



The park seemed like a suitable place for a date—serene, with a gentle breeze stirring the leaves. Lucas was talking animatedly about his classes, blissfully unaware of the turmoil raging inside me. That's when the message arrived.

A photo of Lucas and me, taken from a discreet distance, accompanied by a message: "Caught in the act." The sender wasn't shy about it; they had copied Henry's email, ensuring he got front-row seats to my little drama.

My heart sank as Henry's call came through. "Where are you, Sophia?"

"In the park," I mumbled, glancing around nervously.

"I'll be right there."

His voice had an edge, a tone that hinted at trouble. As I waited, guilt gnawed at me. I knew I had messed up big time.

When Henry arrived, his expression was a mix of disappointment and anger. "Care to explain?" he demanded, arms crossed.

I took a deep breath, attempting to gather the words to justify my actions. "Henry, I... I wasn't sure about us when Lucas asked me out. I though
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