


"Mr Stephens, there's a Ms Rowland here to see you, but she doesn't have an appointment," my secretary, Abigail Grey informed me.

I smiled in eager anticipation, I knew that it wouldn't be long before the beautiful queen of the Rowland family came to see me.

Looking at the profile of Rowland Galleries, I smiled. They were neck-deep in debts and my company was their biggest creditor. No wonder the beautiful Muna was here to see me. I'm sure she had finally come to terms with the fact that I had the future of her family in my hands.

She was the last person I ever expected to see again after what happened between us in high school. When I finally honoured my father's request to come back to London and assume the position of CEO of GS Capital, I was surprised to discover how much the Rowlands were owing us.

"Don't let her in since she doesn't have an appointment," I instructed Abigail in a stern voice.

"Okay Sir," Abigail replied and ended the call.

As much as I wanted to see Muna again after nine years, I didn't want to seem like a good guy and let her in just yet. She didn't deserve for me to make things easy for her.

That was far from the plan, as much as I enjoyed our constant arguments back in high school, I wasn't going to make things easy for her.

Picking up the document of agreement which my father and the director of Rowland Galleries signed, I wasn't surprised at the conditions listed.

The sound of the telephone ringing beside me brought me out of my thoughts.

"What is it this time, Abigail?"

"Sir, Ms Rowland insists on meeting with you. She isn't willing to go back and schedule an appointment first."

"What do I pay you for? Keep her there, tell her to wait for an hour."

"Okay Sir."

I used that hour to send emails, go through contracts and talk with my managers in our other branches. When I paused to massage my temples, I heard the telephone ring once again.

I smirked, knowing it was still about Ms Rowland. She must be really eager to meet me. I had no problem with meeting her, but just like years ago, I was only pulling her legs to see how patient she could be.

"Yes, Abigail?"

"Sir, Ms Rowland is still here waiting for you."

"Keep her waiting for another hour, I'm busy."

"Okay Si... Ms Rowland, Ms Rowland, you can't just go in," I heard Abigail scream.

"Let her be, Abigail," I instructed.

Of course Muna was still that over-confident person from high school. She was not the patient kind and never felt less than anyone else.

Knowing that she was in the lift to come up to my office, I didn't know how I felt now about seeing her again.

We weren't close in school, not until our final year when I became her math tutor, but then after what happened between us, we avoided each other until we both graduated.

The sound of heels making contact with the tiled floor, informed me of how close Muna was to meeting with me, face to face.

I sat with my most intimidating look on, trying to seem unaffected by her presence, but that still didn't prepare me for seeing the beautiful creature that walked in, exuding so much confidence.

Back then in school, Muna was bratty and always walked around with sidekicks behind her. She still had that manner about her, as though she owned the entire place.

Her footsteps came to a halt when she stopped in front of my desk. The smell of flowers hit my nostrils, I guess she still used the same body spray as before.

I quickly swept my eyes over her body, registering the dark shades she wore over her eyes, blocking me from seeing the honey-coloured orbs I knew was present there.

She had on a short black dress which put her long legs on display. Red heels adorned her feet and her long dark afro hair was plaited in smooth cornrows.

She looked absolutely stunning, her black dress hugged the feminine curves of her body to perfection. It was a true struggle to keep myself from complimenting her.

She was a total contrast from the tall and skinny girl from high school. She always had the gothic look about her back then, but now she was the most beautiful and stylish woman I had ever seen.

Taking off the black shades, she finally spoke in that husky, English-accented voice of hers, "Grant? What are you doing here? Oh let me answer that, you're the personal assistant of Mr Gary Stephens, right? Why must you follow me around this way? I believe I clearly stated that I wanted nothing more to do with you years ago. So this is what happens when you don't graduate as the valedictorian? How pathetic."

"Oh come on, don't tell me that you've become dumb. I mean you were the best graduating student of our year, weren't you? I'm sure you couldn't have forgotten my name already. I am Grant Stephens, CEO of GS Capital. I assume you expected to meet my father, Gary Stephens here, I guess you're the pathetic one after all," I replied harshly.

Taking a seat in front of my desk, Muna replied, "I get what is going on. You are still so obsessed with me, Grant and that's why you came back isn't it?"

"Don't delude yourself. You're not that beautiful, that I'd come rushing back to London like a dog for you. I'm here because this is my birthright, of course it is only natural for me to take over the reins of my father's company. That is what you should have done four years ago and not spent the whole time fooling around. Maybe then, Rowland Galleries wouldn't have become what it is today." I condemned.

"Don't you dare insult me, Grant. Leave my father's galleries out of this," she said, eyes flashing in anger.

"Oh let me remind you, your father's galleries are the main reason you are here, so how could you possibly ask me to leave them out of this?" I demanded.

"How do you know my reason for being here? This is all your plan isn't it?" She frowned, folding her arms, bringing my attention to her ample chest.

"I don't know how that could be the case, it's not like I was the one who told your father to owe me so much money. I'm sure he did that to help you and your stupid boyfriend keep that apartment in Lekki, Nigeria. Too bad though, I heard Tobi finally got engaged to your course mate instead," as soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them.

I knew I had taken things too far, I saw her flinch at my words as though I had just slapped her.

This wasn't how I expected our reunion to go, definitely not. I shouldn't have used the information I got from a private detective on her lifestyle in Lagos against her like that.

Just as expected of her, Muna quickly recovered from my harsh words, I could tell from the way her shoulders squared, that she had a similar comeback for me.

I wasn't sure why I felt so happy about that, I think I had really missed our hating game after all.

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