
CHAPTER 6—Can't Heal Herself

CHAPTER 6—Can't Heal Herself


Raffi's point of view



The ceremony went by quickly, and I honestly didn't understand anything. I'm also very nervous in my chest, and there are fears that are starting to come to life. It seems that I'm slowly realizing that I won't be free after that ceremony.


"You may now kiss the bride," said the minister who married Rock and me.


I felt like a statue while facing Rock. I took a deep breath, especially when he stepped closer to me. I don't know what to do, especially when he touches my elbows. Now that he is close to me, I can see his handsome face more. Every part is perfect, especially the jawline.


Rock raised his hand and touched my chin. You lifted it slightly so that our eyes met. I swallowed. Rock's eyes are beautiful. It was blue in color, but I had no other readable emotions. I thought maybe Rock was just like that.


When I noticed that Rock's jaw moved, I swallowed. Until his face gradually approached me, I immediately closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine.


When I felt that light kiss on my lips, my heart felt like it was going to explode. In fear, maybe because this is what I fear the most. Rock's kiss sealed me. There's really no turning back from that.


I heard Dad's loud applause as well as Naya's. When I looked at the other people with us here, their applause was weak. As long as the one with the loudest is Daddy.


"Congratulations, Raffi," Naya said to me. She was the first to come to me after the ceremony. Dad was the first to congratulate Rock. I was just secretly surprised.


"Thanks," I said sparingly.


I faced Rock because I felt his hand holding my waist. Such a gesture was new to me, so I was surprised.


"Why?" he asked. Even if he was surprised by me.


Instead of answering, I just looked at his hand that was holding me. I want to convey to him what he did. I could clearly see how one corner of his lips rose, and he pulled me closer to him. I gasped because of that.


I was going to speak to stop him from doing what he was doing to me, but Dad spoke.


"Raffi, congratulations, my daughter. Your mommy and I are very proud of you. If only she were alive, I know that there would be loud applause for you."


I didn't smile or show any emotion to Dad. He is the only one who wants this marriage to pay off our debt. Did he think I had forgiven him? No.


The little hairs on my body almost stood up when I felt Rock's hot and fragrant breath on my ear.


"You are so serious," he whispered to me.


I looked at him, causing our faces to almost touch. "I'm a very serious person." I really showed him that I don't have time to be happy because of the marriage that I don't want. "Excuse me," I said, then walked away from Rock.


I walked down the pathway, and even though I could hear Naya calling me, I didn't look back at my friend. All I want is to breathe because I feel like I'm suffocating when I'm with my dad and Rock in the same place.


I don't know if Naya followed me or if she stayed there. It's okay, even if he doesn't follow me. I prefer to be alone. I prefer to be alone. My mind is confused now.


It's funny to think that other women are the happiest on their wedding day, but I feel the opposite. Heavy in the chest and opposed. I just can't do anything.


My feet took me to a garden. That garden is so big that it seems like there is something else inside because there is a high wall covered with creeping plants. Fortunately, my wedding dress is not long. Otherwise, I would have difficulty walking now.


I took off my sandals. The heels are a bit high so that I can walk properly; I just removed them and then left them. I'm curious about what's inside the wall. I went in there to have a look.


As I was walking, I noticed that something was wrong. There are things I go through that I think I shouldn't have entered. It's a good thing that the sun is not that high; it's shady, so I don't get hot. I swallowed because I was tired.


"What is this place? Why isn't the road cut off or even the exit there?" I asked as I stopped. My feet hurt even though I'm stepping on Bermuda grass.


After a while, I decided to stop and sit down. I was walking a while ago. I only spent a few minutes standing up and walking back. I'll just go back because it looks like there's still a long way to go before reaching the exit of this place.


I frowned when I noticed that I always had to choose between two paths. Sometimes even three.


"Why is the path like this? Before now it seemed like I was just going straight?" I wonder because I feel like I'm being played by someone because I've been through something different. I even thought about which one I actually went through, but I can't remember.


"How do I get back to the mansion? What is this place like? Why is there something like this?" I'm starting to get hot and scared because I don't know which way to go back.


I was even more nervous when the wind seemed to be blowing differently. It looks like it's going to rain, and I'm sure I'll get wet because I have nowhere to shelter. I let out a deep breath before walking again.


A few moments later, I gradually felt the light raindrops on my skin and head. "It's raining!" I'm running. In my haste, I didn't notice the rock sticking out, causing me to trip and fall.


I winced as the pain shot through my arms and legs. I was standing wrong, but I thought it was better than my face going straight to the ground.


I almost cried because of the pain in my foot. I couldn't even move my body, and unfortunately, the mist got stronger. The drops are fine, but almost too strong. I'm getting wet, and my clothes are starting to get muddy.


I tried to heal my leg, but my powers didn't work. I suddenly got up, and my fear doubled when I realized that something like this had happened to me again.


My tears just flowed as fear slowly consumed me.






Rock's Point of View



"Have you seen Raffi?" I asked Hugo when he entered my office. Naya is also here, as is Raffi's stepdad, Uncle Cannor.


"According to our guards, they didn't see Raffi leave the Redwood yard. I think she was just here."


I was speechless during those times. I frowned as I looked into the void and wondered where Raffi could go. I thought carefully about where she could possibly go. She walked towards the garden earlier. If the weather is rainy, she will definitely be wet by this time.


'Where else could she go? ' I asked in my mind.


I suddenly stood up to get their attention.


"Why, Rock?"


"I think I know where Raffi can go."


Uncle Cannor frowned. "Where, Rock? Where could my daughter be?"


I didn't answer and quickly walked out of the mansion. I stopped when I was opposite the labyrinth and activated my sense of smell to follow and determine where Raffi was. Because the two of us were touching earlier, I immediately smelled her natural scent, so that's what I'll use to find out where she is.


I started walking. It's foggy, but I don't have two umbrellas. I don't care if it rains on me. I took a deep breath when I saw that what I was walking on was wet.


"Raffi! Raffi! Where are you?" I shouted. I bet she will hear me.


I stopped when I heard crying from somewhere. I immediately followed where that cry could come from. I walked until I reached a place and immediately noticed a pair of feet. My eyes widened and my jaw clenched. I didn't expect to see that, so I hurried.


When I got there, I saw Raffi crying while lying on the muddy ground. Even if there is a bermuda, it is not perfect, and there are many rocks.


I immediately approached her and held her by the shoulder. "Raffi, what happened to you? What are you doing here?" I asked her.


That's when she looked up at me. Our eyes met. I can clearly see the fear there and the tears that accompany each drop of rain. I was even surprised when she immediately hugged me.


"My foot hurts," she whispered while crying.


I immediately turned to her foot and frowned when I saw that it was swollen. I was very surprised, and because I felt that this was not the right time to ask, I immediately picked her up and lifted her up. We need to get back to the mansion because she is wet from the rain as well as me.







Raffi's point of view


My foot hurts, which woke up my sleeping spirit. I feel so cold all over, and it's really bad. I opened my eyes a little and felt dizzy.


I hear voices around me, but I can't look at them to see who they are.


"Because she got soaked in the rain, she developed a fever. In addition, her leg and foot were injured. A vein was pinched, which is why it was swollen," said the voice of a man whose voice I did not recognize. "Nurse Naya, you will take care of her first. Make her drink the medicines I prescribed."


"Okay, Doctor Mendez." It was my best friend's voice.


"Mr. Redwood, I'm leaving for now. Just call me when you need me again."


"Thank you."


When I heard Rock's voice, I thought about what happened before I passed out. Someone saved me, and that was Rock. Even he got wet from the rain, and he helped me.


I tried to look where I heard Rock's voice, but I heard the door close. A moment of silence filled the room. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes and trying to get up.


"What are you doing?"


I was suddenly stunned when I heard that baritone voice. Even though it was difficult, I immediately looked at the speaker. I was even more surprised to see that it was Rock standing at my feet. I just laid down, holding my head, because it seemed to hurt more due to being so surprised.


"What are you doing?" He asked me again.


"Aren't I supposed to ask you? What are you doing here?" I asked him. I don't look at him because I have to admit that this man's aura is really scary.


"The last time I knew I was the owner of this house, Raffi." Rock's words were calm but seemed to come from underground.


I opened my eyes. "Yes, it is." I tried to get up again but winced when I felt the pain in my leg. "Ouch! My foot!" I said.


I heard Rock's sigh. After a while, he walked closer to me. "Aren't you a nurse?"




"And according to Uncle Cannor, you have healing powers. Why can't you heal your own feet?"


I immediately looked away from Rock. Something seemed to squeeze my heart when I heard what he said. Again, the fear returned to my heart, along with the regret for the things I did not do.


My tears formed because of that, but I immediately wiped them away. "Can you just leave me alone?" I asked him without looking in his direction. I can feel Rock's eyes on me. I clenched my palms. I feel that he will not listen to me and will not follow what I say. I looked at him. "Please leave me alone," I said weakly but fully.


He still has no reaction to me. Instead, he stepped forward and stopped near my place. Although his forehead was raised, he looked at me with his eyes. I seem to be drowning in the way he looks. I gulped when I saw how his eyes widened slightly. I know that he is studying my appearance now.


I avoided looking at him. "Didn't you hear me? I said leave me alone."


"I heard you, but I want to ask you something else."


"What is it?"


"What were you doing in the labyrinth earlier?"


"I don't know. Why? Am I not allowed to go there? I didn't know that my feet would take me there."


I received no reply from him. A few moments of silence passed, but I wanted that more than hearing Rock's words. I took a deep breath and tried to move, but I just groaned because my leg hurt. I was very annoyed because I couldn't do anything with my leg.


"Why don't you heal your leg? That's easy, after all."


"What do you care? Are you really going to interfere with that thing?" Annoyance did not escape the tone of my speech. If it gets bad, I don't care anymore. It's hard to please.


He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at me intently. "Maybe I have the right to know and interfere in your life, Raffi."


There is something strange about my personality when he calls my name. I can't name what it is. "Why? Because we're married?"




I fake-laughed. "We're only married on paper, but we both know we don't like each other, Mr. Redwood. You know my stepfather just sold me to you. I don't know why you agreed."


He avoided looking. "You still haven't moved on that thing?"


"And why should I accept that? I lost my freedom because of the selfishness of you two." I know that I might wear out Rock's patience because of what I say, but I don't care. I feel so angry for them. They are unfair.


Rock nodded after a moment. "In that case, there's nothing else I can do."


"Yes. So don't wonder why I'm like this to you now."


Rock came even closer to me and bowed slightly. He looked me in the eyes. "Raffi, this is what you are destined for. There is nothing else you can do."


His face is very close to mine. I smelled his fragrant and minty breath. His eyes were staring at me. I swallowed. "Leave me alone," I said.


One corner of Rock's lips lifted before his eyes landed on mine. When he bit his lower lip, I was slightly nervous. Yes, she was sexy when she did that.


"I'll do that, but..." His face gradually came closer to mine until our lips almost touched. I can't go back because there are pillows behind me. "I want to kiss my wife again first."


My eyes widened as I swallowed. "What did you say?"


Rock had no answer. Instead, he grabbed my chin and lifted it slightly. The next thing that happened was that he kissed me. My eyes were wide open while his lips were on mine. He later moved away and looked at my lips.


My heart is beating very fast. I can't process what he did.


Rock stood up straight afterwards and took a deep breath. "Uncle Cannor just paid me your debt, but here you are; you owe me a new one."


"What do I owe you? What are you talking about?" I suddenly realized because of what he said.


"We got married today. It should be our honeymoon, right? But look at yourself now?"


We both looked at my swollen foot. I looked back at him. "What are you talking about, Rock? I don't understand anything."


"Nothing. Get well soon, my dear wife." That's all Rock said, and he left the room where I was.


I was left alone and asked myself what new debt I owed him. I don't remember anything. That's when I suddenly remembered how he saved me in the labyrinth. That's right. That's probably what he's saying.


'I didn't say he would save me, so why would he charge me just in case? What debt is he talking about? Does everything have a price? Does everything have to be paid? Everyone has an equal amount of money with him. '


When my foot throbbed, I froze in thought. My attention focused on my foot. It still hurts to this day. Even if I take pain relievers, I can still feel the swelling.


When there was a knock on the door and Naya peeked in, I smiled a little even though something hurt me. "Naya, it's good, and you come back."


"How are you feeling?"


"My leg still hurts. I feel like it's going to break."


"Don't overact, Raffi. Just eat later so you can take the medicine." She touched my forehead. "You're still a little warm."


"I feel so bad."


"How can you not feel bad? You've been in the Labyrinth for a long time. We've been looking for you. It's good that Rock saw you. What if no one saw you there? The Labyrinth is still a mess. It's confusing when you enter."


Naya was right, because I was really confused when I got there. I didn't think it was a labyrinth. I didn't expect there to be anything like that in this day and age.


"Is Rock from here?"


"Yes. He just left before you came. Do you know that he told me that I owe him money?" I really can't believe it.


Naya frowned. "Are you in debt again?"


"Yes. I can't determine what that debt is."


"Maybe he's talking about saving you. What do you think?"


"Actually, that's exactly what I thought. But it's annoying that he helps. He charges? Does he have enough money even for saving me?" My voice is full of annoyance.


Naya didn't speak as if she were also wondering why Rock was like that. Naya took about ten minutes before saying goodbye to me. I just closed my eyes for a moment because I felt hot again.


When I woke up, it was already dark outside. I'm hungry, but I don't feel like eating. I don't even want to stand because my leg still hurts. I was really bored because I wanted to go to the bathroom but couldn't. There is nothing I can do to help because Naya is not here in my room.


I tried to find my phone, but I couldn't find it either. I had no choice, so even though I was dizzy, I got up from lying down and forced my foot to step. It hurts, but I can't stop going to the bathroom anymore. Everywhere, I hold on so I don't fall. I felt so sorry for myself that I almost cried when I got into the bathroom. I spent a long time inside because I was thinking about how to get back to my bed.


I have no choice. I endured the pain in my foot. I'm very annoyed because my foot is still like this instead of my life. I'm struggling. Now I can't even stand up properly. I took a deep breath that made me go back to bed. I looked around the room. I just realized that this room is big compared to my room in our house. I even thought that if this room wasn't big, I wouldn't have any trouble getting to the bathroom.


There was a knock from outside the door, so I turned around. My stepfather came in before I got dressed. He immediately smiled at me, even though I knew it was fake. I do not know. I feel that he just used me for his own benefit. He didn't treat me as his son because if he loved me, he would never be able to sell me to Rock.


"How's your foot?" he asked me immediately.


"Still swollen."


"Raffi, you need to heal that. The time is running.”


I frowned because of what he said. I have no idea why Dad's tone seemed rushed. "What do you mean? I can't rush it. Even I myself am struggling, dad.”


"I know, Raffi, but you need to give Rock a child immediately."


"What? Right away, dad? Can't I rest and recover first?" He's annoying. Even healing is not possible in this mansion.


"Raffi, Rock married you because he needed a child. You know that."


"Yes, but it's not on the agenda right away. Dad, I'm sick."


"Raffi, you can't blame me for your illness."


“Wow! Why, dad? Because Rock already owns me because you sold me to him? "I deliberately made him feel my annoyance and anger because of what he did.


"Enough with your drama, Raffi. There is nothing you can do. All I want you to do is heal that, right now.”




"Your power is healing, but you can't do it yourself."


Because of that question, I was stunned again. They are the same as what Rock said, and as before, I have no intention of answering that either. "Dad, let me rest, please."


"No, Raffi. Listen to me. Heal that right now. You need to give Rock a child immediately!”


"Why are you in a hurry? Dad, I'm sick. Don't you see?”


"Why don't you want to use your power?"


"Dad, I can't do it! Don't you get it?”


He grinned. "I do not believe. If I didn't know, I'm sure you did that on purpose so you wouldn't give yourself to Rock."




He took a deep breath and let it out violently. "Raffi, follow my command."


"I'm following, but you're too much, dad," I said. I don't care if he gets hurt. It's true, and I'm telling the truth.


"Whatever, Raffi! Just get better so you can give Rock what he wants!” He turned his back on me after a while.


The tension was very high while we were talking, and even though he had been out for a few minutes, my chest was still pounding because I was so annoyed with him. I clenched my palms tightly. The heat and anger I feel towards my stepfather doubled because of what he said.


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