
Trying to break a spell.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Sarah seemed to be getting even worse as time went on, her body was not reacting positively to the antibiotics.

"Sarah, you must understand that, if we don't get that ovary out, your life is in danger" The gynecologist on duty, in his anguish over Sarah's health, was trying to persuade her to agree to emergency surgery, but Sarah was refusing the idea of not being able to get pregnant with Markus, it burdened her existence.

"Doctor, please don't tell me that, I want to be a mother and if I can't have children, most likely my love is going to reject me, please understand me" Sarah was distraught and consumed by the pain of her illness, but her emotional exhaustion would not let her see beyond reality.

"I know Sarah, many women have the illusion of being mothers, but it's just that the infection from not taking your meds at the beginning of all this made your body not react in the best way, there is an ovary quite infected and we must remove it, it doesn't me
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