
Chapter eight

“What’s going on?”. Alpha Isaac yelled, rushing into their room with panic.

Zayn groaned as he struggled to get up from the floor, staring at Ezra in shock.

"What happened here?" Alpha Isaac asked, his gaze switching from Zayn's bruised body to Ezra's shaking hands.

"I'm sorry," Ezra stammered, his hand trembling. "I didn't mean to...I..."

"It's okay," Zayn said, pushing himself to his feet. "I'm fine. It was an accident." He said, dusting his clothes as he took one last look at Ezra.

“I will just go sleep in the guest room”.


“Please!”. Zayn growls, raising his hand to stop him from speaking.



Alpha Isaac paced around the room anxiously, tapping his fingers together as he tried to think.

“They are losing control faster than expected, are you sure you're giving them the pills?!”. He asked his wife for the third time.

Anna signed tiredly. She hasn't been able to sleep since the incident last night.

“Isaac, you already asked me before. I did, in fact I gave them double. I think you should rethink your idea of separating them from her. We both know none of this happened when she was here”.

“What are you saying, Anna? You know how dangerous she is to them! I can’t risk my sons’ life for that”.

“Yes, she’s dangerous to them but only she can save them too”.

Alpha Isaac growls at his mate.

“Just because she’s not your biological daughter doesn’t mean we should risk her life like that. We can’t sacrifice one child for another. And my decision remains the same, we are separating them!”. Alpha Isaac said firmly.

Anna stood up to her mate.

“Isaac, can’t you see what is happening? Ezra lost control last night and almost killed his brother. We can’t just separate them and hope for the best. Isaac please!”. Anna begged.

“Anna”. Alpha Isaac called lazily.

“You know it’s forbidden for an alpha to be in relation with their beta. I can’t change the rule”.

“But Isaac…”.

“Anna, we shouldn’t worry about that now. Their coming of age is in ten days. Only the goddess knows what is in store, if she ends up being their mate”. Alpha Isaac said, folding his hands behind him as he stared blankly on the wall.


Ezra sat quietly on the bed, yesterday incident replaying in his mind over and over.

How did zayn crash against the wall? He didn’t even touch him, all he did was yell at him. How was it possible his yelling could send him flying?

"Aren't you going to school?" Silas asked, emerging from the bathroom and drying his hair with a towel.

"Where were you last night?" Ezra asked, giving Silas a dangerous look.

"I… uh, I was out for a run," stammered Silas.

Ezra growled angrily and stood up from the bed.

“Don’t you dare lie to me Silas, where were you last night?”. Ezra asked again, his tone challenging and commanding

“And what’s your fucking business with me? Where I go shouldn’t concern you!”. Silas responded back, facing his brother, ready for any tantrum he was about to throw.

Ezra growls slightly, closing his eyes as his fist tightens. He could feel it… that tingling fire burning through his veins just like last night. It was building up inside him… making him want to do things he shouldn’t be thinking off.

Ezra's eyes snapped open, the faint glow in them intensifying as he took a menacing step closer to Silas.

"Were you with Lyra?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"Don't even try to lie to me, Silas. I could smell her all over you yesterday," he warned, his tone laced with a threatening edge.

Silas felt a surge of fear as he looked into his brother's eyes. Ezra's expression was enough to make him take a step back, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Ezra," he called out, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go to her place without you guys," Silas stammered, his words coming out in a rush.

"You didn't mean to?." Ezra roared, his anger boiling over as he grabbed Silas and slammed him against the wall, his elbow pressing down on his neck.

Silas was filled with fear as he watched Ezra move with lightning speed, his eyes widening in shock at the suddenness of it all.

“H-How did you move so fast?” he stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

Ezra's anger flared as he pressed his elbow harder against Silas's neck. "How dare you go to her without us? You even went as far as touching her!" he growled.

Struggling to breathe, Silas whispered, "E-zra, I-I can't breathe, please."

Ezra's grip tightened as he demanded, "Why did you touch her?"

"F***k Ezra!" Silas warned, his eyes glowing red as he pushed against Ezra's hand.

Ezra's rage boiled over as he yelled, "F***ing answer me, Silas!"

"I fucking touched her because I wanted to!" Silas yelled back, forcefully pushing Ezra off.

"What will you do, huh? Did you not spend the night in her room once? You didn’t even tell us about that. But we decided not to ask you, and you can’t handle me spending the night with her? Why? Because you only want her for your selfish self?" Silas shouted, pushing Ezra hard.

“Silas you….”.

“Enough now!" Zayn burst into the room, abruptly interrupting their argument. Both of them immediately calmed down, their tense expressions softening as they turned their attention to Zayn. Ezra hurried over to him, concern etched on his face.

"Zayn, are you okay?" Ezra asked anxiously, scanning Zayn's body for any signs of injury.

"Checking for bruises? Too bad, there aren't any," Zayn replied, rolling his eyes.

"Zayn, I'm sorry about last night," Ezra began, but Zayn cut him off.

"Yes, last night, Ezra. Care to explain what happened?" Zayn's gaze bore into Ezra's, demanding an explanation.

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