
Chapter 9

Jan’s POV

I left the Yorkan mansion after what Sarah said. I didn’t want her to see the hurt in my eyes. I didn’t want to let her see that her words still affect me because they still do. When I heard her tell her grandfather that she doesn’t love me it did hurt like hell but I didn’t expect that saying that she was pretending to love me before to hurt way more. I thought that I was over her long time ago but these two days has proven that I am not over her at all. I still love her with every ounce of my being and I would be lying to myself if I said something opposite to that. I don’t know what happened 3 years ago and why is she acting like that all of a sudden. She has changed a lot during the past 3 years. The Sarah I know never intended to hurt someone like this, never was this heartless. She became a different person not the one I knew and loved before and yet I still love her so much. W

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