
Chapter 17 The Bond

Ali Ahmed POV

Kyra found Ali Ahmed first. He was hiding in a linen closet, wedged between bed sheets and a stack of towels. She smiled then stepped into the closet, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Ali Ahmed was very, very aware of how close together they were, how dark the closet was, and how the sound of their breath was the only thing he could hear. He was torn between wanting Omer to find them as soon as possible and wanting this moment with Kyra to never end. Kyra shifted and Ali Ahmed felt her bare arm slide against his, sending shivers through his whole body.

"There you are!" With a gleeful shout, Omer flung the door open and Kyra stepped out of the closet quickly, not looking back. Ali Ahmed followed.

"Congrats! Your turn to hide, right?"

"Wait," Ali Ahmed said, his heart suddenly skipping a beat. "What time is it?"

"Just a little before three," Kyra said, glancing at her phone. "Why? What's up?"

"I have a meeting," Ali Ahmed said, grabbing his bag and starting for the do
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