


He heard her bangles sound only to saw her taking steps again towards the door.

He rushed to her again caging her in his arms.

"Leave me...You monster...Do not touch me..." She continued to bang on his chest. However, it is all futile she knows .his hard chest was as if something stone likes his heart. He cannot love anyone. He is pure devil who said he loves her. If he really does love her, then she could not be here or her love would not be in that condition.

Didn't you hear? She spited fire yet again with her furious eyes not fearing from him.

"Your this spitting eyes that what I loved..." "that what had catch my attention the first time I saw you. You’re this furious self. Mine Tigress." HE smirks. Her hazels quizzed in confusion.


Nandini sat there with her one of her friend waiting for her love, already fuming muttering few curses on him to her dear friend, who is laughing to see her red face.

You just shut up, I am already mad, do not make it worse. She busted on her seeing her laughing on her.

Nandini, He must be coming, why are you going red.

He always does like this, he makes me Wait always, being a girl, I am always on time but he act like a girl and make me wait for him, she pouted.

unknown to her someone was staring her with great intensity, he was flat on her, the first he casted his eyes on her, her beauty that attracted him toward her like a magnet, he had saw many girls with revealing body, beautiful ladies throwing themself on him,, but here she is pure, angle for him, she became his at that moment, 

He smirks with his thoughts. See her pouting now maybe waiting for someone. Her each expression makes him to fall for her at that moment.

He saw her standing with great fury with her friend and they started to leave the restaurant, her friend was insisting her to stay more but she seems to be too much fury to listen anyone. He smirk, he like that,

Nandini was already in furious self that one of the man intentionally fallen on her friend and asked sorry smirking on her. Her fuse busted and she called him back, when he was leaving,

Excuse me uncle, she called out little loud to heard by everyone present there, 

That man turn flabbergasted on her called, as he is not that old, he thought himself.

Nandini took steps forward, holding her friends hand who was also confuse at what  is she up to though she is aware of his push to her, but she thought is as unintentional one unlike Nandini.

 “We do not need your sorry, you baster…,” and she slap hard across his face.

Leaving everyone shock with her behavior along with Maan Singhal who was watching her each moves with great interest. he saw each and everything that take place before his eyes, but that was not his interest to saw what was happening with her friend , his subject of interest is she, his girl, 

He was seeing her taking that furious steps towards that man,  he was desperate to see her next move as what she is going to do now, he kept his fingers on his chin and continue to saw her.

But next moment he also turn shock with others, as he saw her slapping on the cheek of that man furiously ,he forgot all other things , his surroundings, and continue to watch her furious eyes , that spitting fire on him for misbehaving with her friend.


Nandini come out of her past, she was happy with her friends and love, but he snatch everything from her, she is never going to comes in his clutches now. She thought furiously as she looked at him staring at her lovingly. Love, is there any in his stone heart, she mock as she heard him narrating how he have saw her first time.

She pushed him seeing him lost in her, but he is devil. How can he leave her , he marched towards her grab her harshly pulling her closer almost touching her lips with his, he husk dangerously.

Nandini do not taste my patience. I am nice to you; it’s not meant I will not harsh on you. He licks her lips softly warning her for upcoming events.

She gasps with fear as she continues to struggle in his hold.

He lift her in his arms and took her to bed laying her there, he came on her and hold her hands furiously that was struggling to free herself. Leave me, leave me. She shouted furiously and he slammed his lips on her silencing her. He kissed her furiously caging her in his arms, holding her tight, her tears finally come out of her eyes rolling down her cheeks, feeling  disgusted with herself, she stop her moves at once feeling defeated ,being force by him.

Maan was lost in his kiss, she taste so sweet despite her furious self. He smirk in her mouth but soon he felt salty water and at once jerk himself from her.

“What you want, damn... what you want...”  he shouted furiously, seeing her crying silently, holding the cushion.

He pulled her furiously towards him, shook her holding her shoulders, screaming on her face.

Can’t you see my love,, can’t you see. How much I love you... Ha... Nandini. Can’t you see once...? He burst on her frustratingly.

She shivers with his anger. As his eyes, turn red with anger. She soon recovers from her broken state and shouted back on him,

“I want Rajeev, you get that monster, I want my love back, can you give me,” and she held his shirt in her fist.

Don't... don't take his name on your beautiful lips, he hold her form her nape turning more furious seeing her love glistening eyes for that baster.

“You are only mine, its mine right to hear my name form this beautiful lips of my Darling.” He caressed it with his fingers, feeling it, she turn her face sideway cursing her fate to caging her here with him.

“Don't turn your face, Darling. It’s hurting me...” He furiously holds her face.

“And you are hurting me.” She whispers painfully.

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