

Suddenly Serena froze in place. Her breathing began to feel heavy after hearing the explanation from the ex-lover.

“Your daddy ...Already brought to the funeral home,” bright Barra when she saw Serena begin to move.

Serena's eyes began to glaze over. She wants to meet the first love of her life soon. Even to walk alone she was not able to. Until a stocky arm forced her to walk.

No matter how Serena's behavior has damaged his trust, the most important thing for Barra now is that the former beauty immediately recovers from her heart and physical wounds. It's not fair to fight a helpless enemy.

Barra's black luxury car immediately greeted their arrival in front of the hospital lobby. The rest of the way, Serena didn't cry. The girl just fell silent as if she was struggling with her thoughts. The GM who was still loyal to her did not intend to take any initiative. After all, Serena has turned into a thorny human who will not be easily injured.

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