
Missing Dominik

The green jeep speeding through the capital's streets seemed to be entering the quiet housing complex where Amel's mother lived.

The screeching sound of the jeep's large tires soon entered the courtyard of the tall, white, Mediterranean-style house.

"Let go of me!" Mona's voice struggled to break the grip of the large hand of one of Dominik's bodyguards, who was dragging her inside.

"What's going on?" Amel, who was relaxing on the living room sofa, stood up immediately. Her gaze was straight ahead, still mute at Mona's confused state.

The bodyguard who had grabbed Mona's arm jerked the woman, causing her to fall against Amel's body. Fortunately, Amel's mother had quick reflexes and caught Mona's body to prevent her from falling.

"What happened? Did you disappoint Mr. Dominik?" Amel asked Mona angrily. Meanwhile, Mona could only cry.

"Mr. Dominik suddenly threw me out," Mona said in stuttering sentences as she wiped her wet oval face. Tonight, Mona felt as if Aslan had skinned her pride.

"What's wrong with Mona, she's the belle of the ball here, surely Mr. Dominik won't be disappointed!" Amel's mother shouted at the expressionless, all-black, formally dressed man in front of her.

"Cheater!" The cry echoed through the living room.

The baritone voice that suddenly emerged from the doorway made Mommy Amel's skin crawl. The dazzlingly handsome face of the Eurasian mix was enough to draw the attention of the few residents. The strong jaw and thin sideburns accentuated his face even more.

"Who are you?" asked Amel with trembling lips. She didn't know what charm the handsome man in the white shirt had before her. She felt something that made her knees weak just by hearing his voice.

The handsome man smiled slightly as he folded the hem of his shirt up to his elbow. It was as if he had no desire to look at Amel.

"Mom, he..." Mona's words were suddenly cut off.

"For an impostor like you, there's no need to know who I am!" The eagle-sharp caramel eyes again intimidated Amel and Mona, who began to hide behind the pimp.

For a few moments, Amel remained silent as if she could not say anything. Dominik's look affected her psychologically.

"Mom, can you explain why you said we were cheaters?" Amel's mother began to work up the courage to ask.

Dominik stared into Amel's existence with a look that seemed to weaken his enemy. He didn't say much but was firm when the voice came out of his throat.

Dominik sighed in annoyance at the two people in front of him. Then he ruffled his waist right in front of Amel at a distance of two meters.

"Tell me where she is!" With a cold tone, Dominik didn't need any further ado.

"Wh-who, sir?" Amel dodged as if she ignored Dominik's words.

"You're deaf! That I have to repeat myself?" Dominik shook his head while raising one of his eyebrows.

Amel swallowed his saliva with difficulty; it seemed that his decision to exchange Adine was a foolishness he would have to bear for the rest of his life.

"Willy!" shouted Dominik in a high tone that made Amel jump.

"Yes, sir." A tall man in an all-black suit approached Dominik and prepared to receive his master's orders.

"Search this place and find the woman of the night!" Dominik ordered.

Without arguing, Willy immediately did as his master commanded. He searched every nook and cranny of the house.

"If I don't find her, I could ruin your business!" Dominik pointed at Amel's face with flashing eyes in a slightly deep but angry tone.

"You have no right to do that and threaten me!" Amel complained, puffing out her chest and raising her chin as if to challenge Dominik.

Hearing Amel's defiant tone, Dominik only pulled back one corner of his lips. He did not flinch at all.

"Must I repeat myself? Where is that woman?" Dominik repeated. "I wanted her that night, but you sent another woman!"

Amel swallowed her saliva before answering Dominik's questions and insistence that sounded like the roar of a hungry male lion.

"Answer!" snapped Dominik, causing both women to jump and crush each other.

"You think I can't destroy your nightclub? Huh!" Dominik couldn't wait to hear the answer from Amel's mouth. "I can even make your nightspot disappear instantly!"

Amel looked at Dominik with a pale face. He almost wanted to faint. Many customers often threatened him, but Dominik's threats were different. It was as if the man's tone could break down the defenses of anyone in his presence.

"Adine, this woman prefers to serve other men," Amel replied falsely.

"Nonsense!" Dominik snapped back. "Tell me quickly where she is!"

Willy had searched the whole room. But he couldn't find Adine. He immediately returned to the living room to tell Dominik.

"I'm sorry, sir. I couldn't find her, but I did find this in the back storeroom," Willy said, showing the scraps of the mauve dress Aslan had bought for Adine. Dominik's caramel-colored eyes recognized it, of course.

Dominik shook his head vigorously with a flushed face. His chest trembled at the thought of what had happened to Adine.

"Last question," Dominik said, catching his breath. "Where did you hide the woman?"

"Sa-I sent her to another man," Amel stammered.

"Do I have to make it clear again for you to tell me the truth?" Dominik's question intimidated Amel.

Finally, Amel gave in and told him about Adine's whereabouts. Dominik, who felt lied to by Amel, also felt lied to by Adine.

"Willy!" called Dominik.

"Yes, sir?" Willy stepped forward.

"You know what to do?" asked Dominik commandingly.

"Yes, sir." Willy immediately left the house as his master had ordered.

"Richie!" Aslan called to the only remaining bodyguard.

"Yes, sir?" Richie approached Dominik.

"Call Jefrey and my lawyer! Tell them to shut this place down!" Dominik ordered.

Amel and the others instantly went limp when they heard the man's order to his men.

"Sir, don't do this," Amel begged pleadingly. "Next time, I will provide your special Adine."

Dominik didn't move; he stared at the two confused people before him. He stuffed both hands into his pockets. Now, he would see the sight of hypocritical people with their arrogance.


Meanwhile, in a three-star hotel, right in one of the rooms on the fifth floor.

"Please, sir, don't go any further." The voice was so heartbreaking that a sob was heard loudly, along with the sound of the leather belt being whipped repeatedly until it hit Adine's flawless skin.

"Darling, I am enjoying this so much. The louder you sob, the better I feel," said a middle-aged man with a bald head.

He whipped his leather belt back at the woman who crouched at the edge of the door, hugging her own body.

The red minidress was unable to protect her body from the man's perverted behavior.

Adine curled up even more. She was so devastated, she never thought she would meet such a fate. She missed Dominik, the handsome man who could provide warmth that night.

"Hurry up and serve me!" The man grabbed Adine's beautiful hair until she looked up. She had forgotten the pain in her body, only the pain in her heart.

Adine sobbed louder as she shook her head violently. She did not want to serve the lustful desires of the rough man.

"Not enough of my leather belt! Hah!" The bald man glared at Adine when she refused him.

He shoved Adine until she fell to the ground. The man's leather belt was about to swing back and scratch her tawny skin, but the sound of the door slamming roughly stopped the bald man.

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