
Chapter 03

Clyde Butch Pov:

My eyes widened in disbelief as I beheld the scene before me. Doubt clouded my mind, and I couldn't help but question whether I was mistaken. Seeking clarification, I turned to Diyo and reached out to grab hold of what appeared to be the edge of a bra. I couldn't contain my confusion as I asked, "What is this?" We both gazed at it, puzzled and bewildered.

As I opened my bag, I couldn't believe my eyes. The contents inside were far from anything I had imagined. Confusion washed over me, and I knew I needed answers. The only person who could provide one on the bizarre situation in front of me was Diyo.

He was responsible to carry out the mission then what the hell is going on? The question echoed through my mind as I looked at him, waiting for an answer. He stared back at me, his eyes wide and filled with confusion.

“I…” he started but then trailed off. He seemed at a loss for words, and I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He was always so quiet, so reserved, but right now I wanted him to speak up and tell me where he went wrong that ended up in this mess.

"You, what?" I asked, my voice growing more impatient with each passing moment. I had entrusted him with the bag, and now he was telling me that he didn't know where it was.

"I-I don't know," he replied, his voice low. But his words did little to soothe my anger. He knew what would happen if my bag fell into the wrong hands, knew how important it was to our mission, and yet he had the audacity to tell me that he didn't know where it was.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. It wasn't easy. I could feel my heart racing, my blood boiling with frustration. How could he be so careless, so thoughtless? How could he let something like this happen?

"You don't know?" I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper, "Diyo!" I exclaimed, my voice rising as I struggled to keep my anger in check, "Do you have any idea what was in that bag?" I asked, my voice cold and commanding.

No matter how many favors I had done for him, no matter how much I had trusted him, what he did today was unforgivable. I looked at Diyo, my eyes filled with anger and frustration.

"I don't know how this happened," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down, unable to meet my gaze.

I went silent, but I didn't stop looking at him. If it had been anyone else in his place, they would have been six feet under the ground by now. But it wasn't anyone else. It was him. The one who had carried out my most important missions for years, despite his young age.

I couldn't bring myself to harm him, no matter how angry I was. He had been loyal to me, through thick and thin. He had risked his life countless times, all for the sake of my cause. He had never made a mistake before, so the thought of him making one today was almost unbelievable.

"Out!" I said, my voice cold and sharp. I turned around and walked towards the window, my heart racing with anger and frustration.

For years, he had been my most trusted ally. He had carried out my orders with precision and care, never once faltering in his loyalty. But now, as I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel little disappointed.

I looked out of the window, my mind racing as I tried to figure out where we had gone wrong. We had been so careful, so meticulous in our planning. There wasn't a single chance where we had made any mistake. And yet, somehow, someone had managed to take the bag without us noticing.

I heard Diyo's steps echoing away, and then the sound of the turning doorknob. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped suddenly, as if struck by something.

"Wait," he said, his voice filled with a sudden urgency. "I remember!"

I turned around, "What?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He shook his head, his eyes fixed on me, "There was a girl passing by with the same exact bag as ours," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Our bags look alike, so she must have taken ours thinking it's hers."

Cursing in frustration, I found myself in a situation I hadn't imagined. "Damn it," I muttered under my breath, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Now, the urgent task at hand was to locate a girl who had disappeared, and it was imperative to find her before she opened the bag. Furthermore, there was uncertainty surrounding whether she had taken it by mistake or with intent. Diyo nodded in agreement, aware of his role and what needed to be done.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I instructed Diyo, "Hack the security cameras and locate her room number immediately. Time is of the essence!" Understanding the gravity of the task at hand, Diyo swiftly maneuvered himself toward the corner of the room where his laptop lay perched upon the corner table.

Diyo positioned himself before the laptop, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with calculated precision.

As the seconds ticked by, Diyo's focused gaze remained fixed on the screen, his eyes scanning lines of code and intricate digital pathways. The rhythmic tapping of keys resonated in the room.

After a nerve-wracking five minutes, Diyo's voice cut through the silence, "Here, look at this girl. It's her." Turning my attention towards the screen, I fixated my gaze upon the image he had uncovered. In that fleeting moment, I committed her face to memory, etching the details into my mind's eye. Taking a breath, I turned to Diyo, my voice resolute, "Room number?"

As the words escaped Diyo's lips, a sense of disbelief washed over him, causing one of his brows to arch in astonishment. "Right next to ours," he uttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and incredulity. The irony of the situation was not lost on us. After a series of unexpected twists and turns that seemed to have derailed our plans, fortune had unexpectedly aligned itself in our favor.

Diyo's eyes turned to me, "So, now?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity. I paused for a moment, contemplating our next course of action, before responding with a nonchalant shrug.

"Well, she asked for it herself, didn't she?" I remarked, a mischievous grin playing upon my lips. "She should better attribute her misfortune to her own poor luck rather than pointing fingers at me." The irony of the situation was not lost on me, and a sense of amusement welled up within me. It seemed that fate had a way of playing its own hand, and now we had the opportunity to capitalize on it.

With an air of confidence, I gestured for Diyo to follow me, knowing that he understood the implications of my words. Diyo nodded in agreement, his eyes telling me he's ready.

One of the aspects that had always impressed me about Diyo was his propensity for action rather than idle talk. He possessed a quality of being a doer, a man of action who let his work speak for itself. This was precisely why he was an invaluable asset to our mission.

Standing before the door that belonged to the girl we had been diligently tracking, I turned to Diyo and questioned, breaking the silence, "Is it this one?" Diyo, ever the man of few words, responded with a thoughtful, contemplative "hmm" sound, his expression betraying neither confirmation nor doubt.

Before I could utter a word, a piercing scream shattered the silence, erupting from within the confines of the girl's room. The shrill sound reverberated through the corridor, echoing with a raw intensity. Diyo and I exchanged a knowing glance, a shared understanding passing between us. There was no mistaking what had unfolded behind that closed door.

"F-ck," I muttered under my breath in frustration, "It seemed that the girl had opened the bag."

My gaze shifted towards Diyo, and I asked "Door lock?" Diyo, the laptop still cradled in his hands, remained focused on his task, his fingers dancing across the keyboard in a flurry of rapid keystrokes.

"Just a minute," he replied, his voice filled with determination, his eyes fixed on the screen before him. The urgency of the situation seemed to fuel his resolve, driving him to work at an accelerated pace.

I reached out and clasped the doorknob, my fingers tightening around its cold surface as I said in a commanding voice, "Fast."

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