
Interview I

Chapter Two.

*The Next Morning*

Anastasia's Pov

"You have a plane to catch up with!" Susan reminded me as I looked back at the hotel and entered her car. I couldn't believe I was not going to figure out who was the real father of my child.

The lady who was in charge said she couldn't reveal their Client's private information and I don't think she was ready to do it no matter the amount I offered her.

"We are going to another city now!" Susan announced just to cheer me up.

"You can be a father to your baby! You know that right?" She assured me as she patted my back, while I heaved a deep sigh of relief as she drove off.


It wasn't hard to find an apartment here in Texas anyway. All I needed now was to find a hospital I could just register with.

Then if I can give birth I will also find a way to look for a job here. I think I love this place better than NYC. It isn't the crowdy here though.

I got a call from Susan and I picked it up immediately.

"How is your new place?" She asked me as I gave her my feedback.

"Do you want me to come over and stay with you there? Will you be able to live alone? You are pregnant and you can't live alone." She said to scold me.

"Don't worry, if I need your help! I'm going to call you." I assured her as she hummed while I ended the call.

I touched my belly.

"I never imagined I was going to be a single mother," I said as I rubbed my belly.

 I will make sure to give my baby all the things he or she wants. I will make sure to hear their opinion and not be like my parents.

I'm now happy I will be able to sing now since my parents didn't want me to become one, because of their religious beliefs.

I should sing my baby some lullabies.

*Six Years Later*

"Ashley, come here. I have told you several times not to leave your bag on the chair whenever you come back from school." I warned my six-year-old daughter immediately when she came back from school.

"Mom, I'm mad at you!" She shouted from the room.

"What have mommy done love?" I asked her as I saw her presence in the sitting room and she placed her hand on her waist.

"Mom, my classmates will always talk about their dad at school. Sometimes the teacher will ask us the occupation of our parents but I don't even know my dad. When are we going to see him?" She asked me as she stomped her foot on the floor.

"I told you that I am your father and also your mother so you don't need to know," I replied to her, as I could see the change of countenance on her face.

She was almost crying.

"Come here, baby girl," I told her, I squatted up to her level and opened my arms wide for a hug.

I don't know who her dad is nor can I remember his face but anytime I can stare at her, it is as if I am staring at her dad.

She has the same features as her dad, starting from her green eye, I'm sure she didn't pick that after me. 

She also has this strong abilities that sometimes I wonder if she was born with superpowers.

"To be honest Mom I want to see my dad. I don't want to grow up without having one." She told me as I sighed.

I think I should do something for the daughter's sake if I like her. I should look for her dad.

Where do I want to start from exactly? I can't even remember his face! I don't even know his name.

The only way I can find her dad is if that person and I are destined to meet.

"Don't worry, I will look for you Dad and you will get to live with him," I assured her.

She doesn't know that I had a one-night stand with a stranger anyway. 

"Aunt Susan is coming today right?" She asked me and I nodded.

"The uncle downstairs told me to tell you that he is waiting for your reply." She said to me as I nodded while she went back to her room.

I don't know what is wrong with him! I told him I was not interested in him but he kept on bugging me. He even had to send my daughter to me now!

Most men lose interest in me anytime they figure out that I am a single mother. This guy is a player and that is what I don't like about him.

I waited for Susan's arrival. Yeah! Susan has been coming here for the past 6 years, she stayed with me for a while year immediately after I gave birth then.

She has been a wonderful friend to me and I love her for it.

"I don't think it is a bad decision to move back to New York! I bet your parents must have forgotten about you." Susan said to me when I told her about my plan to look for Ashley's father.

"Yes! So when do you think I can go?" I asked her as she shrugged her arm.

"Tomorrow? Or the day after? We can go there and you can also stay at my place for a while till you get a job or something." She suggested as I nodded.

I am finally leaving this city and there is one thing I pray for and that is for me not to bump into any of my parents.

"Where is Ashley by the way?" She asked after she didn't notice Ashley's presence for a while.

"Aunt Susan." I heard Ashley shouting as she came downstairs and went ahead to hug Susan. Her happiness gives me joy and I love her so much.

"You are suffocating me, Ashley." Susan teased as they stopped hugging.

"Yeah! I keep on getting stronger day by day." Ashley bragged as she showed Susan her muscle.

"Who told you? I have been working out for me to get more strength and I think I am more stronger than you." Susan bragged as I watched as the two performed their craziness.

We all played till it was in the evening time and Ashley was already asleep.

I didn't tell her that we will be moving to another state yet, I bet she will be happy same time she will be sad that she is going to be leaving her friends.

"Let's assume I can find the father of this baby do you think he will be happy?" I asked Susan who was sleeping by my side.

"I'm not sure." She replied.

Does he even know he has a child somewhere? Did he even bother to look for me after what happened that night? How am I even going to find him?

"After leaving this place I will get a job somewhere," I told Susan.

"Really?" She asked as she sat up immediately.

I guess that must have startled her, especially the fact that I am the one saying it. She must not be expecting it I guess.

She knows I am not the kind of person who has shown interest in a job ever since my father stopped me from singing.

"I am doing this for my child, I want to be a good role model," I told her as she slept back.

"There is a job vacancy at one of the top companies in the whole world." She said to me as I scoffed.

"Do you think I will be able to get into that kind of company?" I asked her.

"It is owned by a Werewolf, let me show you his picture." She said to me as she showed me the picture of the man she was talking about.

His eyes looked exactly just like that of my daughter.

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