informed the school captain that her name has been removed" Sally said.

Joy called all the names she organized the team as the Aberdeen university team organized themselves for the friendly match.

"I will exclude Angela in the first half, Ruth you are going to play on her behalf since you have a Sharp resemblance we need to confuse the Aberdeen university team," Joy said.

They were ready to play they went inside the basketball court Aberdeen team came they shake hands and the referee started the game the fans started cheering as they play Ruth scored the first busker and the Oxford university students cheered but it was short-term Aberdeen scored fifteen buskers of out ten in the first round Oxford we're overwhelmed and realized that they were going to lose the match injury time joy reorganized her team "Angela I have been training you I know you are capable to redeem our team you in the second and the fourth round you can make a difference and we can win the game" Joy said.

Sally Nelly and Ruth looked at each other laughing sarcastically at Angela joy realized that the three ladies are against Angel but in her heart she knew Angela was capable of making the team to win the referee started the game and Oxford university played and Angela scored four consecutive basket and it be came twenty our of nineteen basket the Oxford team got strength to play their funs cheered Sally Nelly and Ruth got shocked on how Angela managed to take over the team to the next level they were very disappointed to see how Angela played the game in the third round the Oxford university team took the game by storm and Angela scored ten basket and it became Oxford university thirty and Aberdeen university twenty five basket on the fourth round Angela took the team to the next level and Oxford university won by forty basket against thirty the team mates took around Angela as the player if the day Aberdeen university shocked they didn't belief that they lost at home Joy got surprised on how they could win a match away Angela became a celebrity in the university and that made Sally Ruth and Nelly to hate her more and come with ways to out do her they went back to the university the were cheered like never before Angela was carried all round the university as a heroine who brought back the glory of the basketball team.

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