
116: A Hint


"Anyways, thank you for this," I stated.

"You are welcome, ma," he replied, and I turned to head to the guest quarters to pass the night as I had decided not to sleep in Conan's room.

"At least I'm rest assured that they were not after kidnapping my babies," I mumbled.

Immediately, there was an outburst of crying, and when I turned back, I saw something that looked like a stretcher and a lifeless body lying on top of it.

I headed to the crowd and quietly walked over to a maid. "Please, what is really happening here? Is the queen the one on this stretcher?" I asked, and she nodded in affirmation.

"Why? What happened to her? Was the fall so serious that she would break her bones?" I asked with curiosity, peeping through the crowd as I tried to look closely at the stretcher and see how severe the injury was.

"No ma'am. Had it been that it was only an injury that she sustained, it would have been better, but she has stopped breathing. She is..."

"What?" I exclaimed in a low tone.
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