

Greg gave everyone twenty four hours to find Purity but seemed like she disappeared in thin light, no trace left. The surveillance cameras in the bar only showed her get in and the rest was deleted but the question was who did it and why?

       "Sir nothing about her was found, I think the attackers did something on the cameras to avoid being seen," One of his men reported and he dismissed him.

He took his car keys and left for the family house, he would have called but there is a lot to be discussed about this. Maybe their enemy has her but how come nobody has called to make a demand?

He wasn't in the mood for all the greetings to this morning, so he ignored all of them and headed for his father's room, meeting him reading a file.

       "Dad the doctor said you need rest to get strong faster," he told him sitting in the couch in the room.

       "Rest, I'm not working, I'm only going through a file. Any news about her?"

      "More reason why I came, it seems like the surveillance cameras stooped working twenty minutes before the attack and started working forty minutes later," Greg informed him.


      "Could it be one of our enemies has her?"

      "She has never been in the limelight of the family. So many people don't know her let alone as part of this family, I don't think so. If it was Gina or Sandy, I would have thought in that direction but her, no way," the old man responded. 

       "Let's assume one of them has her, why haven't they called to threaten or demand anything?" He added. 

It has been four days since she disappeared, and nobody has called, that made the situation more complicated. If this matter gets out, considering how she disappeared, alot would be put at stake. 

        "On my way here I have been thinking, this all seems like a plan and there is only one person who will tell us where she is," 

       "You think Sandy knows?"

      "Dad, I don't think, I know that. They have been enemies since childhood, it's normal if Sandy has a hand in all this. We all know what she is capable of doing,"

      "Call Wilson to come with his family for dinner, your family should come to," he instructed.

      "Ted won't make it, he went to deal with the project in the province but the rest will come,"

      "He is really committed with business," 

      "Of course dad, being the first grandson, he took it from you," Greg bragged.

      "I'll take my leave dad," he walks out.

Purity was in the kitchen trying to fix lunch as she waited for Denzel to come back. He got a call from the office that something came up that he needed to deal with alone. 

She heard a knock on the door but didn't act immediately. She has only seen two more people in the house apart from them and they don't knock seems like Daniel has the keys and she didn't expect to see Vanessa as she was okay and back on her feet again.

When she heard the knock the third time she headed to the living room to see who it was.

Looking through the door hole she saw Vanessa and though unwillingly she opened the door for her.

       "Good afternoon," she greeted calmly but Vanessa walked past her and sat on the couch.

       "Is Denzel in?" Vanessa asked scanning her with her eyes from head to toe.

       "He went out but will be back in no time, you can wait for him," Purity suggested heading back to the kitchen, she was done cooking but needed to tidy up the place.

      "I came to see him but it's also good he isn't here. Let's talk woman to woman, who are you? What are you doing here?" 

Who she was? How does that concern her in the first place? Purity looked behind her just to make sure Vanessa was talking to her. 

        "I'm Purity," she introduced herself.

        "What do you want from Denzel?"

       "Nothing, he is my friend and he helped me out is there a problem?" Purity asked back.

      "Cut the crap, Denzel doesn't have friends, he doesn't associate with females so answer my question and stop tempting me,"

      "He doesn't associate with females and yet you are a female,"

     "I'm his doctor and the only female in his life," 

      "Then you are in the right position to ask him a this questions because I don't understand what you want to know," 

      "Stop messing with my head and if you know what is good for you, leave this house after all you are well now, aren't you?" It was more of a statement than a question and the look in her eyes could kill and burry someone.

       "I don't understand you, do we know each other from somewhere or do you just hate me for no reason?"

     "Hate, hate is an understatement, I don't want to see you here,"

     "As who?" 

     "Denzel's fiancee," Purity opened her mouth to speak as the door opened and Denzel walked in with some shopping bags.

      "Yours," he said and handed the bags to Purity.

      "Thank you, I was doing something inside, I will leave you guys to talk," she walked out as Vanessa remained behind clenching her fists in anger.

The shopping bags were from the best and most expensive boutique in town, seems like he spent a lot on her to get whatever it was he got for her. Yet she (Vanessa) has been with him for years and never for once has he gotten him anything even for appreciation.

       "What are you doing here Vanessa?" Denzel asked in a cold voice. She didn't remember him using the same tone on Purity few minutes ago. 

       "I came to see if she has recovered or if their is a complication," she answered.

       "If there was a problem don't you think I would have called you?"

      "Sir don't take it wrongly, I didn't mean it that way,"

       "Is there something you are supposed to tell me?" Denzel asked remembering what Dan told him about her.


       "Vanessa you were at my house yesterday in the morning, you had something you wanted to tell me?" 

      "Who is that girl to you?"

      "How is that any of your business?"

     "I'm sorry sir, I'll be on my way now," she bowed and rushed out.

She really wanted to tell him how much she loved him but she was scared, scared that he may fire her and she will nolonger be close to him to see his handsome face. 

Purity dropped the bags on the bed then  went back to the kitchen to tidy up the place. After he was done with Vanessa he went to the kitchen to join Purity.

        "You didn't get bored?"

       "No, I'm fine, I'm used to staying in the house alone," she shrugged.

      "You guys reached an agreement? You didn't tell me you had a fiancee," she added.


       "She told me you are her fiancee," 

      "Really? Vanessa my fiancee? Don't mind what she said," 

      "Lunch is ready, I will set the table immediately," she changed the topic. 

       "What did she tell you?"

       "Nothing important some girl talk never mind,"

She picked the dishes and headed to the dining table. 

        "Come or have you eaten where you were?" She asked seeing him still at the same spot.

Denzel didn't buy anything Vanessa said and adding to what Dan had said he knew what she could do and he couldn't imagine Purity in harm's way.

       "We will move to my pent house tomorrow, you will be safer there," he spoke pulling a seat for himself.

       "It's fine, I have been thinking since I'm fine, I should stop burdening you and go home instead," she informed him and it immediately clicked. 

He didn't need someone to tell him that this was Vanessa's doing.

      "Why do you want to leave?" He asked maintaining eye contact with her to make sure he notices her reaction and expression not knowing he was making her uncomfortable.

How on earth was she going to tell him that Vanessa asked her to leave? She wasn't going to allow herself look like a coward but better the devil you know than the angel you don't.

She is used to Sandy, she knows how to deal with her but Vanessa seemed more dangerous, her eyes communicated more than her mouth uttered. She wasn't going to risk her life, she did enjoy Denzel's company but as always good things never stay with her.

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