

Dorian’s POV

I was fuming so much the moment she had me thrown out of her Father's house 

She was to be married in few days time as I thought about talking her out of it

But instead I got thrown out of the house 

Somehow I was angry at the way things turned out to be not having her around anymore 

As much as I didn't want her for a mate, I wanted her for publicity

Getting entangled with the daughter of the beta of our pack was one big goal I had set out to achieve a long time ago 

 I wouldn’t deny that I was angry with all happening but at the moment 

Suddenly my phone started buzzing and I got a text message from Lily which said, “where are you, we need to talk”

I wasn’t in the mood for any of her rants on letting me Emily go 

When I read the message I instantly knew she wanted to talk about me finally voicing out to the pack on getting mated to her a long time ago

But I didn’t want that

I wasn’t just letting Emily go just like that, well good thing she somehow declined 

Lily had once planned on getting her killed if she did the opposite 

And to my surprise she didn’t which got me thinking why she had accepted the proposal of her new found mate Roman

I know I made a mistake by betraying her trust and not letting her know about Lily and I 

But right now, I can’t help but feel regretful and curious at the same time

I walked around my chambers thinking if there’s anything I could have done differently to prevent her from leaving 

I thought about much of memories we had even with me having a mate behind her back

As I wasn’t accepting to understand her perspective concerning her decision 

I finally stepped out of the house still annoyed about not being in control of the situation 

I took a few step forward to my car not realizing I had dropped the keys to the car

My emotions were getting a hold of me and I didn’t like it

As I drove I thought of ways go make her change her mind about marrying someone else

How funny of her parents to still let me into the house right after giving her off to s total stranger 

Removing my hands from the steering I had my head to the chair as I parked

I was slowly loosing 

All my plans of getting into the pack army from being the husband to the beta were all crumbling in front of me

With Emily, I had better chances if getting in without recruitment 

But having to be around Lily, I was just an ordinary guy

And I wanted more than just being Dorian

I was feeling so greedy in that moment, for once I wanted to be alone to myself and not have anyone around

Not even my mate Lily

No one was to know how much of a weak wolf I was, that was the main reason I needed a cover up

Which happened to be Emily 

But everything came to a stop the moment Roman walked in that door asking for her hand in marriage 

It was in that moment I realized I had lost the bet

Soon the day went on without me texting her back m

I knew I was definitely getting punished for doing so

 I’d be lying if I had said I wasn’t so mad getting mated to her

Considering I had her for mating statisfactory reasons I took out my cellphone placing a call to her

And that was all she was needed for 

Releasing a breath of relief, I texted back

“Come over” 

It was about 8 pm when I had my gaze on the clock to see how fast the evening went

I had slept off in thoughts about a while ago 

As I got up to take a shower, I had the smell of my favorite dish being prepared 

I hurriedly went down to check what and who

As I got close, I got the figure of a lady lurking around in my kitchen as she had her hips swaying from left to right doing what she did best 

Taking a final step, I gave a tap on the door calling her attention 

“Oh jeez!!” She yelled

“Don’t do that again Dorian, you are freaking me out” she said as she went about with the cooking 

I wondered why it is she felt so comfortable not being seen by other pack members in my house 

“Oh don’t give me that look” she said

Without a word, I stared at her as I admired the dress she had on which revealed most of her body parts

I looked straight into her eyes as I walked closer to her and held on to her waist pulling her closer than ever

“She’s getting married in a few days” she added 

Trying to forget all my plans getting completely off the edge I pulled her in for a kiss as I held her to the kitchen cabinets spreading out her legs as I had her carried over the counter 

I had her lips locked deeply in mine not wanting her to say any more bad news concerning Emily

And yes it was indeed bad news for me 

I opened my eyes to find her staring into my eyes 

Her eyes were the one thing I admired most in her

I was nothing around her, but having to put her to bed being my mate

Made my wolf so strong and yet powerful 

And I wondered why it always happened like that 

I held on to her breast as she moaned

I had my fingers running through her thighs and down to her butt

Letting whatever she had been preparing get burnt 

I slowly ripped off her shirt as I had her breast fully in hand 

The night went on as I had myself lowered in her

As there was nothing more she had to offer other than that…

Emily’s POV

The wedding preparations were soon coming to an end as I was to be married off to Roman the following day 

My mother had gotten the best of clothes to have her daughter look stunning on her wedding day 

I wasn’t so much happy being the bride to someone I didn’t love but was all about getting revenge over Dorian and Lily 

In that moment I felt so full on anger and rage towards them and wanted to pay and suffer for what they did to me 

“I just hope some one isn’t thinking about turning down her mate?” My father said as he walked into my room

My father wasn’t the type of man to knock he would just barge in

I somehow didn’t like it but anyways he’s my father so what can I say

He had noticed hiw disturbed I looked when he walked in

“What’s wrong dear?” He asked

His concern over me from day one made me wonder how bad it would have been for him loosing me

“I’m fine pa” I replied 

For a moment we were both in silence as I had my head placed on his shoulders while he gave me a pat on my hair just like the good old days

I was planning on spending a few more days with them before having to leave to my new home

But I guess the hands of time was no friends with nature as everything swinged by

Another few minutes passed with us in silence as my father finally broke the silence

“Have you discovered your powers now? He asked 

I had my head raised as I looked up at him wondering what he meant by discovering my powers

I was just 17 and still weak, I hadn’t even wolfed out yet so how am I to suddenly know about powers 

I chuckled when he spoke about powers 

Him and I are like two separate worlds with a little bit of understanding 

He had discovered his powers at age nine, and had been in control of it since the day he discovered 

“Mummy didn’t get hers until 18 dad” I said looking straight into his eyes so innocently 

And yes, my mother had wolfed out at age 10 without discovering her powers till age 18, so what makes us different 

Although I had not yet wolfed out so that made it quite odd 

“Anyways, in your due time” he said as he had my hair packed into a bun

He finally let go of me as he stood up to his feet 

“Duty calls, rest now my child you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow” he said as he had the door closed behind

I closed my eyes day dreaming about what tomorrow held

The morning soon came as the morning bells from the court yard woke me up from the nightmares I was 

I had rolled and fallen to the ground the moment my mother came into my room yelling for me to wake up 

I stood up slowly, walking into the bathroom to take a shower 

On entering the bathroom I stared at my reflection in the mirror 

As I got out of the shower, I had seen maids and my mother setting up my wedding dress and other accessories for the wedding 

I admired his zealous my mum has been with the preparations as I wondered her reaction learning about the whole story behind me wanting to suddenly marry Roman 

“Come quickly” my mother said holding on to my hand as she ushered me to sit in front of the dressing 

Soon, everyone went on with their chores and duties in making the wedding a success

Watching how happy she was making me over as the maids had my nails and hair done

As I looked around, I wondered what I would have missed not having say Yes in my past life

Doing my final touch up, they had my hair rolled up in a bun

Probably the bridal style like they call it…

As they had me fitted into my wedding dress, It was a long white veil dress 

Heaven knows the number of stitches they had to get on the dress just to snatch my waist 

I could even barely breathe…

“Perfectly gorgeous” My mother said with tears welled up in her eyes

“Drama girl, come here” She said pulling me in for a hug 

I tried holding back my tears 

I glanced over my room again being the last time in a long time being there

As I made my way down the stairs I was mentally preparing myself for what was coming 

More fights with Dorian and probably less talking of my plans with Lily 

And Roman, I had forgotten about the part of living with him for the rest of my life 

How was I to cope

You can do this Emily… 

I kept on assuring myself as I moved on the isle to my new found mate, husband and lover

Glancing over at his hands as he had them stretched out reaching out to holding me to the podium

I saw how everyone admired my dress and how much of pictures they had taken of the dress on my arrival

As I felt his hands on mine, I suddenly felt goosebumps rising all over my body 

This was the second time he would be holding on to my hand

But this time, It was for a forever kind of thing 

And I was still getting used to knowing that

I wasn't even in a second when I felt the urge to tear up as I thought about all I had been through in seconds 

I caught him staring straight into my eyes as I had my chin up not wanting him to see how nervous I was about getting married 

I looked away when he smiled as I had my eyes back on him giving him worried glances


I heard him say in my head…

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