
Chapter 8

And so, I told Cris what happened the past few days. His expression tells us he was listening to a fiction. Welp, I guess I broke the 4th wall.

I saw Cris move his head sideways and laugh like a maniac. “HAHAHA! Okay Azrael, that was a very weird kind of a story but you should think for another plot.” he continued laughing. At least I told him the truth, that’s what matters.

And out of surprise, I heard someone growled. Uh oh, I didn’t noticed Connor was beside me. “Are you making fun of my mate now?” I heard him said out of annoyance.

And thank goodness Cris stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and looked at me like I was out of my mind. “You’re kidding right?” and with that words out of Cris mouth, Connor took a few steps in front of me and hold my wrist.

“Is this a joke to you?” he said in his intimidating voice and raised my ha

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