
Chapter 14

“You seem distracted.” Dean stood inside the Missoula ranch barn beside Jeremy, a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other as he took inventory of the ranch’s supply stock.

Distracted was putting it lightly. Jeremy had spent the morning on the subpack’s small training field running drills. Considering the Missoula ranch was only about a quarter the size of Wolf Pack Run, their training field was less than what he was used to. The Missoula ranch, though fully operational and similar in function to Wolf Pack Run, didn’t boast Wolf Pack Run’s underground training facilities and an additional training field like his men were used to, but they were soldiers and cowboys, so they’d make do.

Even with the field cramped with men, the monotony of drills had left his mind far too much room to wander. After a short lunch break, when they’d regrouped for sparring, it’d become clear to Jeremy that, for once, his head wasn&rsq

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