


While Richard left his friends, he went to report everything to late Rose's parents and they were surprised. Although, they didn't like the aspect of him trying to seduce Riana at all cost even if he paid a huge sacrifice for the capture of Prince.

However, they begged him to reconsider and make amends with his female counterparts, but he refused and said he was out of Rose's case. He angrily left their presence and promised to never come back. It really pained Rose's parents. They thought of informing his parents about the whole situation, but when they did, it didn't turn out well too.

"So you mean my son should risk his life over your late daughter? No way! You people must have brainwashed him, but I'm glad he is back to his senses. Please don't ever bring this matter up again." Richard's father angrily said in the meeting.

Richard's mother never supported the idea of his son risking hi

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