
4: Here's To Making New Friends!

Ayesha's POV,

I couldn't believe it. I got an offer to be Armaan Malik's assistant manager cum CA. Eeeeeep. 😍 I'm on 7th heaven. Now I can see him every day.

My joy was short lived when I turned on my phone.

277 missed calls and 198 messages!!!

I'm dead!!!!!

In all this I totally forgot about my parents. They must be worried sick about me and they're going to kill me when I get home. Allah!

I got a call from the station police saying they found my back. I immediately rushed there to collect and found all the things as well as the money.


I reached the door of our apartment. I was soo scared. My parents are going to kill me!!!

I knocked the door and my brother opened it.

"A- asalamualaikum" I said nervously. His eyes widened.

"Mom.... Dad she's back! Didi's back!" He yelled deafening me.

Mom and Dad both ran out to me. Utter shock on thier faces. I swollowed hard as my heart jumped.

Mom came towards me and I thought she would slap me so I closed my eyes waiting for the blow. Instead....she hugged me tightly and started crying.

I froze in her arms.

"Where were you? We were all soo worried about you! We looked for you everywhere. I was having soo many scary and bad thoughts. Don't ever do that again!" She cried.

I cried too regretting how much trouble and worry I must've caused my parents. Dad said the same and scoulded me just a little, but I didn't feel bad. I deserved worst than that. Instead I was forgiven within seconds. Thank God I have such amazing parents.


"What?! You met HIM!!!!" Nida yelled in my ear. I put a finger in my ear checking if my eardrums are still intact. They were. I told her the whole story after she gave me a swollen back and red ear after beating me for running away like that.

"Yes!!! Oh, Nida I can't explain you how I felt!" I said dreamily and giggling like an idiot.

"Aww. Wow soo lucky!!!" She sighed loudly. "I wish I could get a chance to meet EXO like that..... Should I run to south Korea? No wait.... My passport expired few years ago. Damn it." She pouted.

"Don't even think about it." I warned her.

"Ofcourse I won't. But seriously Ayesha..." She sat beside on the bed.

" really are something. You stayed outside his house for 3 days just to meet him and see how God helped you and even made you his assistant manager so that you can see him everyday. Weren't you scared?"

I cleared my throat and pretended as if I'm holding a mic.

"Yes... I was very scared but my madness and love for him gave me the strength to go on."

"Oh wow miss Ayesha. Such passion. How impressive! You are even his personal CA now. Being a CA really paid off for you. How wonderful! What now? Will you 2 fall in love and get married?" She said like a reporter.

I blushed red giggling.

"Shut up Nida. Don't give me too much false hope. I get to see him and work with him. That's enough for me. He's such a huge star. Thousands of girls love him who are million times more beautiful than me. Why would he even look at me like that?" I sulked.

She held me chin and turned to face her. "Hey! Don't ever say that ok? My bestfriend Ayesha Farooqi is the most gorgeous girl. Don't look down on yourself. Ever! Understood." She said looking straight into my eyes reflecting all her faith and confidence in me.

I smiled. "I love you." I said.

"Aww I love you too." She pulled my cheek. "Now don't get senti. You need to meet him tomorrow. Get ready!" She winked.

I blushed. 'Yeah. I have to meet him tomorrow. Again!'

I screamed inwardly thinking about it. I was soo excited that I could hardly sleep.


I reached his house and found his manager.

"Oh Miss Ayesha your here already? Great! " He said.

"Just call me Ayesha please."

"Ok...Ayesha. Are you ready to work together?"

I nodded excitedly.

"Um... where's Armaan sir?" I asked trying not to blush but failed. I literally took 2 hours in the morning to get ready today. My first impression was not so good so I'm adamant to make a better 2nd impression.

"He's getting ready. We have to go to the recording studio in 15 mins ok?"


"Excuse me." He said as he went away to take a call. I waited there silently checking out the interior of the house. It was simple but really very nice. Last time I was too busy looking at Armaan that I didn't even notice anything.

Suddenly I heard a sweet melody coming from a room and like a moth to the flame I was drawn to it.

It was Amaal. Maybe he was making new music. I just looked mesmerised as his fingers moved beautifully on the piano. Wow these brothers are soo talented.

Suddenly he paused and looked around.

"Nah, it's not right. Something's missing." He said to himself out loud.

His eyes stopped at me.

"Oh, hey." He smiled

"Um.. sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." I said stepping back.

"Oh no it's ok. Comeon in." He invited me. I went in shipishly.

"Are you working on a new music. It was beautiful. I was drawn towards it when I heard it." I said honestly.

He chuckled. "You really liked it that much?"

I nodded.

" know I still feel it's missing something." He said thoughtfully.

"Hmm. Well you are a music director. You know best." I said. My eyes stopped on the piano. "It's soo amazing."

"Can you play?" He asked.

"Um... a little. I mean when I was a kid my dad brought that Casio. I used to play for fun. Never learned professionally." I answered.

"I never learned professionally either. But I loved music and used to play and then I created a tune and played it too my father. Now I'm a music director." He grinned.

"Wow. You are a born talent."

He bowed dramatically. "Thankyou."

I giggled.

"Play something."

"What? Me? In front of you?! No way." I said shocked and embarrassed.

"Oh come on! I'm not going to judge you. It's just for fun."

"Yeah, so that you can make fun of me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled. "No ofcourse not. I won't make fun of you. Promise." He kept an hand on his chest.

"Ok." I said meekly and he looked at me in anticipation.

I felt akward to do this after soo long that too in front of Amaal Malik!

I played a few keys to create a short tune and stopped.

"Hey, can you play that again. I think I got it". He said excited.

"Huh, it was just random...."


"Ok..." I played it again his fingers joined in playing the soulful tune he was playing before and then joining in it my random tune.

"Perfect!" He grinned.

I looked at him confused.

"Thank you soo much Ayesha. That's exactly what I was missing. You just completed me." He said.

"Huh." I blushed slightly at that. 'What did he just say?'

"Um... I mean.... the music." He cleared his throat.

"Oh...wait, what? Really?" I said confused.

He nodded.

"Can I please use your tune in my music?"

"Huh?" I looked at him jaw dropped. Amaal Malik is asking me if he could use my random pressing of keys in his soulful music?!

Haha... I'm dreaming.

"Your kidding right." I laughed.

He shook his head seriously.

"Really?! ok I guess if you like it." I said akwardly.

"Thankyou. But hey, you won't try to sue me for stealing your music right?" He asked smirking.

I giggled. "No, not at all."

"Great! Wow, how many talents are you hidding Miss Farooqi?" He said pretending to think hard by rubbing his chin.

"Hmm...even I don't know Mr. Malik." I said imitating him. We both laughed.

Armaan's POV,

I heard the sound of laughter for our music room. As I peeped in I say Bhai with the crazy fan girl.

What the hell is he doing with her?

'Are you jealous?' a tiny voice inside me cooed.

Jealous? Me? Pfft. Yeah right! I don't care. It's just that.... it's scary.

Yeah! That's right. I'm scared. She's a crazy fan girl. And Bhai warming up to her like that can be dangerous. You never know what she might do.

Yep that's exactly what it is!

And wait a minute. She's supposed to be MY assistant manager right? What is she doing slacking off on her first day? I'm already ready to go.

I called manager and he came running towards me.

"Yes sir?"

"Aren't we getting late?" I reminded him.

"Yes sir your car is ready." He said.

"But it looks like not everyone is ready." I said pointing inside.

"Oh. You mean Ayesha? There's no need for her to come. There's some financial work ready for her. I was about to tell her that. I'll call her later. Let's go sir we are getting late." He said.

"Huh? She's not coming? But why?" Suddenly I realised I sounded a bit anxious. Eww.

"Uh... I mean. She's my fan and uh... It would be good if she could hear me record. She might get upset if we don't take her and I think her CA work can wait." I said flatly.

"Oook....." He didn't seem convinced.

"Let's go now!" I yelled and looked inside from the corner of my eyes. Good, she heard as she shot up from her seat. I put on my glares and started walking out.

Ayesha's POV,

I jolted up as I heard Armaan's voice. He looked soo handsome. The way he wore his glares. Haaayeeee. I thought I might faint.

"See you later." Amaal said behind me.

"Yeah ofcourse. See you later." I turned to him and then ran outside as manager sir called me.

I couldn't believe I made friends with Amaal Malik. Although life isn't that smooth everytime.

There'll always be a mountain in your way, and for me, my mountain was coming soon....

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