
Forty Eight


Not long after the oven timer goes off to let Liam know that his masterpiece is finished, the doorbell rings and I go to let our friends and family inside. This is the first time we've had people over to see our new home and it feels so strange to see them all here.

"Merry Christmas guys!" I chirp as they file in, hands full of gifts and food.

"Merry Christmas baby girl." My dad replies giving me a side hug with his arms full. "I brought a few things." He chuckles walking into the kitchen and placing the containers of food on the table. He then walks to where Liam is manning the stove and claps him on the shoulder. "Merry Christmas son. It smells delicious. Did you cook all this up by yourself?" He questions, his voice full of surprise.

"You know it." Liam replies grinning widely. He's proud of the meal he's created. "I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Liam chuckles and moves to fist bump Ty as he enters the room.

Once we've all said our greetings and placed the gifts
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