
Chapter 3 - Travelling

Elliot POV

“How are you feeling sweetheart?”, I ask Everly as soon as she looks at me and smiles. Her eyes are not as shiny as they used to be and I can tell that she is tired as fuck. I bet she is. She just expelled a child out of her body but to be honest, it was way past the time for the little shit to be born, she had given him the eviction notice weeks ago and he wouldn’t budge.

“I’m doing okay, just a little tired”, she replies, and I nod my head kissing the top of hers before I look back at Killian that is looking like he could kill someone right now. Just fucking brilliant. What the fuck happened now? Why do I have a feeling that shit hit the fan, and it will be me dealing with whatever it is that happened?

“What now?”, I ask as Killian nudges me to go outside. When we are in an empty corridor he takes a deep breath crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“You know I wouldn’t ask…”, he starts and I raise an eyebrow eyeing him up, “Okay, I need you to go to Chicago, I need you to attend a meeting on my behalf”, he says and I cross my arms in front of my chest and lean against the wall.

“Do I have a choice?”, I ask knowing perfectly well his answer. He shakes his head, and I realise I will be fucking flying to Chicago soon.

“You can take the private jet, and I want you to take Spider with you”, he says and I frown. Why would I be taking spider? He is Everly’s private detail. “Everly will be fine, we are all here with her, and I trust he will keep your ass safe”, he says with a joking voice. I shake my head and move from the wall and start pacing around.

“Okay, who am I meeting and why?”, I ask and Killian starts filling me in on all the details of the meeting, this is why I hate my job sometimes, I hate the bureaucracy part of it, but I like the action, I like the hacking into systems to figure out what is happening, I like the chase and to find out my own way what is going on, meetings and bureaucracy are not for me.

After he tells me all the meetings I have to attend, and what documents I have to bring back I go home and start packing my small overnight bag. I throw some jeans and a t-shirt in with my toiletries and I grab my grey suit with my grey and green tie. I hate wearing this crap. I hate being a tied dog. I look at my stuff packed and go back to the front room to the small bar area and pour myself a tumbler of whiskey. I sit on the settee turning the tv on as I rest my feet on top of the coffee table.

I like the silence of living alone but sometimes it's just annoying not having anyone to talk to. I take a deep breath resting my head back against the settee and close my eyes. The beautiful girl from earlier today appears in front of my eyes. Her plump lips and her long hair, her hazel eyes staring me down as if she pitted me.

Her small smile as her eyes scanned me, her soft touch. I shake my head as I feel my cock waking up and trying to say hello at the memory of that beautiful woman. I shake my head again, pushing her away from my mind and I grab my phone from my pocket. I scroll through the phone numbers, and I find Candy. She will do.

“Hello gorgeous”, I say as soon as she answers the phone.

“Hi sexy, missing me already?”, she asks, and I scrunch my nose. It's not that I miss her, it’s more that I need her on her knees in front of me. But I definitely can’t tell her that, although she knows our arrangement is only for sex, I don’t want anything else with her because she is not the type of girl you would take home to meet your mother. Not that I have a mother anymore.

“You can say that”, I reply and I can hear the soft giggle on her side of the phone. “Wanna come over?”, I ask and I know the answer already I didn’t even have to ask because I know she is already getting herself ready to come and see me. She would never say no to me. Not when I satisfy her so often.

“I’m on my way. Leave the door unlocked”, she says, and I end the call without replying as I usually do, I am not a man of many words. I like things done a certain way, and she does as she is asked.

I walk to the bathroom and I turn the shower on. I might as well get cleaned for this. I can still smell the hospital on my clothes and on my skin. I hate that fucking smell. I close my eyes as I feel the burning water touch my skin and it almost feels like the hands of that girl caressing me. My body reacts once again and I move my hand over my shaft feeling its length and how hard I am.

Candy better hurry the fuck up because I don’t really want to take care of this by myself. I can’t think about the girl I will never see again. Well.

I finish my shower and wrap a white fluffy towel around my waist, and I walk to my office. I can feel the water drops fall from my freshly cut hair down my back as I sit on my chair. I open my laptop and I start typing away doing my magic retrieving the hospital images from today. I need to know more about that girl. Who she is.

I recover the image of us together, of her helping me out and I can see her eyes eating me alive, just so mine are eating her. Fuck what would I do to have her on my bed right now? I start looking through the footage of the camera trying to figure out where she came from so I can try and find out who she is, even though I have already a facial recognition program searching for her. Whatever its int e system about her I will find out in the next forty-eight hours.

I hear a knock on the door, and I close my laptop to see Candy walking towards me half naked and I smile. This is what I am talking about. She leans on the desk in front of me as she takes her knickers down her legs exposing her to me and I lick my lips. This is the way I should live my life. I grab Candy by her waist and pull her to me. She straddles my body as I attack her mouth pushing away the girl from my mind and enjoying my company.

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