

“My goodness, it’s wet!” Arthur exclaimed as he flung open the door. Behind him trooped in all four of his sons and his wife, all soaked to the bone. Puddles quickly began to form on the floor, and Cordia wondered if they might form a river, what with so many drippy people all entering at once. The three younger boys all ran to the fireplace, stripping off coats and hats as they went. They didn’t see Frieda there at first and almost knocked her over, much to her chagrin. Julia scooted over to help her aunt get out of her wet things, and Will simply slid over to make room around the fire. Meanwhile, Jaris had yet to notice Cordia standing across the room. He was also trying to get out of his wet coat, hat, and gloves. It was Margaret’s cry of surprise that first made him look up and realize that she was there. Cordia was beginning to wonder if their wagon hadn’t floated away. Normally, people noticed when someone else pulled up and hitched in at th

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