
Episode 13

"Do you want a drink, Jonathan?"

My mother's voice fills the room.

My grandmother talks to Julio God knows about what.

Of course I don't know about what too!

The damn looks full of mockery and desire in Julio's eyes are irritating. My grandmother, on the other hand, has those knowing eyes that love to see her married granddaughter and more with someone who is so well dressed. She has a good eye for people. I know Julio is a lovely man.

"Machiavellian charming and arrogant."

I can continue with an eternal list of names and qualifiers that will make you want to hit your head and make you think about your stay in my house.

"Sure,” Jonathan answers.

He's a good boy, he seems to be, even though he's here ruining my one-night escape from the country and a magnificent day that ultimately damaged one of the many barriers that he wore as bulletproof capes.

My grandmother sits with Julio in the living room, shares stories, a

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